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1、愤怒的小鸟2The Angry Birds Movie 2中英剧本我父亲是清白无辜的 My father was an innocent man他被权势之人所害 destroyed by powerful people.格雷森一家是幕后黑手 他们会付出代价的 The Graysons are behind this, and theyre gonna pay.我付诸一生为他报仇雪恨 Ive dedicated my life to avenging his death.你最终会被发现的 Eventually, someones gonna find you out.他们都要为此付出代价 否则我

2、决不罢休 And I wont stop until theyve all paid the price.你在报纸上 还当着我的面 You questioned the type of man I am公开质疑我的人品 in print. and to my face.我打算再次待在南方酒店 Im gonna stay at the South Fork again.你想羞辱我 You tried to humiliate me.去告诉所有人 这里现在是我的画廊了 Go out there and tell everyone that this is my gallery now.因为我对你感

3、兴趣 Because you intrigue me.我被误诊了 Ive been misdiagnosed.我没有患上过亨廷顿氏症 I do not suffer from huntingtons disease.什么 What?玛尔戈 你俩. Margaux. Are you two.夏洛特介绍我们认识的 Charlotte set us up.杰克知道你的真实身份了 Does jack know who you really are?抱歉 Im sorry.有人弄坏了你的刹车 想致你于死地 Somebody tried to kill you by tampering with your

4、 brakes.是杰克波特想要杀你 Jack Porter wants you dead.进行复仇时 When on a mission of revenge必须学会控制 one must maintain total control.控制风险 情感 over risks, emotions以及仇敌 and ones enemies.唯一威胁成功的最大因素 The single greatest threat to success.就是失去对盟友的控制 is losing control of your allies.你在干什么呢 What do you think youre doing?有

5、人试图杀了康拉德 Someones trying to kill Conrad我得搞清楚是谁 and I need to figure out who it is.刹车油能污染金属 如果我能找到 Brake fluid stains metal. If I could just find它没在这里 艾米莉 你觉得我没找过吗 Its not here, Emily. Dont you think Ive looked?我不能放过这件事 艾登 I cant let this go, Aiden.这件事的幕后黑手可能毁掉一切 Whoevers behind this could jeopardize

6、 everything.也会毁掉你的婚礼 Or your wedding, you mean.如果不小心行事 婚礼就无法如期举行 There wont be one if youre not careful.丹尼尔和我吵架了 那又如何 我会处理的 Daniel and I had a fight. So what? Ill deal with it.我觉得你高估了对他的影响 I think you may be overestimating your influence on him.不需要你来告诉我该如何完成工作 Dont tell me how to do my job.那就别抢我的活儿

7、Then stop doing mine.让我查清是谁想杀了康拉德 Let me find out who tried to kill Conrad.好吧 Fine.但求你告诉我 But please tell me that康拉德还不知道有人弄坏了他的刹车 Conrad has no idea someone cut the brakes.我不能让他自己得出结论 I cant have him drawing his own conclusions.不 他不知道 No, he has no idea.那就好 Good.你去查吧 Ill leave you to it.好了 大个儿 Here

8、you go, big guy.干干净净的 Youre all clean.至少接下来三分钟内是的 Well, for the next three minutes anyways.杰克 你在吗 Jack, are you here?我记得这个 Oh, I remember those.夏洛特说我可以上来 Charlotte said it was okay to come up.当然啦 进来吧 Of course. Come on in.很高兴见到你 Its good to see you.这一定是小卡尔了 是啊 And this must be Le petit Carl, huh? Oh

9、, yeah.他显然很招女人喜欢了 我能抱抱吗 Hes apparently already the ladies man. Can I?当然可以 你好啊 Yeah, please. Hello. 你怎么样 忙死了 Have you been? Very busy.第一期想杂志明天就发行了 My first issue of Voulez comes out tomorrow.太棒了 你的团队一直在办公室 Oh, thats great. Your crews been in here.看来你让他们拼命工作 Sounds like youve been working them to the

10、bone.是啊 结果很好 Yeah, to great result.我们要在办公室庆祝 Were having a big celebration at the office.我想邀请你参加 I would love for you to be my guest.我不知道 Oh, I dont I dont know.不 你必须来 No, you must come.就连我爸爸也会赏光参加 Even my father is gracing us with his presence.那是件大事 对吧 Thats a big deal, right?他会是第一个告诉你的 And hed be

11、the first one to tell you.所以我想要我身边的人 Which is why I want someone next to me不介意 who doesnt care.听起来很有意思 但我. Look, it sounds like fun, but I.我一般不和你的商业伙伴打交道 I dont really get along with your business partner或者他的家人 or his family.你可以待在家里 躲开格雷森一家 Well, you can stay home and hide from the Graysons你也可以出门 和我

12、共度美妙的时光 or you can come out and have a marvelous time with me.这是你的选择 Its your choice.我去请个保姆 那就说定了 Ill get a sitter. Then its a date.再见 卡尔 再见法语 Byebye, Carl. A Bientot.我有众多敌人 Well, I have many enemies.没有足够的敌人 A man does not reach my position是坐不到我这个位置的 without amassing his fair share.但目前杰克波特是我的头号大敌 Bu

13、t currently Jack Porter is my primary concern amongst them.我相信 是他差点害死了我 I believe that he is responsible for the sabotage that nearly ended my life.他有什么目的 Whats he after?复仇 虽然是被人误导了 Revenge misguided as it may be.我会尽力而为的 Ill do what I can.但你把车炸掉时 也毁了我最好的线索 But when you demoed the car, you destroyed

14、my best lead.这不会容易 This wont be easy.有价值的东西都不容易 Well, nothing of value ever is.能否解释下为什么明明是我发现了事故的真相 Do you mind explaining why youve hired an investigator你却又雇佣了一个侦探来调查 when I was the one who discovered the truth about your Accident?因为那人是我信任的人推荐的 Cause that man is recommended by people I trust.而你并不是

15、And the same cannot be said of you考虑到我们独特复杂的过往 considering our uniquely complicated history.而且你好像很满足于当我的妻子的男仆 Besides you seem satisfied to serve as my wifes valet.如果我需要人拿着我的手提包 If I need someone to hold my handbag我会给你打电话的 Ill be sure to give you a call.你也许不信任我 You know, you may not trust me但你跟我合作是明智的 but you would be wise to work with me因为我能给你你想要的 我想要什么 because I can give you what you want. Oh, and what is that?你女儿 Your daughter.我不需要侦探 I dont need an investigator


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