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1、根据所给汉语意思选择单词及字母 20分 1 邮票AsleepBsendCstamp 2 左边AleftBrightCletler 3 人们ApictureBpeopleCpostcard 4 信封Ae mailBgiftCevenlope 5 帮助AhardBhurtChelp 6 婴儿b byAaBiCe按要求转还词形 10分 man复 woman复 child复 slow反 go过 play ing形式 walk过 loud副词 shop过 like过 我会选短语 20分 1 在火车上Aputon 2 戴上Batthepostoffice 3 乘公共汽车Conthetrain 4 在邮局D

2、takeapicture 5 照相EbybusB 1 散步Aonthestreet 2 在街上Blookoutofthewindow 3 向窗外望Cacupoftea 4 一杯牛奶Daglassofmilk 5 一杯茶Egoforawalk 选择填空 10分 1 Whatwouldyoulike AdrinkBdrinksCtodrink 2 Didyou anicetrip AhaveBhasChad 3 Theteais hot drink Atoo toBto tooCtoo for 4 Ioften toschoolonSundaysAwentBgoCgoes 5 Pleaselook

3、 theblackboardAatBoutCto 6 Heisplaying thebabyAandBwithCto 7 Iwant anevelopAbuyBtobuyCbuying 8 Isawmanypeople kitesAflyingBflysCtofly 9 Ilike wangfujingtobuygiftsAgoBtogoCtogoing 10 Theyarelaughing AloudBloudlyCquick 选出不同种类的单词 10分 1 AseeBlookCquiet 2 AwalkedBwantedCsleep 3 AmanBeasyChard 4 AquietBqu

4、icklyCloud 5 AletterBstampCMonday 6 AmeatBmilkCmater 7 AjumpBpointCpeople 8 AdrawBmanCsleep 9 AsomeBmanyCpostcard 10 ApictureBslowlyCletter 情景交际1 wouldyoulikesomedumplings AYes thanksBNo thanksCSure2 Howareyou AFine thesametoyouBYes IamCFine thanks3 Whatdoyouliketodo AI mOKBplaybasketballCHamburger4

5、 MayIhelpyou ASureBThanksCYou rewelcome 5 HereisaT shirtforyou AYes pleaseBNo Idon tlikeitCThankyou 七 用所给单词连句子 10分 1 fawourite my is eggfood 2 glass a would of milk like you 3 a letter LiMing it from is 4 my hurt I nose 5 have Canada a in fried I Liming Danny Jenny awoman ababyandthreemenareonthetra

6、in Thewomanisreadingnewspaper thethreemenareplayingcards theyareloud butthebabyisquiet Dannyisplayingwiththebaby LimingandJennyarelookingforDanny 1 Howmanypeoplearethree AoneBsixCeight2 whatisthewomandoing ASheisplaying BSheisreadingabook CSheisreadingnewspaper 3 Whoisplayingcards AthreemenBDannyCJe

7、nny4 Isthebabyquietorloud ALoudBQuietCLoudandquiet5 WhoislookingforDanny AawomanBababyCLimingandJenny 试卷2 一 补全单词 10分 1 hlp帮助2 ted疲劳的3 pele人们4 sy说5 pture照片6 wt等候7 sy容易的8 my许多9 afrd畏惧10 wrry担忧 二 写出下列单词的正确形式 15分 1 arrive 现在分词 2 child 复数 3 know 同音词 4 men 单数 5 difficult 反义词 6 I 同音词 7 photo 同义词 8 shop 现 9

8、 stop 过去式 10 let s 完全 11 people 复数 12 go 过去式 13 do 过去式 14 am 过去式 15 have 过去式 16 see 过去式 17 foot 复数 18 study 过去式 19 mum 对应词 20 left 反 21 eat 过去式 22 buy 过去式 三 选出不同类的单词 5分 1 singdoingtakingflying 2 likesshopspantswomen 3 whathowwherewith 4 beautifulgoodluckwindy 5 canwritelookD fall 五 给左栏句子选择适当的答案 5分 1

9、 CanJennyflyakite A It s3 00 2 What sthis E Someoldtablesandchairs 3 Whatcanyousee C Yes shecan 4 Whattimeisitnow D Thisisacamera 5 Whoisflyingakite B It sJenny 四 选择填空 1 MayIyourpicture A cakeB takeC deskD do2 Boysandgirlsare A menB womenCchildrenD people3 Dannyandjennyknowthegreatwall A aboutB with

10、C ofD for4 Thisis Jennycanflyakite A loudB quietC hardD easy5 armishurt A Danny sB Dannys CDannysD Danny6 Iwanttobuygiftsmyfamily A ToB forC giveD at 7 Canyoufindthechildrencards A playB playsC playingD toplay8 Don tdrawwriteonthePotalaPalace A butB andC orD 9 HedoesnotgotothegreatwallisnotatruemanA

11、 thatB whatC whoseD who10 Canyouwithus A runB runingC runningD runs11 Theyaretheirwaythehotel A in toB on toC to toD on for12 MyfriendarriveBeijing14 00 A in inB at inC in atD at at 13 Therearepeopleonthesquare A muchB moreC aD many14 don tafraid A amB beC isD are15 youarebusy A tooB forC soD much16

12、 LetusTV ok A watchB watchesC watchingD watched17 Howmanyarethere A busB bussC busesD abus18 Dannylooks15shops A onB forC ofD in19 Theyneedatrain A takeB takesC totakeD taking20 Hehurtarm A heB himC he sD his 六 选词填空 15分 1 onwithundernearofatinbehindtoabout 1 Youcanwalkthecinemame 2 Isthereahospitaly

13、ourhouse 3 Therearrivethetrainstationnow 4 Zhaxiisafraidthesnakes 5 Igotoschoolfooteverymorning 6 Jennyseesamanthetree 7 Let slookthewindow 8 Sheistalkingtothegirlyou 9 Doyouknowmoretheanimal 2 howlonghowfarhowmanyhowmuchhowold 1 isyourbrother He s20 2 isitfromtheschooltothepark It sabout100metres 3

14、 booksonthedesk Idon tknow 4 istheriver Morethan5000kilometers 5 forthetea 26yuan 七 用单词的正确形式填空 10分 1 Someboys fly kitsnow 2 Iloveshopping say Danny 3 Todayishotand sun 4 Thepalacemuseumisabout600 year old 5 Please stand besideher 6 He run totherestaurant 7 notgo tothepark 8 What do hehave Abigpanda

15、9 Let s keep itcleanandbeautiful 10 Weare luck toseeit 一 按要求完成下列各题 1 left 反义词 2 bottom 反义词 3 here 反 4 write 现在 5 发送一封电子邮件 汉译英 6 apictureofthePalaceMuseum 英译汉 7 have 单数 8 right 反 9 sun 形容词 10 do 现在 二 单项选择 1 Youputthepostcardstamp A ontherightB ontheleftC rightcorner2 Youwrite e mailon computer A a an

16、B an aC an 3 Youraddressandheraddress thesame A isB areC am4 Wheredoweputtheaddress theright A INB AtC On5 Howmany doyouneed A stampsB envelopeC milk6 aretheapples Tenyuan A HowmuchB HowoldC Howoften7 It s thanShijiazhuang A bigB bigerC bigger 选出同组中划线部分读音与其他三个不同的1 A manBcameraC wantD apple2 A sendB helpC easyD get3 A writeB IC inDkite4 A bottomB goC knowD no5 A funnyBputerD student二 从每组中选出不同类的一项 1 A busB bicycleC hotel 2 A wantedB seeC helped 3 A ourB weC they 4 A showB play C fun 5 A tailB kite



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