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1、 TheChangingEnglishLanguageModule8Unit2 George w Bush David Beckham Lice Bill Gates TeachingAims 情感目标 使学生意识到语言是不断变化发展的 学习语言就要了解其发展历史 做到活学活用 知识目标 1 必备单词 punctual underline eager chaos graph abortion radium religious merchant media aluminum suspension polish tendency affect edition reflect 2 必备短语 Prep

2、arefor beusedas mixup bedelightedwith gothrough pickup comeupwith ofone sown beupto intermsof communicatewith addto 3 必备句型 1 IamsosleepythatsoonI llbesleepingadeepsleep 2 Itissafetosaythatnootherlanguagehasspreadsofarintheworld 4 虚拟语气技能目标培养学生自主复习的能力和对所学知识活学活用的能力 II教学过程 IMasterywords 1 重点词记忆1 punctua

3、l 2 adjective 3 underline 4 eager 5 estimate 6 宗教的 虔诚的 7 商人 贸易商 8 数目超过 比 多 9 推敲 改进 使完美 10 暂停 悬浮 悬而未决 守时的 准时的 按时的 形容词 在 下面画线 强调 热心的 渴望的 热切的 估计 评价 religious merchant outnumber polish suspension 词汇延伸 result v 产生 发生 出现 拓展 1 导致 终于造成 结果 2 结果源于 由于 原因 n 结果 效果 1 asaresult 2 asaresultof 词语辨析 ofone sown onone

4、sown 1 Shehasamindofherown 2 Weshouldlearntodealwiththeproblemonourown resultin resultfrom 结果是 因此 由于 原因 IIMasteryphrases 1 FillintheblanksandtranslatethesesentencesintoChinese preparefor gothrough pickupcomeupwithbeupto intermsofForexample Thestudentsarepreparingforthefinalexam 1 AnIndianoraChinesem

5、eal Ityou 2 Theproblemistoodifficult Tomcouldn tanappropriateanswer 3 Toachievewhatwehaveplanned Wehavetotwostages 4 Heawalletonhiswaytoschool 5 moneytheyarequiterich butnotofhappy isupto comeupwith gothrough pickedup Intermsof 短语聚焦pickup Hepickedupthebookfromthefloor I llpickyouupat7o clock Theequi

6、pmentpickedupthesignalfromthesatellite Hepickedupabeautifulgirlatadanceparty Herhealthsoonpickedupafterafewdays rest Shepickedupthediamondwhenshecalledonherfriend We llpickupwherewefinishedyesterday 他从地板上拾起一本书 我将在七点钟来接你 这套设备收到了卫星发射的信号 他在一个舞会上认识了一个漂亮的女孩 她休息了几天后身体就康复了 在她拜访她的朋友的时侯 她得到了那个项链 我们从昨天结束的地方继续

7、进行 III Sentencepatterns so that such that soadj advthat引导目的状语从句 that从句中常用情态动词may might can could等 Forexample Marygotupsoearlythatshecouldcatchthefirstbus so such that引导结果状语从句有以下几种情况So adj adv that 结果Such a an adj 单数可数名词 thatSo adj a an 单数可数名词 that 结果Such adj 复数可数名词 thatSuch adj 不可数名词 thatSo many muc

8、h few little 少 名词 that 结果 Domorepractice fillintheblankswithsoorsuch Shegotuplatethatshedidn tcatchthefirstbus Maryisabeautifulgirlthatallthestudentslikeher Maryisbeautifulagirlthatallthestudentslikeher Theyarehandsomeboysthatmanygirlsarefondofthem Itwasbadweatherthattheydidn tgotothecinema Therewer

9、emanypeopleinthestreetthattheydidn tgettotheschoolontime so such so such such so IVGrammar讨论 过去完成时 would should could might 现在完成时 过去时 Would should could might 动词原形 should wereto 动词原形 过去时 would should could might 动词原形 Domorepractice1 Iftheweatherhadbeenbetter wecouldhaveapinick butitallday A rainedB

10、rainsC hasrainedD israining2 Ifhecomeafewminutesearlier youwouldhavemethim A WouldB shouldC D had3 IfIyou Iwouldgototheparty A wasB wereC hadbeenD willbe4 IfIenoughmoney Iwouldbuythecarimmediately A hadB haveC wouldhaveD has5 Ifheweretocometomorrow thingseasier A willbeB wouldbeC areD canbe6 IfIwere

11、todoit Iitinadifferentway A shalldoB willdoC woulddoD havedone A D B A B C IV Consolidation Translation 1 他对考试结果很满意 bedelightedwith 2 李明完全依靠自己完成了作业 onone sown 3 王丹能用英语与外国人自由地交流 communicatewith 4 小王的父亲每天六点开车在校门口接他 pickup 5 史密斯先生习惯每天早晨跑步 beusedto Heisdelightedwiththeexamresult LiMingfinishedhishomeworkonhisown WangDancancommunicatewithforeignersfreely XiaoWang sfatherpickshimupattheschoolgateatsixo clock MrSmithisusedtorunningeverymorning DiscussionEnglishisalwayschanging pleasetalkabouthowtoimproveourEnglish Homework PleasewriteacompositionabouttheimportanceofEnglish Goodbye Thanks


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