广东省2020届高三英语复习 40分钟限时训练3

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1、高三英语限时练习三完形填空(时间:10分钟)Are your table manners much better when you are eating at a friends home or in a restaurant than they are at your own home? Probably so, because you are aware that people _21_ you by your table mannersYou take special pains when you are eating _22_Have you ever stopped to reali

2、ze how much less self-conscious you would be on such occasions if _23_ table manners had become a habit for you? You can make them a habit by _24_ good table manners at homeGood manners at mealtimes help you and those around you to feel _25_This is true at home as much as it is true in someone elses

3、 home or in a restaurantGood _26_ make meals more enjoyable for everyone at the tableBy this time you probably know quite well what good table manners areYou _27_ that keeping your arms on the table, talking with your_28_ full, and wolfing down your food are not considered good mannersYou know also

4、that if you are mannerly, you say “Please” and “Thank you” and ask for things to be passed to youHave you ever thought of a pleasant attitude as being_29_ to good table manners? Not only are pleasant mealtimes enjoyable, but they aid digestionThe dinner table is a _30_ for enjoyable conversationIt s

5、hould never become a battlegroundYou are definitely growing in social maturity (成熟) when you try to be an agreeable table companion21Ajudge Bcomment Cevaluate Destimate22Ain public Bat home Cat ease Din a hurry23AsuchBno Csome Dgood24Aacting Benjoying Cpractising Dwatching25Acomfortable Bstressed Cd

6、epressed Doutstanding26Adishes Bmanners Catmospheres Dfriends27Amention Bprefer Cdoubt Drealize28Astomach Bhands Cmouth Dbowl29Aessential Bconsiderate CobviousDunusual30Atime Bplace CchanceDway语法填空(时间:10分钟)Nowadays, millions_1_ lonely singles are now going online instead._2_World Wide Web is quickly

7、 becoming the worlds most popular matchmaker. Singles are flocking to the Internetmainly because their busy lifestyles leave them little time _3_ (look) for a significant other. Using dating sites is quick and convenient. Many singles say the regular dating scenehas just led them from one bad experi

8、ence to_4_and are ready to try something else. Dating sites also make_5_easy to avoid someone_6_you are not interested in. In the real world, however, _7_ ( ignore) someone you dont like can be difficult. Despite all the advantages, online dating also presents _8_ own set of problems. People arent a

9、lways those who they declare to be in their online _9_ (describe). Safety is another concern. You are just_10_ (like) to find a criminal online as you are Mr. Or Miss Right.1. 几百万的_2. 使得某人几乎没时间做某事 _3. 使得做某事容易_4. In the real world, however, _7_ ( ignore) someone you dont like can be difficult. 这个句子中有

10、个定语从句,找出来并删去,这句话难度就减少了。阅读理解(时间:20分钟)AThe old camera Brownie picked up in a charity shop was a splendid find. But the undeveloped film still inside turned out to be even more of a treasure.New owner Don Roccoforte had it developed and saw in it an attractive dark haired woman in her thirties with two

11、 young boys. He immediately determined to try to find out who they were.A few weeks later the California-based camera collector received the news that left him stunned . The woman was his wife Jaquelines aunt in a picture taken around 50 years ago, and one of the boys, her cousin.The couple have now

12、 unraveled(揭开)the astonishing coincidence, which leads back to Mrs. Roccofortes native Lancashire, where many of her family still live. The camera was bought from a shop in Preston by Brownie, a friend of Mr. Roccoforte, who knew of his interest in photography and thought it would be an unusual gift

13、.Back in California, the contents of his new possession inspired Mr. Roccofortes curiosity. Recognizing the water in the background of the photo as a lake in Lancashire, he sent a copy to the local paper in Preston to see if any readers could help.Another relative recognized the group as Winnie Bamb

14、er, still living in the area at the age of 81, her son Tony, Mrs. Roccofortes cousin, and Tonys childhood friend, Mick Murphy.Yesterday Mrs. Bamber was still gasping (惊讶地吸气)at the turn of events which has reunited two strands(分支)of her family.She said she remembered taking the boys to the lake and losing the camera. The two boys, both now 58, still live near Preston.Mrs. Roccofortes father is Winnie Bambers brother, Billy Charnley.He and his wife moved to America in the 1960s. Their daughter met Mr. Roccoforte there and



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