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1、BOOK4Unit5Themeparks Revision Activity1Readaloudpartsofthewordsofunit5 NewWords themeamuseamusementvariousvarietyshuttlechargeadmission 主题使发笑 使愉快消遣 娱乐不同的 各种各样的变化 多样性航天飞机 往返汽车收费 控诉承认 入场费 Newwords profitsouvenirathleticbrandequipmentsneakerminorityfantasy 利润 利益纪念品运动的商标 牌子装备 设备运动鞋少数 少数民族幻想 怪念头 Newwords

2、 settlerexperimentadvanceadvancedtechniquetestcloth 移民者 殖民者实验 试验前进 促进高级的 先进的技术 方法测验 测试布 织物 Newwords junglecreaturevolunteertranslator 丛林生物 动物志愿者翻译者 cometolifegetcloseto 活跃起来接近 Activity2Recitewordsandexpressionsofunit5 1 单词识记根据提示写出下列英语单词或汉语意思 1 秋千 摇摆vt vi 摇摆 摆动2 vt 保存 保留n 保护区3 n 许可 进入 接纳 承认4 vt vi 前进

3、 促进 提前5 n v 收费 掌管 控诉 充电6 n thesubjectormainidea7 adj 各种各类的8 n 幻想 怪念头9 n 动物 生物10 n 品牌 牌子 brand swing preserve admission advance charge theme various fantasy creature 11 adj 唯一的 独特的12 n 长度 长13 n吸引力的事物 吸引14 pron 无论在什么地方 各处15 minorityn 16 translatorn 17 souvenirn 18 tournamentn 19 amusementn 20 brochure

4、n 小册子 指南 unique length attraction wherever 少数 少数民族 翻译员 翻译 纪念品 锦标赛 联赛 消遣 娱乐 2 词组互译将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语 1 各种各样2 以 而闻名3 难怪 不足为奇4 根据 模仿 仿造5 提前6 getcloseto etolife 8 befamiliarwith etrue 10 facetoface avarietyof befamousfor nowonder bemodeledafter inadvance 接近 活跃起来 苏醒过来 面对面 对 熟悉 实现 Activity3Practiseusingexpre

5、ssions 短语运用bemodelledafter cometrue up to date baseon cometolife facetoface getcloseto inadvance1 Thenewlibrary completion 2 Wearekeeping withthelatestdevelopments isgettingcloseto up to date 3 Winningthemedalwaslikeadream 4 Oneshouldalways hisopinions facts 5 Tooursurprise thematchfinally intheseco

6、ndhalf 6 It simpossibletoknow whatwillhappen comingtrue base on cametolife inadvance bemodelledafter cometrue up to date baseon cometolife facetoface getcloseto inadvance 7 Afterhetalkedwiththeheadteacher hewasdeeplyencouraged 8 Thechildwas itsfather givenitsfather sfirstname facetoface namedafter b

7、emodelledafter cometrue up to date baseon cometolife facetoface getcloseto inadvance Activity4Completingsentences 我看你这回还怎么解释 完成句子1 Iliketo 自我消遣 bylisteningtomusic 2 WhenIslidintotheclassroom Ifoundmyself 碰了个正着 theteacher 3 Whathesaid 与 不同 whathedid amusemyself facetofacewith variesfrom 4 Ifhe 不靠近 th

8、efire hewouldn thavebeenkilled 5 Agroupofschoolchildrenarrived 后面跟随着 theirteacher 6 We 玩得很开心 attheparty 7 Wehavetakeneffectivemeasuresto 保护自然 followedby hadalotoffun preservenature hadn tgotcloseto 喷猪式飞机 Activity5语法填空 I 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Hiswifeis various describedasapainterorafilmmaker 2 Wesawthech

9、imps swing frombranchtobranchandplayinginthetree variously swinging 3 Wewereall amuse athisfoolishbehaviour 4 Thereisariver300milesin long intheprovince amused length II 用适当的介词填空 1 Thisisafact whicheveryschoolboyisfamiliar 2 Iworked 2005to2010 generalmanageroftheSalesDepartment with from as 3 theapp

10、roachofsunset itbecomescold 4 Couldyouhelptotakecare myplantwhenIamaway 5 Shetookherdaughter herbedroomandbegantotalkveryseriouslytoher With of into 考试终了还有10分钟 III 根据汉语提示完成下列句子 每空一词 1 RememberyouareChinese 不论你到哪里 2 难怪人们说 thatcomputersaretakingovertheworld whereveryougo Nowonderpeoplesay 3 Pleasetellme 你是否将去日本旅行 whetheryouwilltakeatriptoJapan 4 Heis 不仅仅是一个歌手 hecanwritesongsaswell 5 China 作为美丽的国家而出名 withalonghistory 6 It sclearthathispaintingstyle 模仿 thatofVincentvanGogh morethanasinger isfamousasabeautifulcountry wasmodelledafter Thankyou 罚站我也能睡


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