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1、 Languagestudy Unit2 1takepartin join joinin attend的区别 takepartin指参加某种活动 如体育 比赛 游戏 讨论 战斗等 并积极地起着作用 join指参加某组织并成为一员 joinin指参加活动或游戏 和takepartin相当 但joinsb in 和某人一起做某事 不等于takepartin attend表示参加会议 聚会 等 takepart in 参加 参与 活动 join加入 某党派 某组织或某社会团体 joinin参加 参与 活动 joinsb 和某人一起 joinsbinsth doingsth 和某人一起做 MayI t

2、hegame Whynot playingbasketball theParty League army aclub takepartin joinin join joinusin 1 Ourheadmasterwill usinthediscussionthisafternoon A takepartinB joininC joinD attend2 Howmany willyou A incidents joinB events joininC accidents attendD games enter3 MygrandpawasintheRedArmy andhe theLongMarc

3、h A joinedB tookpartinC attendedD join4 Therewillbeadiscussiontomorrow allthosewhowantto pleaseraiseyourhands A joinB takepartC takeapartD takepartin 竞争 竞赛 vi 竞赛 n 参赛者 n competition compete competitor compete with againstsb insth Theyarecompetingwitheachotherforthechampionofthebasketballmatch 参加 比赛

4、与某人竞争 角逐 forsth 2 Athletescompetingfromallovertheworld Thestudentscompeted thehonorofwinning eachother theschoolsportsmeet A for against inB in with againstC against for atD about in with Shedecidedtocompete themodelcontest Severalcompaniesarecompeting eachotherforthecontract Wedon tonlycompete meda

5、l butfriendship in against with for Exercises 1 ItiswellknowntoallthatBeijingwill the2008OlympicGames hostBhostforC behostedD hostwith2 Heactedashosttohisfather sfriends apersonwhosellsfoodapersonwhoreceivesguestC apersonwhoworksinarestaurantD apersonwhostaysathome3 Don tworry I llhelpto theguests h

6、oldB waitC acceptD host4 theOlympicGamesisagreathonorandagreatresponsibilityforacountry A HostingB HostC TohostD Hosted 3 findout find与discover Exercises1 Pleasetakeyourtime Youaresureto howtodriveacar A findB discoverC findoutD lookfor2 Columbus theNewWorldin1492 A foundB foundedC foundoutD discove

7、red3 Wefinally whohadstolenthevase A foundB foundedC foundoutD discovered findout指经过努力有意去 查明 打听 弄清楚 find指 找到 发现 强调结果 discover指发现本来就存在 但尚未被人所知的事物 地方 思想 4 Ilivedinwhatyoucall AncientGreece what thething s that thepersonthat theplacethat Whathedidn tunderstandwasthatnoonebelievedhim Heisnolongerwhatheu

8、sedtobe Whathedidin tunderstand Thethingsthathedidn t Heisnolongerthemanthatheusedtobe 1 Afteralongjourney theycometo wascalledChinatown A whatB thatC whichD theplace2 Atthedinnerpartytheytalkedaboutthepeopleandthings theyrememberedinseniorhigh A whichB thatC whatD whom every基数词 复数名词 5 andbotharehel

9、dEveryfouryearsonaregularbasis everyfouryears everyfourthyear 每 年 每隔 年 每两周 每隔一周 每隔几 everyfew 复数名词 everytwoweeks everysecondweek everyotherweek 序数词 单数名词 Usually medicineshouldbetaken 每六小时 Someofyougobackhome 每隔两个星期 Helikesreadingverymuch sohegoestothebookshop 每隔几天 everysixhours everysixthhour everyth

10、reeweeks everythirdweek everyfewdays Theseplantsarewatered A eachotherdayB everyotherdayC eachoftwodaysD everyoftwodays2 Igotoseeafilm A everytwoweeksB everythirdweeksC eachthreeweeksD eachthreeweeks3 BusNo 5runs A tenminutesonceB everytenminutesC oncetenminutesD eachtenminutes Exercises 6 Iamsureth

11、athewillbeadmitted BeijingUniversitythissummer beadmittedas 作为 被接受 beadmittedto 让 进入 Eachticketadmitstwopeopletotheparty Hewasadmitted theclubafterhistenthtry Hewasadmitted amemberofthebaseballteam to to as athleteswhohavereachedtheagreedstandardfortheireventwillbeadmittedascompetitors 表 承认 供认 可接名词

12、代词 动名词 宾语从句或tobe 形容词 不可接不定式 Tomadmittedthemistakeshehadmade Didheadmit break thewindow Theboyadmittedthathe cut downtheyoungtree Youmustadmitthework be difficult admit breaking hadcut tobe admit 容纳 Theschooladmits200boysandgirlseveryyear Exercises Hermother havingreadtheletter A thoughtB consideredC

13、 admittedD advised2 Headmitted alie A tellingB totellC totellingD tell3 Itwasluckyforhimtobeadmitted thedreamuniversityhehadlongedfor A asB toC withD for allow可以组成几种短语 1 allowsb sth 允许某人某事 2 allowsb in out 允许进入 出去 3 allowsb todosth 允许某人做某事 不能说allowtodo 4 allowdoingsth 允许干某事 7 Womenarenotonlyallowed

14、butplayaveryimportantroleingymnastics athletics teamsportsand Thelawdoesn tallowsuchanaction Myparentswon tallowmetostayoutlate Thepolicemanwouldn tallowparkinginthestreet Youarenotallowedtocomelateforschool 与此类似的动词短语还有 汉译英 在候车室乘客不允许吸烟Passengers inthewaitingroom 我们不许在这里吸烟 Wedon t arenotallowedtosmok

15、e allowsmokinghere advisesb todo advisedoingsth permitsb todo permitdoingsth forbidsb todo forbiddoingsth aswell可做副词短语 意思为 也 放在句末 Hehasnotonlyfinishedhisownwork buthelpedothersaswell Ifyougo Iwillgoaswell Wemight mayaswelldiscussitwithourparents 8 severalstadiumsforcompetitions andagymnasiumaswell W

16、e wenttoseethefilm Ilikewalking andIlikewatchingTV Youmight stayathomeatthismoment Hedidn tgetthenews She herparentsisleavingfortheFirstIsland aswell aswellas also too either also too aswell aswell either aswellas 9 Soeventheolivewreathhasbeenreplaced replace 代替 相当于taketheplaceof Cananythingreplace taketheplaceofamother sloveandcare Johnwill Jackintheteam A replaceB takeplaceofC insteadD insteadof Hemarriedaprettygirl 1 结婚 嫁 娶 2 使结婚 marry to 使 同 结婚 10 marry Shewillnevermarryhisdaughtertoanyonewh



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