2020高考英语 Module5《The Conquest of the Universe》单元强化训练 外研版选修8

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《2020高考英语 Module5《The Conquest of the Universe》单元强化训练 外研版选修8》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020高考英语 Module5《The Conquest of the Universe》单元强化训练 外研版选修8(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2020高考英语外研版选修8Module5The Conquest of the Universe单元强化训练. 单项填空1Are you _ me of lying to headmaster?Im sure you did.Aaccusing BscoldingCreminding Dtelling【解析】accuse sb. of.“控告某人”,符合题意。scold“谴责,责备”;remind“提醒”;tell“告诉”,均与题意不符。【答案】A2We all can go out for a picnic this afternoon_ that the others agree.Ato

2、 assume BassumedCassume Dassuming【解析】由句子结构可知,前句是后面前提下的结果,故后句为条件状语,assuming.作状语,表示条件。【答案】D3My room is very comfortable_the fact that it is very small.Abecause of BalthoughCin spite of Das【答案】A5How long are you staying?I dont know._.AThats OK BNever mindCIt depends DIt doesnt matter【解析】考查交际用语。从题干看这件事情

3、还没有发生,而被问及的人回答说不知道。很明显,他对将要发生的事情没有把握,所以又补充了一句“看情况而定”,即It depends.。【答案】C6The police wanted to know whether there was someone who _ the robbery.Awitnessed BstaredClooked Dproved【解析】句意为:警察想知道是否有人亲眼目睹了这次抢劫。【答案】A7_,you cant lift the heavy box up.AEven you are strongBStrong as you areCHow strong you areDA

4、s you are strong【解析】考查让步状语从句。根据句意“你虽然健壮,但举不起那个沉重的箱子”可知该空应用让步状语从句,排除A、C;又因as引导让步状语从句时须用倒装,故选B。【答案】B8The police have _ to look into the cause of the accident.Aset about Bset asideCset out Dset up【解析】set out to doset about doing“着手干某事”。句意为:警察已着手对事故原因进行调查。【答案】C9Many experts hold the view _ teachers deve

5、lopment is _ the key to better education lies.Awhich;where Bwhich;in whichCthat;where Dthat;in which.翻译句子1我们的外教很快习惯了中餐。(become accustomed to)Our_foreign_teacher_soon_became_accustomed_to_Chinese_food.2小孩的气球爆炸了,他大哭起来。(burst out doing)The_child_burst_out_crying_because_his_balloon_burst.3不管他怎样努力,他还是找不

6、到工作。(as引导的让步状语从句)Try_as_he_might,he_could_not_find_a_job.4这本书同那本书一样没趣。(no more.than)This_book_is_no_more_interesting_than_that_one.5任何人犯了法都要受到惩罚。(be to do)Whoever_breaks_the_law_is_to_be_punished.完形填空Mars is not,it seems,the dry old planet we once believed _1_.Astronauts who are _2_ to go there in t

7、he next decade may find plenty _3_ water to slake (消除) their thirst.And with water present the _4_ of finding some sort of life of Mars are _5_ brighter.This is the view of forty geologists who have been analyzing _6_ of pictures and other scientific _7_ obtained by robot explorers in the sixties an

8、d seventies.To begin with,scientists thought the Red planet was as _8_ as the Moon _9_ dust storms swirling over vast sandy _10_.But now the picture is very different _11_ mountains and valleys carved by _12_ glaciers(冰川) and rivers rushing and rumbling deep underground.In a report on the analysis o

9、f the Martian pictures Dr.Michael Car of the US.Geological Survey comments,“I am convinced _13_ lots of water on Mars.” Any surface water will be in the _14_ of ice.But it could save explorers from _15_ to take so much _16_ with them.The report says _17_ Mars probably had a warmer climate in ages _1

10、8_ due to its axis (轴) having been more tilted (倾斜) towards the sun._19_ signs of plant or animal life have been detected by instruments landed on Mars,_20_ the landing vehicles have been sent there for a few years.1A.it is Bit Cit to be Dwas【解析】根据新的资料显示,火星似乎并不像我们过去认为的那么干燥。it代替前面的专有名词Mars; to be 为不定

11、式的省略式,其后面省略了dry。 不定式的省略式通常省略to后面的成分,但后面为to be结构时,就要保留be而省略其后面的成分。【答案】C2A.expected Bhoped Crequired Dsent【解析】expect sb. to do sth.表示“期待某人做某事”。这里用其被动语态形式:be expected to do sth.,表示“某人被期待做某事”。【答案】A3A.to Bof Cmore Din【解析】此句的plenty ofa lot of为固定词组,意思是“大量的;许多的;充足的”。【答案】B4A.chances Bopenings Coccasions Dpos

12、sibility【解析】本句的意思是“由于水的发现,在火星上面找到某种生命形式的机会就变得更加明朗了”。【答案】A5A.quite Bvery Cmuch Dmore【解析】此处的much用来修饰比较级,其他选项都不能修饰比较级。【答案】C6A.a few Bmany Cthousand Dthousands【解析】thousands of用复数形式表示不确定的数字,此处意思是“数以千计的 ”,后接复数名词;a few of后接“限定词复数名词”,意思是“某(固【解析】此处为“with 名词分词”构成的复合结构作状语。【答案】B10A.deserts Bmountains Crivers Ds

13、eas【解析】此句意思是“沙暴(dust storms)在广袤的沙漠(deserts)上旋转”。【答案】A11A.from Bbetween Cfor Dwith【解析】注意此题的关键是要搞清楚它不是be different from结构,因为此结构后的名词前要用限定词,而该空后面的名词前无限定词,故可排除。此空与第9空一样,为“with复合结构”作状语。【答案】D12A.energetic BgreatCheavy Dpowerful【解析】这里用powerful形容冰河对山谷冲刷的威力巨大。【答案】D13A.theres BtherereCheres Dherere【解析】此句用的是“th

14、ere be”结构,其后面的名词water(即主语)为不可数名词,故谓语动词be用单数形式。【答案】A14A.appearance BwayCform Dshape【解析】词组in the form of的意思是“以形式”。此句意思是“任何表面上的水将以冰的形式存在”。【答案】C15A.have BhavingCcarry Dcarrying【解析】from为介词,后面接动词的ing形式,故可排除A和C两个选项;本空为have to 结构,意思是“必须;不得不”,其后接的是动词原形。【答案】B16A.water BiceCequipment Doxygen【解析】此句的意思是“水的存在使探险者们不用随身携带大量的水”。【答案】A17A.what Bif Chow Dthat【解析】此句意思是“报告说由于火星的轴在过去的岁月中更加倾斜地面对太阳,那时火星的天气,可能比现在暖和”。此处that引导一个宾语从句,其本身在宾语从句中不充当任何成分,也没有任何词汇意义,仅起连接的作用。【答


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