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1、Unit2Workingtheland 漫画欣赏 画面描述 寓意理解 你能否对此加以扩展 写一篇120词左右的小短文 Aboyisabsorbedinfishing Threeotherboysareleaving empty handed thoughthere remanyfishinthewater Successcallsforpatience Ifwesticktowhatwearedoing we llachieveourgoalintime 短文填空根据课文APIONEERFORALLPEOPLE完成下列短文 DrYuanLongpingwasapioneerofagricult

2、ureinChina He graduate fromSouthwestAgriculturalCollegein1953 Sincethenhedevotedhislife findingwaystogrowmorerice Thericefarmersarenowproducingharvesttwice largeasbefore usinghiskindofrice hewasnotsatisfiedwithhiswork Althoughnowheleadsarichlife graduated to as by But he insistsonhisworktodevelophis

3、rice Ithinkhisworkisreallyimportanttotheworld Becauseofhishardwork theproductionoffood improve Andtheproblemof hungry canbesolved toYuanLongping sgreatwork millionsofpeoplecanbenefit hisextraordinarywork 3 still hasbeenimproved hunger Thanks from 单词拼写1 Inthreeyearshewill 毕业 fromBeijingUniversity 2 T

4、hesittingroomis 两倍 asbigasthebedroom 3 Sheis 满意 withherson sprogress 4 Hedoesn t 在乎 aboutanythingwemaysay 5 WhenIsaidsomepeoplewerestupid Iwasn t 指的是 toyou graduate twice satisfied care referring 6 It salwaysdifficultbeinginaforeigncountry e ifyoudon tspeakthelanguage 7 ThenewsthatLiuXiangwonthe110m

5、etreshurdlescthroughoutthecountry 8 Wallshavee 9 Scientistsarestillsforacuretothecommoncold 10 Priceshaverisensteadilyduringthepastd specially irculated ars earching ecade 短语填空1 Allthepressure andhewasoffworkforweekswithstress 2 Thereisnodoubtthatstresscan physicalillness 3 Furthermeasureswillbetake

6、nto ourstreets crime 4 Manyexpertsthinkthatschoolsshouldnotsimply examresults builtup leadto rid focuson of 5 Sheusually thetable dustbyputtingacoveroverit 6 She herfatherallthroughhislongillness 7 Scientistsarestillacureforthisterribledisease 8 Ifailthancheatintheexamination 9 Nowadaysincreasingnum

7、bersofpeople environmentalissues 10 Itwasallagreatsuccess alotofhardwork keeps freefrom cared for searchingfor wouldrather careabout thanksto 完成句子1 Indeed hebelievesthatapersonwithtoomuchmoneyhasmore 而不是更少 troubles rather 2 Usinghishybridricefarmersareproducingharvests 是以前的两倍 twice 3 Itseemsastrange

8、namesinceallcropsareorganic 不管怎么生产的 how ratherthanfewer twiceaslargeasbefore nomatterhowtheyareproduced 核心词汇梳理 1 ridvt 免除 清除 使摆脱搭配rid of 使 摆脱掉或清除掉 get beridof 摆脱 丢掉完成句子 1 该是我们把这些旧玩具全部扔掉的时候了 It stimewe alltheseoldtoys 2 他走了 我很高兴不再受他纠缠 He sgone andI mgladto 3 她正在努力戒除毒瘾 Sheistryingto adependenceondrugs

9、 gotridof beridofhim ridherselfof 联想remindsb ofsth 提醒某人某事informsb ofsth 通知某人某事robsb ofsth 抢劫 accusesb of 指控 curesb of 治愈 2 strugglen 斗争 努力 奋斗vi 努力 奋斗 搏斗 挣扎 艰难地行进 1 我争取自由 I getfree 2 我们为截住罪犯进行了一场搏斗 Wetostopthecriminal 3 为独立而进行的斗争是长期而艰苦的 Thestruggle independencewaslongandhard struggledto hadastruggle

