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1、 第5课时Modules1 2 八上 第一篇教材考点梳理 advise natural basic possibly possibility impossible mainly widely width especially quickly correction corrective correctly incorrect forgot forgotten forgetful pronunciation agreement disagree suggestion understood understood improvement practice practical writedown loo

2、kup makeamistake mistakes askfor smileatsb trytodosth practisedoingsth befamous knownfor inalowvoice as aspossible prettygood hometown millionsof 随堂达标小测 agreev 同意 赞同 应允 题1 用agree短语填空 1 IfyouthinkI mright youwillme 2 Afterdiscussion thefamilyfinallythedateoftheirtravelling 3 Theysaidtheycouldn tsucha

3、badplan 题2 根据汉语意思完成句子 我们同意周末帮老人做一些家务活 Wetheoldpeopledosomehouseworkonweekends agreewith agreedon upon agreeto agreetohelp 归纳拓展 随堂达标小测 随堂达标小测 populationn 某一地区的 人口 全体居民 题3 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 Withthetwo childpolicy the 人口 ofChinawillbecomelarger 2 How 大 isthepopulationofyourhometown 题4 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空 1 Thepo

4、pulationofCapeTown be about3 5million 2 Aboutonethirdofthepopulationhere be farmers 题5 ThepopulationofShanghaiis bigger more thanthatofHongKong population large big is are is bigger 归纳拓展 1 population作主语时 谓语动词用单数形式 2 询问人口数量时用 What sthepopulationof 表示人口 多 可用large或big 表示人口 少 用small 3 表示 某地有多少人口 有两种方式 T

5、hepopulationof 某地 be 数词 某地 hasapopulationof 数词 4 population前有分数或百分数修饰 作主语时 谓语动词用单数形式或复数形式均可 随堂达标小测 随堂达标小测 advise suggest 题6 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空 1 Youcanaskyourteacherfor advise onhowtopreparefortheexam 2 ThedoctorsuggestedI drink asmuchwateraspossible 3 ThefamoushostessDongQingadvisesus read morebooks 4

6、I mthankfultotheteacherforher suggest onmyinterviews advice drink toread suggestion s 随堂达标小测 随堂达标小测 lookup查 查找 题7 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 Whenyouarereading youcan 查阅 newwordsinyourdictionary 2 The4GInternetmakesitpossibleforusto 浏览 informationeasilyandquickly 3 Jackplaysbasketballsowellthatmanyyoungpeople 仰慕 h

7、im 4 Tomis 照顾 hismotherthesedays 5 小心 Acarnearlyhityou lookup lookthrough lookupto lookingafter Lookout 归纳拓展 1 lookup是动副短语 其宾语若是代词 需放在两词之间 且代词要用其宾格形式 Ifyoudon tknowtheword youcanlookitupinthedictionary 如果你不知道这个单词 你可以查一下词典 随堂达标小测 2 与look有关的常用短语 lookout小心lookthrough浏览lookover仔细检查lookafter照顾lookforward

8、to期待looklike看起来像lookdownon upon鄙视lookfor寻找lookoutof向 的外面看lookupto仰慕lookaround about环顾四下 四处看看 随堂达标小测 随堂达标小测 befamous known for as to 题8 用含有famous的短语填空 1 ZhuTingisveryfamousavolleyballplayer 2 ThemovieCoco 寻梦环游记 isquitefamousmanychildreninChina 3 DengChaoisveryfamoustheTVprogrammeKeepRunning as to for

9、 随堂达标小测 随堂达标小测 Whynotwritedownourmistakesinournotebooks 为什么不把错误记在我们的笔记本上呢 题9 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空 1 Whynot ask yourfriendsforhelpwhenyouareintrouble 2 Whatabout go tothecinematonight 3 You dbetter get upearlytodosportsinordertoloseweight 4 Wouldyoumind show methewaytotheairport 5 Youshould give upsmoking

10、Itisbadforyourhealth ask going get showing give 归纳拓展 1 Whynotdosth 意为 为什么不做某事呢 相当于 Whydon t doesn tsb dosth 常用来提出建议或请求 2 writedown是动副型短语 意为 写下 记下 其宾语为代词时 需放在两词中间 且代词要用其宾格形式 3 表示提出 建议 的句型还有 随堂达标小测 根据所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式 1 Alongtimeagoitwas 广泛地 believedthattherewaslifeonMars 2 Don ttellthebadnewstoothers 尤

11、其 mymother becausesheisill 3 Wordsoftenhaveseveral 意思 4 It squite 自然的 tolearnalanguageforalongtime 5 Walk 快地 oryouwillbelateforschool widely especially meanings 核心考点聚焦 natural quickly 用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空 每词或短语限用一次 lookupmillionunderstanduniversitypossible1 ManystudentsinmyclasshaveproblemsinEnglish 2

12、Whenyouarereading youcannewwordsinyourdictionary 3 TherearetwofamousinEngland CambridgeandOxford 4 Thereareaboutfivepeopleinourcity 5 Nothingisifyouputyourheartintoit understanding lookup universities 核心考点聚焦 million impossible 语法填空阅读下面短文 在空白处填入一个适当的词 或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式 Ifyouwanttolearnaforeignlanguagew

13、ell youshouldfollowsomeways Herearesome1 suggestion foryou First youmustpayattentiontotheimportanceoflisteningandspeaking YoucanlistentoEnglishprograms2 careful ontheradio Youmayonlyunderstandafewwordsatthebeginning Itdoesn tmatter Justberelaxed Trytocatcheverywordandpayattentiontothekeywordsinthese

14、ntences suggestions carefully 核心考点聚焦 Somebodymaybe3 goodlistener buthedoesn tdaretospeak He safraidof4 make mistakes TrytohaveconversationswithyourfriendsorforeignersinEnglish 5 there snobodytotalkwith youcantalkto6 you inEnglish It sinterestingandalsoagoodway7 practise yourspokenEnglish Remember th

15、emoreyouspeak the8 few mistakesyou llmake a making yourself 核心考点聚焦 topractise fewer If Readingandwritingaremoreimportantforseniorschoolstudents First youmustchoosethebooksyouareinterestedin Alotofreadingwill9 improve yourlanguagesense Thisisthemostimportant Then keepwritingEnglishdiaries YoucanalsowriteEnglisharticlesfrequently YoumayevenpostthemtoEnglishmagazines Don tbeafraid10 failure Failureisthemotherofsuccess improve of 核心考点聚焦



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