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1、 thePassiveVoice 被动语态 文综之家 被打的豆豆 被动语态 遥远的小岛上 住着一个倒霉蛋 它叫豆豆 那里的人只有三件事要忙 吃饭 睡觉 打豆豆 你看 它总是被打 还不知道是谁打的 Doudouisalwaysbeatenbysomeone 昨天晚上 夜黑风高 它又被打了 Doudouwasbeatenyesterdayevening 明天 豆豆还会面临n顿暴打 可怜的豆豆啊 Tomorrow Doudouwillbebeatenseveraltimes 可怜的豆豆 已经被这样打了很多年 命运一直没有改变 PoorDoudouhasbeenbeatenformanyyears 我

2、们亲爱的豆豆现在在干嘛 不用问 一定是正在被打 Ourdeardoudouisbeingbeatennow 随时可能被打的豆豆啊 谁来救救它啊 PoorDoudoumaybebeatenanytime 1 Weplantedthetree 2 Thetreewasplantedbyus 在英语中 动词有两种语态 语态和 语态 一 定义 1 主动语态 主语是动作的 主语和谓语之间是 关系 2 被动语态表示主语是动作的 主语和谓语之间是 关系 主动 被动 执行者 承受者 主动 被动 be 二 被动语态的结构 过去分词 be有 和 的的变化 数 人称 时态 Theycleanedtheclassro

3、omyesterday 昨天他们打扫了教室 Theclassroomwascleanedbythemyesterday 昨天教室被他们打扫了 1 规则动词的过去分词 1 watch watched 2 practice practiced 3 study studied 4 stop stopped 动词过去分词的变化 直 去 双 改 2 不规则动词的过去分词 am is arewaswere been have has had do done write written go gone 动词过去分词的变化 be 过去分词 有各种 的变化 时态 Ourclassroom clean every

4、day 过去分词 被动语态有各种时态的变化 1 一般现在时的被动语态的构成 is am are iscleaned 1 NowEnglish bymoreandmorepeopleallovertheword A speaksB isspokenC wasspoken 一般现在时的被动语态 am is are 过去分词 Ourclassroom clean yesterday 过去分词 2 一般过去时的被动语态的构成 was were wascleaned 2 Thelostboy atthestreetcornerlastnight A wasfoundB isfoundC waslooke

5、dfor 一般过去时的被动语态 was were 过去分词 3 一般将来时的被动语态的构成 过去分词 过去分词 Anewschool build nextyear Anewschool build nextyear will be is am aregoing be willbebuilt isgoingtobebuilt 3 Moreman madesatellites inthefuture A willsendupB willbesentupC aresentup 一般将来时的被动语态 will be 过去分词begoingto be 过去分词 4 含有情态动词的被动语态的构成 过去分词

6、 Thatoldwoman send tohospitalatonce 情态动词 be mustbesent 4 Flowers everyday A hasbeenwateredB shouldbewateredC shouldwater 含有情态动词的被动语态 情态动词 be 过去分词 各种时态的被动语态 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时 含情态动词 过去分词 过去分词 过去分词 过去分词 过去分词 is am are was were is am aregoingtobe willbe 情态动词 be 表格 被动态基本结构 am is are was were shall will b

7、egoingtobe 情态动词 done done done be done by Welikehim He isliked 主格 把主动语态的 变为被动语态的 如果是宾格要变成 us 把主动语态的谓语动词变为 形式 并根据主语判断be的单复数和时态 动词的过去分词 be 把主动语态的主语改成by短语 by短语可以省略 by 名词或代词的 格形式 宾 主语 宾语 三 主动语态变被动语态的方法 1 找主语 2 改谓语 3 改by短语 bymanystudents 1 ManystudentsstudyEnglish English isstudied 2 Theymakeshoesinthatf

