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1、-No.: GF-2000-0171Commercial Housing Sales Contract(Translation)Name: XXSex: MaleNationality: HanDate of Birth: XXAddress: Room XX, Unit XX, Yuxin Residential Building, XX Road, XX District, XX City, XX ProvinceCitizen ID card No.: XXSupervised and made by Ministry of Construction of Peoples Republi

2、c of China & State Administration of Industry and CommerceInstructions of Commercial Housing Sales Contract1. This is a sample document, which can also be used for final signing. The purchaser shall carefully read the contents before concluding the contract. In case of disagreements on clauses or te

3、rminologies therein, consultation may be made to local competent authority of real estate development2. The commercial house in the contract refers to the house built and sold by the real estate developer company.3. Party involved should sign the contract based on the principle of free will. Both pa

4、rties can carry out amendment, supplement and deletion to clauses in the contract. The printed words without alteration are treated as agreed by both parties.4. For the selected options, handwriting is preferential.5. For options, Blank filling and other contents needed to be deleted or added in the

5、 contract, both parties should decide upon negotiation. Please Use to make a choice; With regard to the practical conditions not happened or unlimited by the two parties, use to denote deletion.6. Before signing, the seller is obligated to present license of presale of commercial housing and other r

6、elated certificates and documentary evidence to the purchaser.7. The Ministry of Construction of the Peoples Republic of China and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce shall be liable to explain the articles of the contractCommercial Housing Sales Contract(Contract No.: 2014 Yu 38012)C

7、ontracting Parties:The Seller: XX.Registered Address: Floor XX, No. XX, XX Road, XX District, XXCityBusiness License Registered No.: XXEnterprise Qualification Certificate No.: XX No. XX9Legal Representative: XXTelephone No.: XXPostcode: XXAuthorized Agent: Address:Postcode:Telephone No.:Authorized

8、Agency:Registered Address:Business License Registered No.:Legal Representative:Telephone No.:Postcode:The Purchaser: XX【Self】Name: XX Nationality: China Place of domicile: XX District, XX District, XX Province【ID Card】XX Address: Room XX, Unit XX, xx, XX RoadPostcode:Telephone No.: XX【Authorized Age

9、nt】Name:Nationality:Address:Postcode: Telephone No.:According to Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, Urban Real Estate Management Law of the Peoples Republic of China, and other related rules and regulations, Both the seller and the purchaser come to the following agreement on the commerc

10、ial housing sales based on the principle of equality, free will, and negotiation:Article One Project Construction BasisThe seller acquired the land usage right of the land (No.: XX) located at east of XX Road North and south of XX planned road in XX District, XX City by means of transferring. 【Contr

11、act No. for Transferring of Land Usage Right】: GR A (LB【2012】 No. 2).The area of the land is 82.737 mu. Planned zoning for the land is commercial, residential, hotel and office. The land right of usage term starts from April 27th, 2012 to April 26th, 2082.Upon approval, the seller constructs commerc

12、ial houses on the aforementioned land. Named 【qualified name】 XX .The Construction Project Planning Permit ID is XX the Construction Permit Number is XX.Article Two Basis for Sales of the Commercial HouseThe commercial house bought by the purchaser is a【commercial house for advance purchase】. The ap

13、proval authority for the commercial house for advance purchase is Lanzhou Bureau for Housing Security and Real Estate Management. Commercial House Advance Sale Permit ID isXX.Article Three Basic Conditions of the Commercial House Bought by the PurchaserThe commercial house bought by the purchaser (h

14、ereinafter abbreviated as the commercial house. Floor plan is available in appendix 1 and housing No. shall be subject to appendix 1) is located in the project as stated in the first article of the contract, details as below:【Room】2101【Unit】4【Building】24The commercial house is for residential use wi

15、th steel-concrete structure. The apartment building (where commercial house is situated) has 45 floors above the ground and 2 floors underground.The balcony of the commercial house is 【close】.The commercial houses construction area as【stipulated in the contract】is 272.32 square meters, among which t

16、he indoor construction area is 214.79 square meters, allocated common area from the building is 57.53 square meters. (Please refer to Appendix 2 for information about the constitution and allocation of construction areas for both common area and indoor construction area).Article Four Pricing and PaymentThe


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