湖南省湘潭凤凰中学高中英语 Unit3 Dying to be thin复习学案(无答案)牛津译林版必修1

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湖南省湘潭凤凰中学高中英语 Unit3 Dying to be thin复习学案(无答案)牛津译林版必修1_第1页
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《湖南省湘潭凤凰中学高中英语 Unit3 Dying to be thin复习学案(无答案)牛津译林版必修1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖南省湘潭凤凰中学高中英语 Unit3 Dying to be thin复习学案(无答案)牛津译林版必修1(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Dying to be thinStep 1 subject: dying to be thin(L1-16)一:词组我最棒1 work (v.)起作用doesnt work(坏了)=be broken1)The pills _!2)The machine _ _.(坏了)/_ _.2 be dying to do 渴望I _ _ _ lose weight.3 be popular with/among sb受.欢迎Im taking pills, which _ _ _ young women here.4be ashamed of 对.感到羞愧I _ _ _ my body.5 keep

2、 doing 一直做My mother keeps _(tell) me not to take pills.6 used to do 过去常常I _ _ _(go) to the gym three times a week.7 prepare to do准备去做I am _ _ _(act) in a TV show.8 hear from sb译:_hear about sth听说I havent _ _ you for weeks.9 come across译_come true译_1) I _ _ an old friend yesterday.2)My dream _ _.10 t

3、ake pills_take charge of _1) I _ two _ a day and dont need to exercise.(吃药)2)The police, who _ _ _ the case, is Mr Johnson.(负责)补充:11. 一周三次 L3_12 锻炼(身体) L4_13. 不再 L4_14. 保持苗条L4_15.减肥L6_16尽力去做_17. 希望去做L8_18副作用_二 给力句型1 Im sorry/glad to hear that.很遗憾/高兴地听到.I _ _ _ hear about your problem, but I _ _ you

4、are feeling better.2 not. any more再也不.I _ work out _ _.我再也不锻炼了。3 Since., 因为._ Im preparing to act in a TV show, Im taking weight-loss pills.因为我准备上电视节目,所以我正在吃减肥药。三 佳句必背(10个)1 Im so ashamed of my body.我对我的身材感到羞愧2 The pills really work! 药片真的起作用了。3Im becoming slimmer and slimmer. 我正在变得越来越苗条。4 My mother

5、keeps telling me not to take pills. 我的母亲一直告诉我不要吃减肥药。5 Im now in hospital recovering from liver failure.我现在正在住院从肝衰竭中康复。6My mother insisted on sending me to the hospital.我的母亲坚持送我去医院。7 I follow my doctors advice. 我听从了医生的建议。8 Dont damage your health for a slim figure.别损害你的健康。9Nothing is more important t

6、han health. 没什么比健康更重要。10Many people are going on a diet.很多人正在节食减肥。Step 2 subject: recovering (L17-42)一 我是词组王1 insist on doing坚持做My mother insisted on _(send) me to the hospital.2 receive treatment接受治疗I _ treatment in hospital last week.3 follow . advice听从建议I _ my doctors advice.4damage your health损害

7、健康Dont _ your health for a slim figure.5recover from (liver failure) 从肝衰竭中康复Im now in hospital _ _ liver failure.6regret doing后悔做了I regret _(take) those pills.7 cause. to do引起(v.)The chemical caused my liver _ _.(fail)化学物质引起我肝衰竭。8(sth) be worth doing值得被做The computer is worth _.(have)9 go on a diet节食

8、Many peole are always _ _ a diet.10 seldom=hardly几乎不,很少(次数),_定few(可数)/little(不可数) 几乎无(数量),_定1) I _ go to the gym.2)You seldom work out, _ you?3)He has _ money to use.4)You have little time, _ you?补充:11 .照顾 L25_12. 直到才L32_13. 很遗憾地做_14. 一点也不L38_15 _get into shape16_make the most of二 区别:1contain与includ

9、e(v.) contain包含(成分),容纳(全部)include包括(只是一部分) , including me.(包括我)1)Sea water _ water.2)The box _ 3 books.3)There are 75 students in our class, _ me.2 however与but , however,However, but1) Ive lost 7kg in the last two months, _, I dont feel energetic.2)My father, _, did not agree.三 关键词:1(adj.): energeti

10、c精力充沛的, slim_, overweight_1) Im losing weight, so I dont feel _.2) Im becoming _ and _.(越来越苗条)2(n.): figure _Dont damage your health _ a slim figure.四 黄金搭档(对话:选词填空)energetic, staying slim, sorry, follow, sinceslimmer and slimmer,damage,dying, gym, takeJohn:Hi, Mary, Im glad to meet you. How are you?

11、Mary: Not fine. Im losing weight, and I dont feel (1)_.John: Im (2)_ to hear that. Do you still go to the (3)_ to work out?Mary: I used to, but I dont go there any more. I (4)_ pills.John: Yeah, you are becoming (5)_ _ _.Why do you want to lose weight?Mary: (6)_ Im preparing to act in a TV show, Im (7)_ to be thin.John: (8)_ _ is important. However, dont (9)_ your health.Mary: Thank you. I will (10)_ your advice.


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