【步步高 学案导学设计】2020学年高中英语 Unit 1 Period Three Using Language课时作业 新人教版必修3

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1、Period ThreeUsing Language.语境填词1She is a woman who _(原谅) easily.2She is _(擦) the table.3The city was _(淹没) by the flood.4You could have helped the old man.Why should you just stand there like a _(傻瓜)?5Its _(显然) that if everyone can save a drop of water,we can save a lot of people.6The seventh grandd

2、aughter of the Goddess of Heaven was named Zhin,the w_ girl.7Please _r_ me of the time of setting off.8She w_ for the loss of her mother.9It was with great s_ that we learned of his death.10He a_ to her for being late.选词填空1We invited her to dinner but she didnt _.2I must _ you for not being able to

3、meet you.3I cant _ for not seeing my mother before she died.4The whole country _ to see who would win the election.5I believe in him because he always _.6The young man _ with the girl at first sight,and soon they got married.7They _ secretly,and they were very happy.8I shouldnt have _ the receipt.同义

4、词辨析1用remind,remember的适当形式填空(1)The photo often _ me of my childhood.(2)Luckily you _ me,or I wouldnt have _ it.2用forgive,excuse,pardon的适当形式填空(1)_ me for my late arrival.(2)Can you _ me for losing your bike?(3)_ me for my interruption.(4)You will _ my mistake,wont you?.单项填空1Our school is widely _ its

5、excellent teaching.Aadmired for Badmired ofCappreciated for Dhonoured in2He is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does _ his boss.Aserves BsatisfiesCpromises Dsupports3_ our food running out,we had to walk to a village for help.ASince BBecauseCWith DFor4Our new teachers English

6、 is difficult for me to _.Why dont you ask your brother _ help?Aunderstand;with Bfollow;forCspeak;for Dpick up;by5Mr. Baker _ in his old clothes,while his wife _ a very beautiful skirt.Adressed;was wearingBwas dressed;was having onCwas dressed;was wearingDwas wearing;was dressed6He dropped the _ and

7、 broke it.Acup of coffee Bcoffees cupCcup for coffee Dcoffee cup7Thank you for joining in our conversation tonight._.AIts my duty BIts all rightCIts my pleasure DIts nice to say so8He certainly looked like the part all right,he thought,as he _ himself in the mirror.Alooked BshowedCadmired Denjoyed9W

8、e were expecting her at 830,but she didnt _.Aturn on Bturn offCturn down Dturn up10He is not a man who _.Dont believe in him.Akeeps his words Bkeeps his wordCkeeps a word Dkeeps the word.阅读理解There are a number of special days of the year that are celebrated in different countries.The origins of most

9、 of the days are unknown.They were certainly not created by individual people.Other days,however,especially those celebrated in western countries often owe their origins to a particular person.One of the most popular of these,even though it is fairly recent,is Mothers Day.Mothers have always been hi

10、ghly regarded in all cultures.The ancient Romans had a festival known as Hilaria,during which children took presents to the temple of the “Mother of the Gods”The Christian Church adopted this idea and called it Mothering Sunday.However,over the years this custom was gradually forgotten,and almost di

11、sappeared by the end of the 19th century.Born in 1864 in Virginia,US,Anna Jarvis was a school teacher and believed children should show gratitude(感激) to their mothers for all their love and care.Encouraged by a friend,she wrote to thousands of important peoplepoliticians,churchmen,doctors,city offic

12、ials and asked them to support her idea:a special day of the year for thanking mothers.In 1910 the Governor of Western Virginia introduced Mothers Day in the state.The date chosen was May 10the second Sunday in May,which is still observed in America today.This date was chosen because May 10 was the

13、date on which in 1908 Anna Jarviss mother died.In 1914 President Woodrow Wilson made May 10 the official date for Mothers Day throughout the United States.Soon there was a Mothers Day International Association and the custom began to be adopted in many countries of the world.Anna Jarvis,a sad and di

14、sillusioned(幻想破灭的) woman died in 1948.The custom she had worked so hard to establish and which had become almost universal had lost its original purpose.It had been taken over by business.As with Christmas,the giving of presents and the sending of cards had become a multimillion dollar industry.1The passage mainly tells us_.Ahow Mothers Day came into beingBhow people celebrate Mother


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