Unit 2 Healthy eating 测试卷(A卷基础篇)(原卷word版)

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1、Unit 2 Healthy eating 测试卷 (A卷基础篇)【人教版】学校:_班级:_姓名:_ 考号:_ 温馨提示:本试卷共分第卷和第卷两部分,第卷为选择题;第卷为非选择题;满分为120分,考试时间为100分钟。请同学们将答案写在答题卡上,务必注意你的书写。第卷第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A(2018-2019学年贵州省遵义高一英语试卷)Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for the L

2、ondon bus. The bus for London would not leave until five to twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting in the station. Some were standing in lines, and others were walking about. There was a group of school girls. Their teacher was crying to keep them in order. Tom looked around but there was nowhere fo

3、r him to sit. He walked into the station caf. He looked up at the clock there. It was only twenty to twelve. He found a seat and sat down,facing a large mirror on the wall. Just then,John,one of Toms friends,came in and sat with Tom. What time is your bus? asked John. Oh,there is plenty of time yet,

4、 answered Tom. Oh,Ill get you some more tea then, said John. They talked while drinking. Then Tom looked at the clock again. Good heavens! Its going backward! he cried. A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and now its half past eleven. You are looking at the clock in the mirror, said John. Tom

5、wanted to kick himself for being so foolish. The next bus was not to leave for another hour. He has never like mirror since then. 1.The London bus left . A. at 11:55 B. at 5:12 C. before 11:55 D. after 11:552.Tom went into the station caf because . A. John asked him to have a cup of teaB. he wanted

6、a drink thereC. he would meet a friend of hisD. it was early yet and he wanted to find a place to sit3.Which of the following is true? A. Tom missed his bus B. He has like mirror since then. C. The next bus would leave soon. D. Tom arrived London on time. B(2018-2019学年河北省衡水市高一英语试卷)Once upon a time,

7、a boy was walking through a wood and he thought he could hear a sad cry. Following the sound he came to a big, round, mysterious, gray fountain. The sad sound seemed to be coming from the fountain pool. The boy swept aside the pools dirty surface water and saw a group of gray fish swimming in a slow

8、 circle through the pond. Amused by this, the boy tried to catch one of these incredible talking fish. But when he stuck his arm into the water it turned gray right up to the elbow. As this happened, a huge sadness entered into him, and he suddenly understood how sad the fish were feeling. He quickl

9、y pulled his arm out of the water, and ran from that place. But the arm stayed gray, and the boy continued feeling sad. He tried so many times to cheer himself up, but nothing worked. That was, until he realized that if he were to make the Earth happy then that happiness would be, in turn, transmitt

10、ed back to him, through the earth on his arm. From then on, he set about looking after countryside. He cared for the plants, and he did what he could to keep the water from being polluted. He encouraged others to do the same. He was so successful that his arm started to recover its normal color. Whe

11、n the gray had disappeared completely, he started feeling happy again, and he decided to go and visit the fountain. When he was still some way from the fountain he could hear the fish singing happily. 4.What happened to the boy when he stuck his arm into the water? A. He caught some fish. B. His arm

12、 was bitten by the fish. C. He felt great sadness. D. Nothing special happened. 5.Which of the following didnt happen after the boy left the fountain? A. He started to look after the countryside. B. He stopped the water from being polluted. C. He encouraged people to protect the earth. D. His arm ke

13、pt gray and he never felt happy. 6.What can we learn from the passage? A. We should protect the earth. B. We shouldnt catch fish. C. Even the fountain may cry. D. We should visit the fountain. 7.What is the best title of the passage? A. The Beautiful Countryside. B. The Talking Fish. C. The Sad Cry.

14、 D. The Gray Fountain. C(2018-2019学年江西省上饶市高一英语试卷)English is an excellent language to learn, whether its for business, travel or personal reasons. Here are some important ways to improve your spoken English. When you have time to speak, just try your best to practice. Dont wait until you feel more co

15、mfortable speaking in English, so start speaking English today. Youll be surprised at how quickly your language skills improve. Find a native English speaker who is willing to spend some time speaking English with youyou may be able to offer them a language exchange, where they spend 30 minutes speaking English with you and


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