2020高考英语 Unit2学生选练(2)新人教版选修6

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1、2020高考英语人教新课标选修6U2学生选练(2)及答案Unit 2 Poems 高考复习Period 2Learning about Language & Using Language 课时精练(人教版选修6,课标通用)时间:30分钟.短语填空1Should children get allowance_chores(家务)?2At the sight of the snake,the frightened girl_a cry.3John hopes to_his new running shoes this weekend.4We havent_such_for years.5Well_

2、another minute,then well have to go.6On Monday I heard_that Miss Zhang was in Beijing.7We had only six members to_.8My uncle_come this Sunday.9Thick, woolen clothes will not_a hot summer day.10The women came down the hill with their_firewood.答案1.in exchange for2.let out3.try out4.had;fun5hold on6.by

3、 chance7.start with8.is likely to9.be appropriate for10.loads of.完成句子1她发出了痛苦的尖叫。She _ _ a sharp cry of pain. (let out)2不用担心,时间很充裕。 (loads of)Dont worry,theres _ _ _.3现在发表演讲是不是合适的时候?(appropriate)Is it now _ _ _ to make a speech?4他一赢了钱就把他的旧车换成了一辆新款式的车。(exchange.for.)He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as soon as he ha

4、d won the money.5他把信件归档保存,一旦需要就可以立刻找到。(whenever)He keeps a file of letters so he can get his hands on one _ _ _ _.答案1.let out2.loads of time3.an appropriate time4.exchanged his old car for a new model5.whenever he needs it.单项填空1Her family is poor,but luckily she found a company to_her through colleg

5、e. Asupport Bsponsor Chelp Dassist答案B句意:她的家庭很穷,但幸运的是她找到了一家公司在她整个大学期间来赞助她。sponsor赞助;support支持;helpassist 帮助。2.They_the trucks with boxes of food and sent the goods to the disaster areas.(2020海宁高二检测)Asupplied Bprovided Cloaded Dunloaded答案C考查动词辨析。句意:他们把装满食物的箱子装上了卡车然后送往了受灾地。 load.with把装到上。故选C项。 3What wo

6、uld you give me_my iphone?A new laptop.Ain exchange for Bwith regard toCby means of Din place of答案A问句句意为:我给你我的iphone,那你给我什么作为交换呢?in exchange for交换;with regard to 关于;by means of用,凭借;in place of代替。故A项符合句意。4How do you like these new video games?There are too many wars and horrors.They are not_for child

7、ren.Arealistic BappropriateCvaluable Dessential答案B考查单词辨析。答句句意为:那里面有太多的战争和恐怖,它们不适合孩子。B项“合适的”,符合句意。A项“现实的”;C项“有价值的”;D项“必需的”。appropriate to表示“适合于”,为固定搭配。5Nothing shall_me from accomplishing my purpose.(2020沈阳高二检测)Ahold on Bhold downChold up Dhold out答案C句意:没什么可以阻挡我实现我的计划。hold up阻挡,符合句意。hold on坚持;hold do

8、wn压制;hold out坚持、伸出。 6She enjoys_new ways of doing things because she thinks she can get much enjoyment by doing that.Aleaving out Bletting outCtrying out Dworking out答案C句意:她喜欢尝试做事情的新方法,因为她认为她可以从中享受到很多乐趣。try out尝试;leave out省去,遗漏;let out发出,放走;work out解决。故C项意思相符。7_a moment and I will go to your rescue.

9、AGo on BHold onCMove on DCarry on答案B考查短语动词的意思辨析。句意:再坚持一会,我就会来救你。go on继续;hold on 等会儿,坚持一会儿;move on继续;carry on 继续开展,进行。故B项符合句意。8The bride and bridegroom were_wedding gifts when all lights went out and the hall fell into completely darkness.Apresenting BexchangingCoffering Dchanging答案B考查词语辨析,句意:新郎、新娘正在

10、交换结婚礼物,这时所有的灯都灭了,整个大厅里一片漆黑。present“授予、 呈现”;exchange“交换”;offer“提供;提出”;change“改变”。 9Although they plant trees in this area every year,the tops of some hills are still_.Ablank Bhollow Cvacant Dbare答案D考查近义词辨析。blank“空的,未录音的,未填写的”;hollow“空的,中空的”;vacant“空的,空缺的”(指职位的空缺); bare“无遮蔽的,赤裸的,光秃的”(指物体表面没有覆盖物)。句意:尽管

11、他们每年都在这个地区植树,但一些山顶上仍是光秃秃的。 10The Iranian government is accused of_some terror organizations in the Middle East by the United States.Asponsoring Bproviding Coffering Dsupplying答案Asponsor资助。 provide,offer, supply sb后还需再加上提供的东西,单独接sb不能表示提供某人什么东西。故选A项。 .阅读理解AWilliam Wordsworth, the representative poet o

12、f the first generation of Romantics and the chief spokesman of Romantic poetry, was born in 1770 in the Lake District of Cumberland. He lost both parents when still very young and was brought up by relatives, who sent him to school at Hawksherd in the beautiful lake region in Northwestern England, w

13、here he had time to lead a life of delighted freedom in the surrounding hills. He loved nature more than his books.He entered Cambridge in 1787, but left it without distinction. In the last summer vacation in the Cambridge University, he went to France where he saw the French Revolution.The years from 1793 to 1798 were an important period in his life during which he suffered from great depression.But then he successfully ov


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