高二英语期末总复习(2) 和 模拟试题人教版知识精讲

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《高二英语期末总复习(2) 和 模拟试题人教版知识精讲》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高二英语期末总复习(2) 和 模拟试题人教版知识精讲(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高二英语高二英语期末总复习 期末总复习 2 2 和和 模拟试题模拟试题人教版人教版 同步教育信息 一 本周教学内容 期末总复习 2 和模拟试题 二 具体内容 1 as 1 关系代词 引导定语从句 such as the same as As is often the case we have worked out the production plan 2 连词 引导状语从句 时间状语从句 一边 一边 让步状语从句 尽管 虽然 即使 倒装 方式状语从句 以 方式 原因状语从句 由于 比较状语从句 像 As she sang the tears ran down her cheeks Mothe

2、r was worried because little Alice was ill especially as Father was away in France Much as I have traveled I have never seen anyone who s as capable as John State the facts as they are As Jim liked walking we started off on foot The weather was not so wet as it is today 2 介词 作为 consider regard view

3、see think of look upon as as a whole 总体上 as follows 如下 as usual as well as as long as 2 curious be curious about 对 好奇 It is curious that be curious to do 渴望做某事 If you are curious about Australian cities just read the book written by Dr Johnson 3 include The price includes postage charge At least 20

4、persons got hurt including five children At least 20 persons got hurt five children included 4 belong to Victory belongs to the revolutionary people of the world The dictionary belongs to me He belongs to the militia What party do you belong to 5 remind 1 提醒 remind sb to do remind sb that 2 使想起 remi

5、nd sb of sth She reminded me that I hadn t written to Mother Remind me to take medicine The film reminded him of what he had seen in Paris 6 serve as 作为 This incident serves as a reminder of how dangerous these weapons really are 7 accompany 1 陪伴 陪同 He accompanied a foreign visitor to the airport st

6、ation Let me accompany you to your hotel 2 为 伴奏 The well known singer was accompanied at the piano by comrade Wang accompany 表示 陪同 去 keep sb company 表示 陪伴 和某人作伴 Sit here and keep my company for a while Our teacher accompanied us to the park 8 date back to date from These old buildings possibly date

7、back to the Ming Period This castle dates from the 14th century 9 pin n 别针 大头针 v 钉住 使固定 He uses a pin to pin the picture on the wall His strong arm were around me pinning me down If you haven t any curtains to draw pin a sheet over the window pin one s hopes on sb 对某人抱有信心 pin up 把 钉在墙上 10 survive 1

8、vi 继续生存或存在 He is the last surviving member of the family Many strange customs have survived from the earlier times 2 vt 经历某事物幸存 Few building survived the earthquake 3 vt 比 长寿 The man survived his sister by three years survive survival refuse refusal arrive arrival 11 spare 1 adj 备用的 Please stay with

9、 us we have a spare room for you Each car should have a spare tyre 2 adj 多余的 空闲的 What do you like doing in your spare time Have you got a spare moment There s something I d like to discuss The home improvements have taken what little there is of my spare time 3 vt 出让 抽出 时间 让给 He said he could spare

10、me five minutes Can you spare me this book for a while Excuse me may I ask you some questions Sorry I m too busy and haven t even a minute to spare 4 vt 节约 省用 We hope that readers will not spare their comments No trouble was spared to make sure the guests enjoyed themselves 5 vt 省掉 用不着 We can spare

11、you for tomorrow Use the telephone and spare yourself a visit spare no effort 不遗余力 spare no expense 不惜工本 12 variety 1 多样化 变化 She doesn t like the work because it lacked variety 2 种类 Everyone arrived late at the party for a variety of reasons 13 reason 1 理由 原因 There is no reason for us to be conceite

12、d and arrogant The reason why is that 2 理智 理性 One must use reason to solve this problem 14 weigh 1 称重 Have you weighed yourself lately 强调 称 The first man made satellite of our country weighs 173 kgs 强调 重 The goods were carefully weighed at the time of shipment A panda can weigh as much as 150 kilos

13、when fully grown 2 压 在上面 The matter weighed heavily on my mind 3 考虑 权衡 You have to weigh the costs of the new system against the benefit it will bring They weighed the matter seriously All the difficulties and risks had to be carefully weighed weigh the advantages and disadvantages by weight put on

14、lose weight weight lifting 15 convey 1 运输 运送 Your luggage will be conveyed by helicopter from the airport to your hotel 2 转达 传达 思想 感情 His music conveys a sense of optimism Our government s anger was conveyed to their ambassador 16 in terms of 1 就 而言 从 角度 Which sport has the most expense in terms of

15、training equipment player s personal equipment and uniforms 2 根据 按照 Many of the scientists and engineers are judged in terms of how great their achievements are in the long term 长远看来 in the short term 在目前 17 let 的词组 be to let 出租 let down 失望 let go 放开 松手 let off 放过 宽恕 let out 放走 发出 18 live 的词组 live o

16、ff 依赖 生活 live on sth 以 为食 live by doing 以 为生 live up to 遵守 符合 live through 度过 经受住 live with 接受某种局面 19 to 为介词的词组 stick to lead to object to pay attention to pay a visit to prefer to sentence sb to refer to come to 提及 be up to 总计 忙于做某事 devote to get down to see to 20 It is useless no use no good It s no use sending him over It s too late already It s no good eating too much food which is high in fat Is it any good just crying 21 do the deed do a real thing 做件事 It s easy for us to do one good deed



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