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1、五年级英语期末测试卷笔试部分(分)一Look and match (看一看,连一连.) 10分go played visit ran play was are visitedwalk went run wereis dropped buy tookdrop walked take bought 二Read the qustion and anwers (读一读,把问题与答案标上相应的序号)12分1) Can he sing well ? ( ) Yes, she candance well.2) Is she good at dancing ? ( ) No,he cant.3) What c

2、an they well ? ( )Yes ,I am.4) Are you a good table tennis ? ( )Theyre good at running. They can run fast.5) Can you jump high? ( ) No,she plays football badly.6) Is she a good footballer? ( ) No I cant.三Look at pictures and write.(看图,写一写.)10分should shouldnt can cant 1) She _ put food on the floor.

3、2) She _ dance. 3) He _ jump high. 4) He _ help his mother. 5) He _jump on the chair. 四Read and fill .(读一读,填一填.)12分of out at on with by1) Lingling is in london _Sam and Amy.2) Look _those ice creams.3) Your red T-shirt are _the line.4) Sam ,please give _the pencils.5) We visited lots _places.6) We w

4、ent_ bus to Badaling.五Choose (选一选.)12分().This school is _.A .our B. we C.ours ( ) 2._oranges do you want ?A .How much B .How many C .How old( ) 3._time is it? It is seven oclok. A. whe B. what C. where ( ) 4. Lets _home .A. go B. at C .in( )5. there are twentyfive _ in our class .A. child B. children C. childrens ()6. How much _do you want ?A. banans B. milk C . oranges


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