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1、 REVISION Unit5 Unit6 一 根据句意 在每句空白处填入适合其语言环境且语法正确的词 1 Acatwas byacaryesterday 2 Onlyonecandothejob you 3 Teachershaveagreat uponstudents 4 Thistree fineappleseveryyear 5 Terrorists peace runover namely influence bears threaten 6 TheGreenswillleavetheirfarmforthecityofManchester thatistosay they llre

2、jecttheirpatrol 田园的 lifeandlivean lifetogetherwiththeirchildren 7 Afterhe thatIcouldbeginthework Istartedcleaningthemachine 8 Someactors suchasWangTiechengandGuYue aregoodat thelatepremierZhouEnlaiandthelatechairman 9 Whenpeoplegrowveryold theysometimesdo things whichmakesusnotknowwhethertolaughorcr

3、y 10 Isithardto whatlifewillbelikeafteryoujointhearmy urban indicated imitating absurd predict 短语回顾 1 代表2 由 组成3 为 所不知4 充分利用5 团结一致6 位于 之外7 全年 终年8 上层阶级 standfor bemadeupof consistof beunknownto makethemostof makefulluseof lieoff throughouttheyear theupperclasses holdtogether 9 以 结束10 组成 构成11 在现代12 很有价

4、值的13 多达 与 一样多14 无疑 毫无争议地15 许多 大量 endupwith makeup inmoderntimes ofgreatvalue asmanyas asmuchas withoutdoubt agreatdealof 16 对 作出预测17 节能的18 与 保持联系19 必需品20 更加注重 21 远程教育22 下载信息23 瞥见 makeforecastsabout energy saving keepintouchwith basicgoods paymoreattentionto catchaglimpseof downloadinformation distan

5、ceeducation 23 处理 安排24 贮藏着 就要来到25 一般 大体上 dealwith instore ingeneral lieoff表示位于 之外通常表示远离 不相接 liein表示在境内 在范围之内 lieto表示方位lieon既表示方位 又强调两者接壤 另外还可表示 在 河畔1 Shanghailies theeastofChina 2 TheBritishIsleslies thewestcoastofEurope 3 Guangdonglies thesouthofHunan 4 Nangkinglies theYantzeRiver in off to on on 知

6、识拓展 Beof 抽象名词相当于be 这一名词的形容词形式 Themedicineisofnouse themedicineisuseless Sportsareofgreatvalue Sportsareveryvaluable 常用的名词有importance value use interest help etc 这类词可用great nolittle someany notmuch修饰 知识拓展 Agreat good dealofAlargeamountof 不可数名词 Agreat good manyAlargenumberof 可数名词 1 Whatlifewillbelikei

7、nthefutureisdifficulttopredictit 2 Tooursurprise heleftuswithoutsayingsomethingtous 3 ManycompaniesandconsumershavealreadybegunreformingthewayWhichtheydobusiness 4 Theschoolsofthefuturewillprobablybequitedifferentfromthatoftoday 5 Insteadbeingstudentsonlywhenweareyoung wewillbecomelifelongLearners 去

8、it anything inwhich that x those insteadof 单句改错 6 Itissurethatthingswillchange wecan tbesurewhetherourdreamswillCometrue 7 Mye friendisalotlikemeandwehavealotoffunstogether 8 Ifyouuseacellphonethatshowsapictureofthepersonyouarespeaking thatimageis real too 9 ThefactthatGreatBritainismadeupofthreecou

9、ntriesisstillunknownbymanypeople certain fun speakingto to Doyouoftenhavesomeoneyourclothes Yes Ioftenhave A wash themwashedB wash towashC washedD towash washedthem Ifyouwearablackpairofglasses wenotrecognizeyou A possiblyB likelyC perhapsD may Thepossibilitythatbothofthemwouldhavetothesamebedwas Wh

10、ichofthefollowingisNOTproper A share mentionedB divide mentionedC share consideredD sleepon considered We llmakeeffortstoyourbasicneedsfirst likefoodandmedicalcare A findoutB satisfyC meetwithD realize Withherbabygoodcareof theyoungmotherwenttoworkatease A totakeB wastakenC takingD taken Theworldis

11、7continentsand4oceans A madeupofB madeoutofC madefromD madeinto Withallthestudentsintheclass theygotthefirstplaceinthecontest A holdingtogetherB heldtogetherC holdingupD heldup Thetwinslookmuchalike especiallywhentheywearclothesof colorandstyle A AB anC theD Hesaidhewouldstaytherefor A sometimeB som

12、etimesC sometimeD sometimes Hewantedtoplayoutside hishomewor finished A becauseofB forC withD on Thepolicementhethiefinthebuildingbutfailed A havesearchedB hadlookedC hadsearchedforD havelooked Mr Smith aswellashiswifeandchildrencomingtoChinaforavisitnextweek A areB isC willD hasbeen Mr SmithandIthe

13、sameroomwhenweworkedtogetherinthecountryside A livedB sharedC sharedwithD sharedabout Alotofpeoplehere John Mike wouldratherhavecoffee A asB forexampleC suchasD suchlike Severalpeoplewerekilledthegreatfire A asresultofB resultedC aresultofD asaresultof Ifyourunwalkfor20minutes you llcovermoredistanc

14、e A insteadB insteadofC inplaceofD ratherthan Hehasluck forhiswifewashurtinacaraccident A illB sickC wrongD harm Idon tthinkthere sanyuse himtocomealong A askB askingC toaskD asked Hehasnosense soheoftenmakesfoolishmistakes A ordinaryB specialC goodD common Theheadengineerisintheproject A chargeofB

15、thechargeofC hischargeofD one schargeof YouspeakEnglishverywell Thankyou IiteversinceIstartedschool A hadstudiedB havebeenstudyingC wasstudyingD hadbeenstudying leavestheroomlastoughttoturnoffthelights A AnyoneB ThepersonC WhoeverD Who Hepromisedtocometotheparty butforsomereasonshedidn t A turntoB t

16、urnoutC turnouttoD turnup Thebikeanditsriderhadrunoverawomanwereheldupbyapoliceman A whichB thatC whoD whom Europeanfootballisplayedin80countries itthemostpopularsportintheworld A makingB makesC madeD tomake DoyouthinkIcouldborrowyourdictionary A Yes youmayborrowB Yes youcouldC Yes helpyourselfD Yes goon Hewasabsentforweeks sohehadalotofhomeworkto A makeoutB makeupC makeofD makeover2 Youcanhave secondtryifyoufail firsttime A the B aC the aD a the Thepianosintheothershopwillbe but A chea



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