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1、-国际经贸英文合同一 词组(汉译英)10 分 专业术语(在书本中的写作要求及参考资料,特表示括号内的)二 单选 (课后单选题) 25 分三 汉译英 ,英译汉 (A B) 65 分这是范围,不是试卷答案。具体的 要根据试卷题目来答题。the ownership of the goods shall belong to the sellers if the buyers fail to pay the price or perform other obligations .如果买方未能履行支付价款或者其他义务,货物的所有权应属于卖方。Quality / quality discrepancy :

2、in case of quality discrepancy ,claim shall be raised by the buyers within 30 days after arrival of the goods at port of destination . while for quantity discrepancy , claim shall be raised by the buyers within 15 days after arrival of the goods at port of destination . it is understood that the sel

3、lers shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to causes for which the insurance company ,shipping company , other transportation organization or post office is liable .质量/质量异议:一旦发生质量异议,索赔应在货物到达目的港后30天内由买方提出。凡属数量异议须在货物到达目的港后15天内由买方提出索赔。据了解,卖方概不负在装运货物时引起的属于保险公司、轮船公司、其他有关运输机构或邮递

4、机构所应承担的责任。the sellers shall not be held liable for failure or delay in delivery of the entire lot or a portion of the goods under this confirmation in consequence of any force majeure incidents卖方不得以本确认书项下任何不可抗力事件为由不交货或延迟交货the buyers are requested to countersign and return one copy of this sales conf

5、irmation immediately after receipt of the same . objection ,if any , shall be raised by the buyers within 5 days after receipt of this confirmation , in the absence of which it is understood that the buyers have accepted the terms and conditions of the sales confirmation买家收到售货确认书后,请会签后立即寄回一份本售货确认书副本

6、。如有任何不妥,买方应在收到本售货确认书后5天内提出,如果没有提出,即认为买方已同意售货确认书的条款和条件。immediately after loading the goods on board the ship , the sellers shall advise the buyers by fax of the contract number ,name of commodity , net weight loaded ,invoice value ,name of vessel ,port of departure and sailing date .装船后,卖方应立即将合同号,商品名

7、称,净重,发票金额,船名,出发港及开航日期传真给买方。should the buyers be unable to cover insurance in due time owing to the sellers failure to advise the buyers of the foregoing details by fax ,the losses thus sustained shall be borne by the sellers .由于卖方未能通过传真通知买方上述细节而使买方不能及时投保,因此遭受的损失应由卖方承担。the sellers shall not be held r

8、esponsible for late delivery or non-delivery of the goods owing to the generally recognized force majeure causes . however ,in such cases ,the sellers shall fax the buyers immediately and deliver in 14 days to the buyers a certificate of the occurrence issued by the government authorities or the cha

9、mber of commerce at the place where the accident occurs as evidence thereof .卖方将不承担由于公认的“不可抗力“造成的延迟交货或未交货的责任。然而,在这种情况下,卖方应立即传真买方并在14日内提交一份由事故发生地的政府机关或商会开出的证书。all disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled amicably by negotiation. in case no settlement can be

10、reached, the case under dispute may then be submitted for arbitration . the arbitration shall be conducted in the country of the defendant . if in china ,the china international economic and trade arbitration commission , beijing ,shall execute the arbitration in accordance with the rules of arbitra

11、tion of the said commission .the decision of the arbitration shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties . the fees for arbitration shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded .与本合同或履行中有关的一切争议应通过友好协商加以解决。如果未能够达成和解,争议案件可提交仲裁。仲裁应在被告人的国家执行。如果是在中国,应由中国北京的中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会按照该委员会的

12、仲裁规则执行。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力,除非另有判决,仲裁费用应由败诉方承担,。this agreement is made and entered into by and between the china national light industrial products import & export corporation guangdong branch (hereinafter called supplier ) and ABC company (hereinafter distributor ) whereby supplier agrees to grant to

13、distributor the exclusive right to sell the products in the territory on the terms and conditions stipulated as follow :本协议由中国国家轻工产品进出口总公司广东分公司(以下简称供应商)和ABC公司(以下简称代理商)签订,即供应商同意授予分销商该产品独家经销权,关于领土的条款及条件规定如下:article 1 appointment 第1条 委任during the effective period of this agreement ,supplier hereby gran

14、ts to distributor the exclusive right to sell products in territory and distributor accepts and assumes such appointment for the sale and distribution of products in territory .在本协议有效期内供应商兹授予经销商在该地区该产品的独家经销权并且经销商接受在该国的上述销售和分销该产品的委任。Article 2 privity 相互关系the relationship hereby established between su

15、pplier and distributor ,during the effective period of this agreement ,shall be solely that of seller and buyer ,and distributor shall under no circumstances be considered to be the agent or legal representative of supplier for any purpose whatsoever and shall have no right or authority to create or

16、 assume any obligation or responsibility of any kind ,expressed or implied ,in the name of or behalf of supplier .建立在本协议有效期内的供应商和分销商之间关系,应仅是卖方和买方,并且不论何种情况下,经销商都被认为是供应商为任何目的的代理人或法定代表人,并且没有资格和权利创造或承担任何种类的,明确的或暗示的有关供应商的名称或代表的任何义务和责任。Article 3 productsthe products under this agreement shall expressly be confined to television sets sold and exported by supplier with


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