江苏省江阴市成化高级中学高中英语 M4U1 M4U2reading教案 牛津译林版必修4

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1、M4U1-M4U2READING一、首字母填空完成句子1. Hes really _ delighted_ with his new CD player. .2. I do not think this case is really of great _ significance _.3. He _ competed _ with a number of other candidates.4. I had the _ honour _ of presenting the awards at the ceremony.5. The best approach _ to learning a fo

2、reign language is the study of the spoken language.6Albert Einstein once said, “ Imagination (想象力)is more important than knowledge.”7 To promote and encourage the communication of arts and international culture, Shanghai International Arts Festival will be held next month.8 The news on this web is u

3、pdated every day; you can get information about what happens around the world in time.9 Some famous people are often asked to make comments (评论) on current affairs.10.I dont know how he made his money originally (最初).二、完成句子1、让我感到欣喜的是,你取得了很大的进步。_to_ _my_ _delight_, you have made great progress.2、刘翔在奥

4、运会上和其他的运动员一起争夺冠军。Liu Xiang _competed_ _with_ other athletes _in _the Olympic Games _for_ the gold medal.3、为了向这位教了30年得老师表示敬意我们学校举办了个派对。Our school held a party _in honour of_/ to honour_ the teacher who has taught 30 years.4、然而,并不是我们班所有的学生都喜欢英语。_Not_ _all_ _the_ _students_ in my class like English,_th

5、ough_.5、 我们决心采取他的建议。We _are_ _determined_ _to_ _take_ his advice.6、年轻人很容易被说服买新的产品。Young people_are_ easily _persuaded_ _into_ _buying_ new products.7、我感谢他推荐那个医生给我.I thanked him for _recommending_ _the_ _doctor_ _to_ me.8、我们都关心他的安全。 We _are_ all _concerned _with/about_ his safety.9、我现在意识到了学习英语的重要性。I

6、_am_ _aware_ _of_ the importance of learning English.10、这些话的目的不是为了伤害你,而是为了鼓励你.These words _are/were_ _not_ _intended_ _to_ hurt you, but to _encourage_ you.11、为了取得进步,你必须心中有清晰的目标。In _order_ _to_ make_ progress_, you must _have_ a clear goal _in_ _mind_.12、这个囚犯尝试逃离,但被击毙了。The prisoner made an attempt t

7、o escape, but he was shot to death.三选择动词适当形式填空(10)put sth together; depend on; be used to; even if; commit suicide; be popular with;trick sb into doing sth; be determined to do; get sth across; play tricks on1.Whether we ll go for a picnic depends on the weather.2. He will come on time even if it ra

8、ins tomorrow.3.The workers are putting the new machine together now.4.The saleswoman tricked me into buying this product yesterday.5. Li Ming is used to getting up early and doing exercise every morning6. Though the task is hard, we are determined to finish it before Friday.7. Playing tricks on each

9、 other on April Fools Day is a traditional custom in the west.8. It is reported that an old woman committed suicide in her room yesterday because she was in huge debt.9. Rock music is more popular with young people than with the old.10. My parents are always trying to get across to me the importance

10、 of studying hard.四、句型转换1We should help the disabled instead of making fun of themWe should help the disabled instead of playing tricks on them2. I am bored with wearing the same blue jeans every day.I am tried of wearing the same blue jeans every day.3. The leaders of this company often care about

11、the living conditions of the employees.The leaders of this company often are concerned with/about the living conditions of the employees.4. This product is attractive to people of all ages. This product appeals to people of all ages.5. Experts think this research is very valuable.Experts think this

12、research is of great value.五、单选B 1. He was a heavy smoker. I _ him to give up smoking but he just wouldnt listen to me .A. suggested B. tried to persuade C. persuaded D. managed.B 2. nice, the music in this film became popular soon after the film come about.A. Being sounded B. Sounding C. Sounded D.

13、 To be soundedB3. Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, I will always treasure.A. that B. one C. it D. whatA 4. They tricked the pretty girl _stealing money from the store.A. into B. to C. with D. againstD 5. The captain him a medal for his special contribution the navi

14、gation.(航海)A. offer, to, for B. present, for , to C. present, with , to D. offered, /, toB 6. There _a lot of coal mines in the south, but many of them have been closed or are _be closed. A. use to having; about to B. used to be; toC. use to having; going to D. used to be; supposed toB 7. Theyve mad

15、e the mistake again, though they .A. intended to B. didnt intend to C. intended D. didnt intendD 8. Im going to get this afternoon.A. these letters mailing B. mail the letters C. to mail these letters D. him to mail the lettersD 9. Would you _ me a good dictionary?A. command B. demand C. recommendation D. r


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