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1、阅读强化训练(七)(建议用时:25分钟) 阅读理解Theres no such thing as showering too much, right? Wrong. Despite the practice that many people shower once or twice a day, were only meant to shower once or twice a week. As experts say, human daily showering is mainly for the love for beauty.Speaking to TIME, Dr. Elaine La

2、rson, an expert from Columbia University School of Nursing argues, “People think theyre showering to keep clean, but thats not the case. Bathing will remove smells if you have unpleasant smell on your body or you are back from the gym. But in terms of protecting you from illness, washing your hands

3、regularly is probably adequate.” Larsons research turns out, antibacterial soaps and cleaning products are not any better than a regular bar of soap when it comes to lowering your risk of getting diseases, so the fancy soaps you bought are probably a waste of money.The more you bathe, the thinner an

4、d less hydrated(含水的) your skin becomes. Dry skin opens up gaps for infection(感染) and causes bacteria to slip through. Washing can also clear away your skin of its natural oils and may destroy the bacteria that support the immune(免疫的) system on your skin, according to Dr. C. Brandon Mitchell, assista

5、nt professor of dermatology at the George Washington University. Both Mitchell and Larson recommend that you shouldnt use antibacterial soaps that are particularly bad for removing essential oils. Mitchell adds, “Your body is naturally a welloiled machine. A daily shower isnt necessary. The rest of

6、your body doesnt need much soaping.”So, in terms of your health, you should probably only shower once or twice a week, in terms of how you look and smell might be a different story. A recent study shows that smelling bad is the biggest relationship dealmaker.【解题导语】本文通过介绍研究人员的研究结果说明:从健康角度看,一个人一周只需要洗一

7、到两次澡就够了。1Whats the main reason why people bathe frequently according to experts?AFor a relaxed feeling.BFor a good appearance.CTo keep in good health.DTo attract others attention.B解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的As experts say, .for beauty.可知,人们每天洗澡主要是因为爱美。2What is Dr. Elaine Larsons attitude towards antibacterial

8、soap?ADoubtful.BSupportive.CNegative. DUncaring.C解析:观点态度题。根据第二段的Larsons research. waste of money.可知,Larson认为抑菌香皂并不比普通香皂好,说明他对抑菌香皂持消极态度。3What can we infer from the third paragraph?AWet skin is easier to be infected.BToo much bathing is harmful to our skin.CMany people have a wrong way of bathing.DWas

9、hing without soaps can cause diseases.B解析:推理判断题。根据第三段的第一句和第二句话可知,澡洗得越多,皮肤会越干燥,甚至会滋生细菌。可见频繁洗澡对皮肤是有害的。4The purpose of the passage is to _Aintroduce some ways of bathingBprove the disadvantages of bathingCgive us advice on how to choose a soapDtell us how often we should take a bathD解析:写作意图题。根据全文内容可知,文

10、章的主要目的是告诉我们应该多久洗一次澡。 语法填空Do you ever throw away food at home? Have you ever thought about 1._ happens to the food that shops and supermarkets dont sell? Well, you might be shocked 2._(find) out that approximately one third of food 3._(produce) for human consumption gets wasted. Whats more, around 80

11、0 million people in the world do not have enough food to lead 4._ healthy life.Many people in the UK are trying to do something about this imbalance and make use 5._ thrownout food that is edible(可以吃的). For example, there is a caf in Leeds whose meals are created using unsold food from supermarkets,

12、 6._(include) a lot of vegetables, fruit, fish and other items. This unwanted food is turned into delicious soups that feed the hungry people of Leeds. Customers 7._(simple) pay what they can afford, or help with the washing up.More cafs like this are being opened in other parts of the UK such as Br

13、istol and Manchester, and it is now becoming a worldwide phenomenon. This is a(n) 8._(amaze) project as food waste is one of the worlds biggest 9._(problem). Also, new laws should 10._(adopt), so that supermarkets dont throw away so much perfectly good food!1what解析:考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句且在从句中作主语,故填what。2to

14、 find解析:考查不定式作宾语的用法。be shocked to find out.意为“惊讶地发现”。3produced解析:考查过去分词作定语的用法。设空处作后置定语修饰food,因为produce与food之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且produce所表示的动作已完成,故填produced。4a解析:考查不定冠词。lead a healthy life意为“过健康的生活”。5of解析:考查介词。make use of意为“利用”。6including解析:考查介词。unsold food与a lot of vegetables, fruit, fish and other items之间是

15、包含关系,故填including。7simply解析:考查副词。设空处修饰谓语,意为“仅仅”,故填副词simply。8amazing解析:考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处作定语修饰project,故填形容词amazing(令人惊喜的)。9problems解析:考查名词复数。problem是可数名词,由one of可知,此处应用复数形式,故填problems。10be adopted解析:考查被动语态。laws与adopt之间是被动关系,因为设空处前有情态动词should,故填be adopted。 短文改错Last month we had the whole house painting. We moved the furnitures each night so the painting could be done easily. Beside, I often supplied tea and biscuits with the young man who painted our house. We werent going to paint the bathroom area as it


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