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1、盐城市田家炳中学2020届高三第一学期期初考试英语试题第一卷 选择题(共75分)一、听力(每小题1分,共20分)第一部分 听对话回答问题1. When is Marys birthday?A. B. C. 2. What are they talking about? A. B. C.3. What does Lily often do on Saturday?A. B. C. 4. How does Toms father usually go to work?A. B. C. 5. Where are the two speakers talking?A. Outside a shop.

2、B. Inside a shop. C. Far from a shop.6. How old is John?A. Seven years old. B. Twelve years old. C. seventeen years old.7. What does the man tell the woman to do?A. Drive left. B. Drive two kilometers north.C. Drive two kilometers south and turn left.8. Whats Mikes new telephone number?A. 5557 6188B

3、. 5577 6188C. 5557 21689. What does the man want to do tomorrow?A. To climb the mountain. B. To go swimming.C. To go shopping.10. What does the woman think about the mans hat?A. Its very nice.B. It doesnt go well with his suit.C. She likes the style of the hat.第二部分 听对话和短文答题听第一篇对话,回答第1112小题。11. Why a

4、re they planning a barbecue?A. They have not seen their friends for a long time.B. They would like to visit the New Forest Park.C. The spring weather is just right for a barbecue.12. What are the things that they neednt buy?A. Some fresh fruit for dessert.B. Some meat and snacks.C. Barbecue forks an

5、d drinks.听第二篇对话,回答第1315小题。13. Where are the two speakers talking?A. In a bookshop.B. In a clothes shop.C. In a restaurant.14. Why doesnt the woman buy the first one?A. It is too big.B. It isnt beautiful.C. It is not big enough.15. How much money will the man give back to Mrs. White?A. 30 dollars. B.

6、 40 dollars. C. 100 dollars.听一篇短文,回答第1620小题。16. When will John come back home?A. At 6:00. B. At 6:30. C. At 7:30.17. Which bus should Nick take?A. The No.36. B. The No.37. C. The No.38.18. What will Nick see when he gets off the bus?A. A school. B. A hospital. C. A park.19. How long does it take Nic

7、k to walk to Johns home from the bus stop?A. 5 minutes. B. 10 minutes. C. 15 minutes.20. What colour is Flower Building?A. Yellow. B. Green. C. Red.二、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)21. The Whites _ in the park two hours ago.A. were B. is C. will be D. are22. The new teacher doesnt know all her _ names.A. stu

8、dents B. students C. students D. student23. We are all tired. Lets _ a rest.A. to stop having B. stop having C. to stop to have D. stop to have24. Walk _ the road and turn left _ Park Road, and you will find the shop _ your right.A. down; in; on B. along; to; inC. down; into; onD. on; into; in25. Ou

9、r school is big, but _ is bigger than _.A. their; ours B. theirs; ours C. theirs; them D. theirs; our26. Listen to me! I have _ to tell you.A. anything important B. important anythingC. something important D. important something27. It _ him about 15 hours _ from Suzhou to Beijing by train last Sunda

10、y.A. spent, travelling B. takes, to travelC. cost, travelling D. took, to travel28. Its time _.A. for we sleep B. for us sleepC. for us to sleep D. for our sleep29. Did you _ _ yesterday afternoon?A. go, swimmingB. went, swamC. go, swamD. went, swimmed30. Who _ your cat when you are away?A. looks fo

11、r B. looks at C. looks after D. looks up31. My mother usually me the zoo on Saturday.A. brings; withB. takes; with C. takes; to D. bring; to32. _ people come to Wuxi every year. About _ of them are from the USA.A. Millions of; three thousands B. Million of; three thousandC. Millions of; three thousa

12、ndD. Million of; three thousands33. We are happy _ you _ the party for our friends from Canada.A. invite; toB. inviting; to C. to invite; go to D. to invite; to34. _are you going to finish your homework? In about 15 minutes.A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How far35. Im going to Xinjiang for

13、a holiday tomorrow._.A. Best wishes!B. Oh, really? C. Have a good time!D. Good luck!三、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)Many people like to keep dogs. They call their dogs Baby or other beautiful names, 36 I call my dog Little Kid.When l went to 37 his license(许可证),I met one of my friends. I told him I would li

14、ke to have a license 38 Little Kid and he said, Id like to have 39 for my kid (孩子), too. Then I told him, But this is a dog.When I got married(结婚) and went on my honeymoon(蜜月), I 40 the dog with me. I told the hotel worker that l wanted a 41 for my wife and me and a room for Little Kid. He asks, Why dont you and your kid 42 in a room? T


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