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1、山西省太原市第五中学2018-2019学年高一英语上学期12月月考试题I单项选择(共10题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. - Would you take this bag along to the office for me?- _A. That couldnt be better.B. With pleasure.C. Congratulations!D. Youve got it!2. Some people think that taking notes with cell phones instead of by _ hand can save time.A. aB. anC. /

2、D. the3. Facing up to your problems instead of running away from them is the best _ to working them out.A. occupationB. approach C. reactionD. defence 4. Despite the previous rounds of talks, no agreement _ up to now by the two sides.A. has reachedB. was reachedC. had reachedD. has been reached5. It

3、 is said that the factory is now twice as _ as what it was.A. largerB. largestC. largeD. largely6. Listening is an active, not a passive behavior, which _ hearing, understanding and remembering. A. begins withB. comes up withC. becomes known asD. consists of7. Human life is regarded as part of natur

4、e and the only way for us to _ is to live in harmony with nature.A. affordB. contactC. surviveD. expand8. - What time is it? - I have no idea. But just a minute, I _ it for you.A. am going to checkB. have checkedC. am checkingD. will check9. Several universities have top-class basketball teams, and

5、talented players often turn _ for their excellent skills as soon as they finish their studies.A. unemployedB. professionalC. astonishedD. normal10. Students are not allowed to enter the lab without _.A. permissionB. accessC. injureD. sourceII阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共10题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个

6、选项中,选出最佳选项。AIt seems like just yesterday that those little notes signed, “(heart), your only daughter,” would appear suddenly around the house for no special reason. I often wondered if she was trying to tell me something. Maybe I was giving more attention to her older brothers than to her.My daught

7、er and I teamed up to decorate for family birthdays. And we laughed and cried while watching movies with one another. We went shopping for clothes, and we always seemed to see eye to eye about everything. She was a “good girl” and I was a proud mama. Then one day, it all began to fall apart, right b

8、efore my eyes.I was shocked to find that my car was missing one morning. I checked my daughters room, only to find her missing as well. I began making phone calls. No response. Then finally she answered, and admitted that she was “on the freeway, coming back from a party.” As she entered the house t

9、hat morning, the tears began to flow. She explained that she “was tired of being the good girl.” All of her friends were at that party, and she was never allowed to go, so she just decided to rebel (反抗). I remember looking at her with my mouth open, speechless for a moment. I had never had to discip

10、line (训导) my youngest child, really. She never needed more than “a look” from me to teach her right from wrong.Recently, a card came in the mail from my baby girl, thanking me “for always being there for her”. She added, “I cherish (珍惜) the times when people say, youre so much like your mom. Thank y

11、ou for being so patientI love you.”11. What can NOT be learned about the mother and her daughter from the 2nd paragraph?A. Their birthdays are on the same day.B. They enjoyed watching movies together.C. They had the same taste in clothes.D. The mother took pride in her daughter.12. Why did the daugh

12、ter “steal” her mothers car?A. Because she went for a ride on the freeway.B. Because she wanted to show off at the party.C. Because she got bored with her mother.D. Because she desired to break the “good girl” image.13. Having read the card from her daughter, the mother would feel_. A. anxiousB. mov

13、edC. disappointedD. astonishedBSure, chocolate is a delicious treat, and its the main source of some of our favorite desserts. But its not exactly a health food, so it should be enjoyed properly-right?Well, it turns out that eating chocolate might actually have health benefits. According to recent r

14、esearch carried out by five scientists in Italy, compounds (化合物) found in chocolate, called flavanols (黄酮醇), can help improve cognitive (认知的) performance. Yes, chocolate is good for your brain. They found improvements in “general cognition, attention, processing speed, and working memory.” This real

15、ly sounds pretty good to us!And thats not all. In the interviewees, especially women, who performed the tests while they were tired, the flavanols helped counteract the negative effects of being short of sleep. And theres even more good news. The researchers also found that eating chocolate daily (over periods of five days to three months) produced clear long-term improvements in cognition. Older adults, whose memories were already worsening, saw a clear improvement. Well be right back to chocolate bars. Here are some more examples


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