10、for 搭配struggleagainst with与 作斗争 向 搏斗strugglealong挣扎着生活下去strugglefor为 而斗争struggleon拼命活下去 竭力支持下去 继续努力 3 equipv 装备 配备 训练 准备行装搭配beequippedfor准备好 对 有准备beequippedwith装 配备 安装equipfor为 装备 为 作装备equipsb sth with用 装备某人 物 equiponeself整装 预备行装 装备自己 提示 1 equip的名词形式为equipment 注意 不双写p 意思 设备 装备 为不可数名词 2 equip的宾语多是人或地

11、方 1 接受一定的教育能使你具备就业的能力 Propereducationwill one ajob 2 我们使孩子们受到良好的教育 We equip for equipourchildrenwithagoodeducation 4 exportvt 输出 出口n 出口Theislandsexportsugarandfruit 这些岛屿出口糖和水果 WoolisoneofthechiefexportsofAustralia 羊毛是澳大利亚的主要出口物资之一 拓展 反 import进口完成句子 1 Thecountry 进口大量的原料 2 黄金出口 isforbidden importedlot

12、sofmaterials Theexportofgold 5 regretv 为 感到遗憾 后悔句型regretdoing havingdone 后悔做了某事regrettosay tellyou informyouthat 很遗憾地说 告诉你 通知你 Weregrettoinformyouthatthetrainwillbelate 我们遗憾地通知诸位火车将会晚点 n 遗憾 悔恨 抱歉 歉意识记toone sregret令某人感到可惜的是 令某人觉得遗憾的是 1 非常遗憾 我们不能参加你们的婚礼 wewillbeunabletoattendyourwedding 2 她为自己发了脾气而深感后

13、悔 Shedeeplyregretted 3 他很快就开始后悔从家里出走 Hesoonbegantoregretfromhome Muchtoourregret losinghertemper havingrunaway 6 reducevt 减少 缩减 简化搭配reduce by 减少了多少 降低了多少reduceto 减少到vt 使成为 使 变为句型reducesb to doing sth 使某人沦为 使不得不做 bereducedto doing sth 被迫做某事 完成句子 1 劳动力已经减少了一半 Theworkforcehasbeenreduced half 2 过去一年 各项费

14、用已经减少了20 Costshavebeenreduced 20 overthepastyear 3 最后夏洛特被迫沦落到沿街乞讨 EventuallyCharlottewasreduced onthestreets by by tobegging 7 commentn 评论 议论vi vt 表达意见 作出评论完成句子 注意与介词的搭配 1 Thekingrefusedto 评论 theelectionresults 2 You dbetterhave 听取 的意见 yourteachersandclassmates 3 Hemade 没有发表意见 ourplan Hedidn tcommen

15、tonourplan commenton commentsfrom nocommenton 搭配askforcomment征求意见makecommentson uponsth 评论某事offercomments提意见Nocomment 无可奉告 withoutcomment不必多说 8 producev 生产 制造派生 1 n 生产 制造 2 n 生产商 3 n 产品用produce的适当形式填空 4 Themedicine aviolentreaction The explainsthatthiswillonlylastoneortwodays Theywillnotstopusingthi

16、s becauseitisreallyaneffectivecureforlungcancerbuttheywilltrymanywaystoreducetheside effectduring production production product produces producer product production 9 confusev 使迷惑 使为难派生 1 n 迷惑 2 adj 令人迷惑的 3 adj 感到迷惑的用confuse的适当形式填空 4 Wewerealltotally atherunexpectedarrival Shesaidsorryforthrowingusintototal confusion confusing confused coufused confusion 重点短语例释 1 thanksto幸亏完成句子 1 多亏杰曼不知疲倦的努力 音乐会获得了巨大成功 Germaine stirelessefforts theconcertwasahugesuccess 2 由于今年秋天很暖和 我们的燃料费一直很低 thewarmAutumn ourfu



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