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1、PEP7UNIT6howdoyoufeel Alet stalk ByMissHe 绿色圃中小学教育网 绿色圃中小学教育网 绿色圃中小学教育网 绿色圃中小学教育网 1 Howdoeshefeel 2 Whaydoeshefeelthat Heishappy Heisplayingchasinggame 追赶游戏 绿色圃中小学教育网 绿色圃中小学教育网 1 Howdoeshefeel 2 Whydoeshefeelthat Heissad Becausehisearhurts 疼痛的 1 Howdoestheyfeel 2 Whydotheyfeelthat Theyareangry 生气的 B

2、ecauseguangtouqianghurtsthetrees 1 Howdotheyfeel 2 Whydotheyfeelthat Theyareafraid 害怕 Becausetheblackcatchasesthem Itisabout and Look Tomisafraidofthe And isafraid 害怕 ofthe Look thecatischasing 追赶 the 1 Howdoesthecatfeel 2 Whydoeshefeelthat Sam What sthiscartoonabout Sarah It saboutacat Thecatisapol

3、iceofficer Sam Cool Sarah Hechasesthemice They reafraidofhim Sam Why Sarah Becausethemicearebad Theyhurtpeople Thecatisangrywiththem Sam Maybeourcatischasingamousenow It scoldoutside SamistalkingwithSarah Listenandcircle 1 Wherearethey A AthomeB Atschool 2 Whatwilltheydo A EatsomefruitB Watchfilms 根据课文将下面补全完整 It scoldoutside SamandSaraharetalkingabouttheblackcat Theblackcatis withthe Becausethe arebad They people Theblackcat them The areafraidofthe Howdothesepicturesmakeyoufeel Itmakesmefeel Homework 1 readafterthetapethreetimes 2 pleasetrytorecitethetext



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