山西省吕梁市石楼县高中英语 第2课时 课题 Reading学案(无答案)新人教版必修1

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山西省吕梁市石楼县高中英语 第2课时 课题 Reading学案(无答案)新人教版必修1_第1页
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山西省吕梁市石楼县高中英语 第2课时 课题 Reading学案(无答案)新人教版必修1_第2页
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《山西省吕梁市石楼县高中英语 第2课时 课题 Reading学案(无答案)新人教版必修1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山西省吕梁市石楼县高中英语 第2课时 课题 Reading学案(无答案)新人教版必修1(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第2课时 课题 Reading班级: 小组: 学生姓名:【学习目标】通过阅读了解文章大意,提高学生的阅读能力,有助于学生做好阅读理解题。【学法指导】通过浏览,跳读,快读的方法找出每段的关键词或关键句,总结出文章大意。【自主预习】(一)词汇练习1.体育场_ 2.退休vi._3.表现/进行_4.背景_5.牌子/商标_6.标识_7.优势_8.保证 vi._9.标语_10.具体的_11.符号_12.质量/品质_13.最后的_14.胜利 n._ 15.抗议vi._16.宣布_17.费力的_18.竞争 n._(二)Into the text 走进课文1. Which of the following is

2、 Not true about LiNings sports life? .A. He had won 106 gold medals in major competitions across the world when he retired at 26.B. At the 1982 World Championship, he won six gold medals.C. At the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, he won three medals.D. He was included in the list of the greatest s

3、portsmen of the twentieth century made by sports journalists in 1999. .2. What was it that made Li Ning determined to succeed in his new life? .A. The great achievement he got. B. The beginning of his new career.C. The fact of his retirement D. The sense of failure3. Which of the following is Not th

4、e reason for Li Nings success in business? .A. Li Nings designs were attractiveB. Li Nings clothes came into the market at just the right time.C. All the Chinese people like Li Nings sports clothesD. Li Nings sports clothes were cheaper than its better-known rivals.4. Which of the following is True

5、according to the last paragraph? .A. Li Nings goal was to make lots of moneyB. Li Nings dream was to win more gold medals.C. Li Ning helped young people to achieve their sporting ambitions.D. Li Ning has worked with the United Nations for childrens rights and peace.5. The writer of this article main

6、ly wants to tell us .A. Life is not easy for a sportsmanB. How Li Ning succeeded and persisted in his choiceC. How Li Ning won so many medalsD. How Li Ning started a new brand of sportswear【合作探究】Conclude the idea of every paragraph.Paragraph1 _Paragraph 2 _Paragraph 3 _Paragraph 4 _Paragraph 5 _Para

7、graph 6 _【自测反馈】1. Why did people call Li Ning the prince of gymnasts?He had won 106 gold medals in_ across the world.They included six out of seven gold medals2. What did the sports journalists meet to do in1999?Sports journalists met to_ the greatest sportsmen and sportswomen of the twentieth centu

8、ry and Li Nings name was on it.3. Why did Li Ning retire with the feeling that he had failed?He _because he had not performed well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.4. What made him determined to succeed in his new life?_made him determined to succeed in his new life.5. What did he decide to launch?He deci

9、ded to launch a new brand of sportswear, _ global giants.6. What do you know about his logo?The bright red logo_ the first two pinyin letters of his name.7. Why did Li Nings success come quickly? The number of young people with money to spend was_. His designs were_. They _their betterknown rivals-t

10、hey were cheaper.8. How successful are Li Ning products?nA Li Ning Product is _every ten seconds._are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo, when you go into a school or university anywhere.nThe company has also grown_.n Chinese athletes_ Li Ning tracksuits during the 2020 Olympics.9. What has Li Ning continued to do since he opened a school for gymnasts?nHe has continued to help young people to_.【我的疑惑】_【自构思维导图】【课后作业】把课文再仔细地阅读,完成学案第3课时。


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