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1、第1页 共7页 河北省保定市七年级英语上U2 学生姓名性别年级学科英语 授课教师 上课时 间 第 次课 共 次课 课时 教学课题Unit2colors and clothes 教学目标 U2 的重要短语及句型 教学重点 与难点 人称代词 I You She It They 的运用 人称代词 第2页 共7页 经典练习 第3页 共7页 课堂练习 1 Is this a red marker Yes is A this B it C that 2 It s a dress 第4页 共7页 A What s that in English B Is this a dress C What s its

2、name 3 Do you like shorts A Yes I do B Me too C Yes It s my favorite 4 What is your favorite color A A green skirt B Blue C We are the same 5 My favourite color is pink A Me too B Do you like red C What colour is it 6 This is MP5 Yours is over there A my B me C I D mine 7 Mr Wang is very friendly an

3、d like him very much A we B us C our D ours 8 I have e dog name is Hobo A a Its B a It sC an Its D an It s 9 What s this A This is eraser B Eraser C Thanks D It s a pen 10 The girl red is my sister A on B in C at D of 11 Thanks Wang Hong A You re welcome B Nice to meet you C Sure D Thanks 12 Danny t

4、his is Wang Lin He is my friend A Sure B Nice to meet you C You are Wang Lin D You re welco me 13 May I borrow your book Li Ming A I have a book B I m Li Ming C Sure D Good bye 第5页 共7页 14 Good bye Danny A I m Danny B Thanks C Sure D See you later 15 What is telephone number telephone number is 88667

5、7 A your Your B his He C her Her D your I 二 句型转换 1 It s from my mom 改为一般疑问句 2 They are red 对划线部分提问 3 That is a cat 用 dog 改为选择疑问句 4 This shirt is LiQiang s 对划线部分提问 5 Are they new shirts 作否定回答 6 I like shorts 改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答 7 She likes the skirt 改为否定句 8 What colour do you like best 改为同义句 9 Here is a re

6、d rose 改为复数句子 10 I have ten pencils 对划线部分提问 三 连词成句 1 like you sweater this do 2 those shorts whose are 3 colour is Jack s what shirt 4 Ann s what colour favourite is 5 is this big too me for dress 6 dress whose this is 7 this is coat your 第6页 共7页 8 with write a pen 四 完形填空 I have 1 good Friend 2 name

7、 is Kin Her 3 is 8557326 4 has a pen It 5 red I have 6 pen too 7 pen 8 yellow 9 are in the same school but 10 different 不同的 classes 1 A a B an C the D 2 A He B His C Her D She 3 A name B color C telephone number D family name 4 A She B Her C He D His 5 A am B is C are D be 6 A a B an C the D 7 A I B My C Me D Her 8 A It s B is C this s D are 9 A our B He C We D She 10 A at B in C on D 五 书面表达 根据你的全家福介绍一下自己的家庭 包括家庭成员及每位成员喜爱的衣服 颜色等 第7页 共7页


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