Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains A(2a_2d)

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《Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains A(2a_2d)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains A(2a_2d)(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit6Anoldmantriedtomovethemountains A 2a 2d 1 Howdoesthestorybegin 3 Wherewouldtheyputalltheearthandstonefromthemountains 2 Whathappenednext Onceuponatime therewasaveryoldman Thereweretwomountainsnearhishouse Theyweresohighandbigthatittookalongtimetowalktotheotherside Theoldmantoldhisfamilythatthe

2、yshouldallhelphimtomovethemountains Theywouldputitintothesea YuGongandhisfamilywerediggingthemountains AmanwastalkingsomethingtoYuGong Twogods 神仙 weremovingthemountainsaway YuGongandhisfamilyweremovingsomeoftheearth 泥土 andstone 石头 2a Listenandnumberthepictures 1 4 inordertotellthestory 214 2b Listen

3、againandcirclethewordsyouhear 1 AmansawYuGongandhis children family whentheywereworkingonmovingthemountains 2 HetoldYuGonghecouldneverdoitbecausehewasoldand poor weak 3 Assoonasthemanfinished talking speaking YuGongsaidthathisfamilycouldcontinuetomovethemountainsafterhedied 4 Finally agodwassomovedb

4、yYuGongthathesent two three godstotakethemountainsaway 5 Thisstoryremindsusthatyoucannever know see what spossibleunlessyoutrytomakeithappen 2c ReadandTellthestory Maybeyoucanuse 1 Onceuponatime therewasanoldman 2 Hetoldhisfamily 3 Heandhisfamilybegantomove 4 Amantoldhim 5 ButYuGongsaid 6 TheGodwasso thathe 2d interesting silly kepttrying gaveup workhard insteadof findotherways sides ways Kindof Notclever 代替 MakeasurveyoftraditionalChinesestoriesandfillinthechart Thenchooseoneofthemtotelltheclassmatesnextclass


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