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1、BBC英语听力2012年05月合辑(文本+翻译):BBC0510The Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng has appealed to the central government for justice after making a dramatic escape from house arrest. One activist told the BBC that Mr Chen, whos blind, was helped to climb the garden wall at his rural house and was taken to the US

2、 embassy last Monday. Theres been no confirmation or denial from the US State Department. Charles Scanlon reports.Activists have told of a daring rescue mission, in which the blind campaigner was smuggled out of his home in a rural village which has been surrounded by plain-clothes agents. He was dr

3、iven across country, and then transferred to another car and taken to an undisclosed location in Beijing. From there, Chen Guangcheng recorded a video making a direct appeal to the Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, whos seen as the most liberal member of the leadership. Mr Chen said he and his wife had bee

4、n beaten and abused by local officials, and he wanted to know if this was part of the governments policy.(这两段因涉及国内政治问题略去。)The military leaders who seized power in Guinea-Bissau earlier this month in the middle of a presidential election have released the leading candidate Carlos Gomes Junior and the

5、 interim president, who they had been holding ever since. Reports say the coup leaders have also agreed to a 12-month transition period to restore civilian government as demanded by the regional bloc Ecowas. John James reports from Abidjan.本月早些时候,在总统选举期间夺取几内亚比绍共和国大权的两位军事领导人现已释放主要候选人Carlos Gomes Juni

6、or和现任总统,他们一直被军事领导人挟持。报道称叛变领导人已同意地区组织西非国家经济共同体的要求,即在12个月的过渡期内恢复文人政府。John James在阿比让报道。Guinea-Bissaus two leading politicians are due to meet the Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara over the weekend, after more than two weeks in detention. President Ouattara is the current chairman of the West African

7、regional body Ecowas. And on Thursday, the group agreed to send a 600-strong regional force to Bissau to secure a transition to civilian rule. A second round of presidential elections had been scheduled for this weekend. It was expected to see the election of Carlos Gomes Junior, who gained 49% of t

8、he vote in the first round in March.几内亚比绍共和国的两位重要政治家定于本周末会见这个象牙海岸国家的总统Alassane Ouattara,他已经被拘留两周多了。Ouattara 总统是西非地区组织西非国家共同体的现任主席,周四,该组织同意向比绍派遣600名地区劲旅,帮助确保该国向文人统治过渡。第二轮总统选举定于本周末举行,在三月份第一轮选举中获得49%支持率的Carlos Gomes Junior有望当选。New figures show that growth in the American economy has slowed in the first

9、 quarter of this year. The US Commerce Department said it expanded at an annual rate of 2.2%, compared with 3% in the final quarter of last year. Heres Andrew Walker.新数据显示,今年第一季度美国经济发展放缓。美国商务部称年增长率为2.2%,而去年最后一季度的增长率为3%。Andrew Walker报道。This figure is seen by many economists as rather disappointing. I

10、ts lower than what most expected and a good deal less than what it would take to make a substantial impact on the countrys unemployment problem. The weakest areas were business investment and government spending. But there were some aspects that are seen as more positive. Consumer spending and expor

11、t grew more quickly than before. Economic news is important politically in a presidential election year, and what the new data suggest is a recovery that is still rather unconvincing.在许多经济学家看来,这些数据相当令人失望。这比大多数人期待的要低,且远远达不到对该国失业问题产生重大影响的程度。最不景气的领域是商业投资和政府开支,但也有一些积极的方面。消费者开支和出口增长比以前要快,在这个总统竞选年,经济新闻主要都

12、涉及政治,尽管新数据表明经济在恢复,但仍没有说服力。Spanish unemployment figures show that nearly a quarter of the workforce is jobless - the highest level in 18 years. More than 5.5 million people are looking for work, and 370,000 people have lost their jobs since the start of the year. Spains unemployment rate is now the h

13、ighest of all 17 countries in the eurozone.西班牙失业数据显示,近1/4的劳动力处于失业状态,这是18年来最高的水平。超过5.5百万的人在找工作,370,000人自今年初就失业了。西班牙目前的失业率是欧元区17个国家中最高的。State television in Syria says at least nine people have been killed and nearly 30 wounded in an explosion in central Damascus. The TV station has broadcast footage o

14、f the aftermath of the blast near a mosque in the Midan neighbourhood. The BBCs Rafid Jabboori is in Damascus.叙利亚国家电视台称,大马士革中部发生爆炸事件,至少9人丧生,近30人受伤。电视台播放了米丹社区一处清真寺附近爆炸发生后的视频。BBC记者Rafid Jabboori在大马士革报道。According to what we heard from the Syrian Ministry of Information, the explosion took place right a

15、fter the Friday prayer. Apparently, an individual approached the security officers who were guarding this place in central Damascus. When they asked him about his identification, he blew up himself. This place turned very quickly to a pro-government gathering. People here are shouting support for th

16、e Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.根据我们从叙利亚信息部了解的信息,周五祈祷刚过就发生了爆炸。显然,一人向守卫处在大马士革中部这个地方的保安人员走去。保安人员询问男子的身份,男子就引爆了自己。这里很快就举行了亲政府集会,人们高呼支持叙利亚总统阿萨德。The Ukrainian authorities say four explosions in an hour in the eastern Ukrainian city of Dnipropetrovsk were an act of terrorism. At least 27 people were injured at a tram stop and near a cinema. President Yanukovych described the blasts as a new challenge to the nation


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