8、actory Shoes aremade bythem inthatfactory 练习一 把下列主动语态变被动语态 我吃苹果 苹果被我吃了 I apples Apples byme 练习二 eat areeaten 他杀鸡 He chicken 鸡被他杀了 Chicken byhim iskilled kills 怪兽抓了公主 Beast theprincess 公主被怪兽抓走了 Theprincess bybeast catches iscaught 人们读名著 People greatbooks 名著被人们读 Greatbooks bypeople read areread 他们种花 T

9、hey flowers 花被他们种 Flowers bythem areplanted plant 他打篮球 He basketball 篮球被他打 Basketball byhim isplayed plays He themotorbiketohisfactoryeveryday Themotorbike tohisfactoryeveryday 他每天骑摩托车去他的工厂 摩托车每天被骑去他的工厂 isridden rides We thesnowmanMr Strong Thesnowman Mr Strong 我们称这个雪人强壮先生 这个雪人被称为强壮先生 iscalled call

10、He somefruitsyesterday Somefruits yesterday 昨天他买了一些水果 昨天一些水果被买 werebought bought They aneveningpartytomorrow Aneveningparty tomorrow 明天他们准备举行一次晚会 一次晚会准备在明天被举行 isgoingtobehad aregoingtohave She herhomeworkinhalfanhour Herhomework inhalfanhour 半小时之后 她会完成作业 她的作业将在半小时之后被做完 willbefinished willfinish He t

11、hebasketeasily Thebasket easily byhim 他可以很容易地拿起篮子 这个篮子可以很容易地被拿起 maybe maycarry carried They somebeautifulsongs Somebeautifulsongs bythem 他们会唱一些优美的歌曲 一些优美的歌曲能被他们唱 cansing canbesung ArecorderisusedinourEnglishclasseveryday arecorder inourEnglishclass use isused use for Acameraisusedfortakingphotos aca

12、mera takephotos isused for play football Footballisplayedallovertheworld isplayed allovertheworld rob Abankwasrobbedyesterday abank yesterday wasrobbed sendup lastyear Aman madesatellitewassentupintospacelastyear aman madesatellite wassentup mustplant ontheground Thetreemustbeplantedontheground thet

13、ree mustbeplanted coverwith inafewyears time Thegroundwillbecoveredwithtreesinafewyears time theground willbecoveredwith sendto thehospital Theywillbesenttothehospitalrightnow they willbesentto rightnow atalk Atalkwillbegivensoon give soon willbegiven eatup thefood Thefoodhasbeeneatenupalready alrea

14、dy hasbeeneatenup 1 Hegavemeabook 以I做主语 以物book作主语 2 HeteachesusEnglish 以人当主语 以物作主语 I to wasgiven Abook byhim abook wasgiven me byhim English aretaught We byhim English istaught to byhim us 4 带双宾语的句子的被动语态 3 Hemademeacard 以I做主语 以物card作主语 4 Hisfatherboughthimabike 以人当主语 以物作主语 I for wasmade Acard byhim

15、acard wasmade me byhim abike wasbought He byhisfather Abike wasbought for byhisfather him 4 带双宾语的句子的被动语态常见的后接双宾语的动词有 to give to teach to 改为 for make for buy for改为 带双宾语的句子变被动语态有两种变法 用 人 当主语时 照抄下来 用 物 当主语时 在保留的间接宾语 人 前必须加 或 加 或 由前面的动词决定 直接宾语 to for to for begivento betaughtto bemadefor beboughtfor 1 I

16、hearhimplaytheguitar He playtheguitar to isheard wereheard sing intheclassroom to 2 Weheardthemsingintheclassroom They 5 含宾语补足语的被动语态 3 IsawhimplaybasketballlastSunday 4 Isawhimgointotheofficebuilding He playbasketball to isseen lastSunday gointotheofficebuilding wasseen He to 5 Thebossmadehimworkallday 6 Hismothermadehimfinishhishomework by wasmade He theboss work allday to by wasmade He finishhishomework hismother to 7 Thelittleboy bythebigsoundthismorning AwasmadetocryBwasmadecryCmadetocryDmad


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