高中英语Unit 3 Under the sea (知识探究)

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1、Unit 3 Under the sea (知识探究)词汇学习A.重点单词1.annual观察示例adj.It was a time when the killer whales,or “killers” as they were then called,helped the whales catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration.那个时期,虎鲸(当时被称为“杀手”)帮助捕鲸人在每年须鲸迁徙时捕捉须鲸。Whats your annual salary?你的年薪是多少?n.the Football Annual for

2、 1998 1998年足球年刊归纳拓展annual作形容词,意为“每年的,一年一次的”;副词为annually。作名词,意思是“一年生植物;年刊,年报,年鉴”。2.flee观察示例vi.And these others are stopping it fleeing out to sea.其他的阻止它逃入大海。The spectators fled in panic when the bull got loose.那只公牛挣开了束缚,吓得观众急忙四散逃走。We were forced to flee the country.我们被迫逃往国外。归纳拓展flee的过去式和过去分词皆为fled,可作

3、不及物动词,亦可作及物动词,意为“逃走,逃掉”。3.depth观察示例n.Its body was dragged by the killers down into the depth of the sea.它的身体被捕猎者拖着进入深海。Whats the depth of this lake?这个湖有多深?They underestimated the depth of public feeling on this issue.他们低估了公众对这个问题的敏感程度。归纳拓展out of/beyond ones depth:在水深没顶的地方;超越自己的理解能力in depth 深入的,彻底的4.

4、abandon观察示例vt.I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us.我能够看得出他因被我们抛弃而害怕。He abandoned his wife and children.他遗弃了妻子和儿女。The bad weather forced them to abandon their search.恶劣的天气迫使他们终止了搜寻工作。归纳拓展abandon作名词,意为“尽情,任意,放纵”;abandoned是形容词,意为“无约束的,无度的;放荡的”。abandoned behaviour 恣意放荡的行为5.rent观察示例vt. &

5、vi.Every summer I rent a room near the beach for a week.每年夏天我在海边租用一个房间过一星期。I rent a room from Mrs Jones.我向琼斯太太租了一个房间。She rents out rooms to students.她出租房子给学生住。Ill need to rent some evening trousers.我需要租用晚礼服裤。n.We pay a high rent.我们支付昂贵的租金。归纳拓展rent作名词,意为“租金”;作动词时意为“出租,租用;裂缝”;它还是动词rend的过去式和过去分词。6.refl

6、ect观察示例 vi.& vt.Im sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day.我手拿一杯冷饮坐在温暖的夜空,思考这一天。After reflecting for a time he decided not to go.仔细思考后,他决定不去了。The mirror reflects my face.镜子照出我的脸。The mountains were reflected in the lake.山在湖面上反映出来。归纳拓展reflect on/upon 招致;给带来

7、影响The unemployment figures reflect badly on the governments policies.失业数字给政府的政策带来很坏的影响。7.pure观察示例 adj.I reflected on the daya day of pure magic.我思考这一天这纯粹的不可思议的一天。Is this sweater made of pure wool?这件羊毛衫是纯羊毛的吗?No,its 60% wool and 40% acrylic.不,有百分之六十是羊毛,百分之四十是丙烯酸树酯。归纳拓展pure的副词形式是purely,意思是“完全地,全然,纯粹地,

8、仅仅”。I helped him purely and simply out of friendship.我帮他完全是出于友谊。8.vivid观察示例adj.The first thing I became aware of was all the vivid colours surrounding me.我意识到的第一件事是我周围鲜艳的颜色。 Im sure that mans following us.我肯定那男子在跟踪我们。Nonsense! Youve got a vivid imagination!“瞎说!我看你的想像力太丰富了”归纳拓展vivid的副词是vividly,名词是viv

9、idness。9.poisonous观察示例adj.I especially loved the little orange and white anemonefish that hid in the poisonous tentacles of the sea anemones.我特别喜欢那种小的桔白色的躲藏在海葵有毒的触角里的海葵鱼。Some plants have poisonous berries.有一些植物的浆果有毒。This medicine is poisonous if taken in large quantities.这种药如服用过量会中毒。归纳拓展poison 作名词意为

10、“毒药,毒物”;也可作动词 “毒杀,毒死,放毒”。10.scare观察示例vt.I told myself they werent dangerous but that didnt stop me from fleeing scared to death for a moment.我告诉自己它们不危险,但我还是被吓得半死。Dont let the noise scare you;its only the wind.别让那声音把你吓住,那不过是风罢了。n.What a scare you gave me,appearing suddenly in the dark.你突然在暗处出现,可真吓了我一

11、跳。归纳拓展scare还可作形容词,意为“吓唬人的”。The newspapers have been printing scare stories about a possible war.报纸上一直在刊登骇人的关于可能发生战争的报道。即时练习句型转换(1)We were forced to flee the country.We were forced to _ _ _safety.答案:go abroad for(2)The error was due to carelessness pure and simple.The error was due to _ carelessness.

12、答案:only完成句子(1)They let the house to the young man _(租金是)$ 50 a week.答案:at a rent of(2)Im _(害怕) snakes.答案:scared of(3)Im _(害怕) fly in a plane.答案:scared to(4)Ill see if I can _(拼凑成) a meal from the scraps of food in the kitchen.答案:scare up(5)Im _(超越自己的理解能力) in this argument.答案:out of my depth(6)We stu

13、died the situation_(深入地).答案:in depth(7)If you make a noise youll _(吓跑) the animals.答案:scare away汉译英我们潜到水下三十英尺的深度。_答案:We dived to a depth of 30 feet.选择填空(1)He abandoned himself _ grief.A.atB.toC.withD.in答案:B(2)People were shouting and cheering _ gay abandon.A.atB.toC.withD.in答案:DB.重点词组1.ahead of 在前面观

14、察示例“Come on,Clancy.To the boat,” George said as he ran ahead of me.“快点,克兰西,到船上来,”乔治一面说,一面跑到我的前面。One man went ahead of the others to see if the road was clear.一个人走在其他人的前面,看看道路是否畅通。The time in London is five hours ahead of the time in New York.伦敦的时间要比纽约时间早个小时。2.in the meantime 在此期间,与此同时加A观察示例“In the meantime,Old Tom and the others are having a good feed on its lips and tongue,” added Red,laughing.“与此同时,老汤姆和



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