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1、第1页 共6页 Period Learning notes for Task blame favor permission frighten 2 Learning some new expressions point of view follow in one s footsteps 3 Learning a sentence pattern 倒装句型 Language focus 词汇 1 majority n 多数 大多数 教材原句 it would show that the majority of people would not support this type of scient

2、ific research P56 例句研读 翻译句子 1 In the general population right handed people are in the majority 2 Our country is a traditional agricultural society with a majority of farming population 3 In general boys are very much in the minority at the dancing class 4 The majority of the damage is easy to repai

3、r 自主归纳 翻译下列短语 1 in a the majority a the majority of by with a majority of 2 minority n in the minority 即时巩固 One third of the country covered with trees and the majority of the citizens black people A is are B is is C are are D are is 词汇 2 blame 教 材 原句 Should they be blamed for destroying hundreds of

4、 第2页 共6页 thousands of acres of rainforest if it means a better income for their people P58 例句研读 翻译句子 1 It is not right to blame your failure on your teacher 2 The couple were blamed for the ill treatment to the old man 3 If anyone is to blame it s me 自主归纳 1 be to blame 意为 2 be blamed for 意为 3 blame

5、sth on sth 意为 即时巩固 根据汉语完成英语句子 1 Which driver the accident 哪位司机是本次事故的肇事者 2 She doesn t anyone her father s death 她没有把父亲的死归罪于任何人 词汇 3 favor 教材原句 Would anyone say that development should be stopped in favor of nature P58 例句研读 翻译句中划线部分 1 I am all in favor of equal pay for equal work 2 Could you do me a

6、favor and pick up Sam from school today 自主归纳 1 do sb a favor 2 in favor of 3 in sb s favor 即时巩固 根据汉语完成英语句子 1 But not everyone is the phenomenon 但是 不是所有的人都喜欢这样的现象 2 The exchange rate is at the moment 目前的汇率对我们有利 词汇 4 permission 教材原句 Since no one really knows whether GM food is safe many countries have

7、 hesitated to give permission for the production of GM foods P59 例句研读 译出句中划线部分 1 The teacher gave me permission to go home early 2 Smoking is not permitted in this room 3 They don t permit talking in the library 第3页 共6页 4 The policeman permitted him to park there 5 I ll go to meet you if time permit

8、s 6 We ll start tomor row weather permitting 自主归纳 1 n 许可 2 vt permit doing sth permit sb to do sth permit sb sth 3 without permission 4 ask for permission 5 with your permission 即时巩固 1 Before building a house you will have to the government s permission A get from B follow C receive D ask for 2 His

9、father gave him an of 1 000 pounds a year to help him finish his college education A permission B permit C allowance D admission 3 I am to meet you time A likely permits B probable permitting C likely permitting D possible permits 4 It s illegal to read people s private letters without A pressure B

10、reputation C standard D permission 词汇 5 frighten vt 使惊吓 使惊恐 教 材 原 句 While many people are excited about these new technologies these same technologies frighten others P59 例句研读 翻译句子 1 The purpose of many of the festivities is to frighten away bad spirits 2 I was completely frustrated and frightened 3

11、 The mothers are frightened of the children going camping for they may get lost in the mountain 第4页 共6页 4 Unless we act we are confronting an even more frightening future 自主归纳 翻译下列短语 1 frighten away off frighten sb into out of doing sth 2 frightened adj be frightened to do sth be frightened of be fr

12、ightened to death 3 frightening adj 词汇 6 point of view 教材原句 From the point of view of some people we are only doing what humans have always done using nature to meet our own needs P58 例句研读 用不同的表达方法完成汉语句子 在我看来 我们应该更关注在校儿童的安全问题 we should pay more attention to the safety of schoolchildren 自主归纳 选用下列词组填空

13、 view as认为 是 in view of 鉴于 考虑 到 take the view that 持 的态度in the view of 按 观点看 1 We it would be wrong to interfere 2 the foreign experts there wasn t much oil here 3 She doesn t herself a success 4 the fact that he was ill with a high fever he did a good job in last night s match 即时巩固 the majority Cli

14、nton was a successful president A From the point of view B In view of C In the view of D On view 词汇 7 follow in one s footsteps 效仿某人 教材原句 I understand that other countries have already begun trying to clone human beings but this does not mean that we should follow in 第5页 共6页 their footsteps P56 例句研读

15、 翻译句子 1 She works in television following in her father s footsteps 2 The father doesn t want his children to follow his example 3 My son could not follow the teacher s directions he told me and thus Scola was disrupting the class 自主归纳 翻译下列短语 follow one s example follow one s advice directions follo

16、w the crowd as follows 句型 教材原句 Nowhere is this truer than with genetically modified food P 59 句法分析 否定意义的副词或短语放在句首 句子半倒装 这样的 副词主要有 little seldom hardly rarely scarcely never not at all by no means 决不 at no time 在任何时候都不 nowhere in no case 无 论如何都不 not in the least not at all on no condition 决不 等 即时巩固 单项选择 1 We laugh at jokes but seldom about how they work A we think B think we C we do think D do we think 2 Little about her own safety though she was in great danger herself A did Rose care B Rose did


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