商务英语考试BEC备考辅导BEC商务英语辅导 广告法则.docx

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1、BEC商务英语辅导 广告法则在这个广告大行其道的世界,作为职场人不可不具备市场意识,不能不了解一些广告法则。(一)广告词汇英语广告是一种独特的语言形式,它遵循正规的英语语法规则,但是仍有许多独特的处理方式。在用词方面,英语广告可以说是兼收并蓄,不拘一格,绚丽多姿。1)在政府颁发公文、学校招生等的广告中,用词极为严肃正统。例 Our present Principal/Chief Executive has reached retirement age and the governing board wants to make the crucial appointment of his rep

2、lacement in 94. If you are a highly qualified and experienced individual and you think you have the vision, energy and enthusiasm to lead the college into the next century, please write for further information and post particulars to xxxxx.这是一篇招生广告,其中用词是非常正规的,反映了广告的内容也是严肃认真的。2)在许多情况下,广告为了产生一种幽默和诙谐的效

3、果,故意使用一些不正式的语言。例 1 Each transfer weight advantage and power into real, all round performance at prices we know wont freak you out.在这则广告中,freak out 是一非正式词组,意思是精神恍惚,极度兴奋(尤其指吸毒之后),它在此的意思是frighten(使人害怕),或是scare 的意思。例 2 Whats more, during our new appliance sale weve knocked up to 50% off top name brands.

4、knock 在此的意思是defeat(击败),比起defeat来却很不正式,但是表达效果却比defeat要生动得多。例 3 Keep the frog out of your throat.这是一个咽喉片的广告中的最后一句话,广告策划者故意用这样一个非正式的短语取得一种幽默的效果。在许多广告中,使用了大量的俚语和非正式的词汇,使广告显得通俗活泼,给人留下深刻的印象。如在一件外衣的广告中,为了强调该外衣的特色、衣袋设计的不同凡响,甚至可以防盗,文字是这样的pity the pickpocket (可怜那些三只手吧),其中pickpocket 就属于口语体,相当于汉语中的三只手或扒手。假如把它换成

5、thief(贼),效果就不如pickpocket 生动有趣。专有名词的使用在广告中也很广泛,利用名人或名地等可以增加广告的说服力,引起读者的注意。如 This is one place Mick Doohan will never race. 中,Mike Doohan 就是一位的赛车手,这是本田汽车公司的广告,意思是这是一块连Mike Doohan 都不去比赛的地方。又如,From the country that brought you Alain Delon: a new range of traditional cast-iron pots and pans, with smooth

6、bottoms for use on all types of hob. 广告中Alain Delon (阿兰德龙)也是一位影星。(二)广告句型英文广告中不止用词别出心裁,句型也很有特色。下面我们就来看一看。英语广告的句型也多种多样,但最常用的句型有以下几类:1) 祈使句 这是出现最多的句型。:恒星英语网例 1 Ask any one who owns one. (汽车广告语) 询问一下有这种车的人吧。例 2 Lay down your arms.(桌子广告语) 放下您的胳膊吧。例 3 Please do not leave it too late. 事不宜迟。2) 一般疑问句 通常用在广告的

7、前面。例 1 Have you ever dreamed of ascending the steps of a great temple built to the gods? (旅行社广告)您是否梦想过登上为众神修建的宏伟庙宇的台阶?例 2 Can a tired, overworked voice command attention in class? 一个疲惫、过劳的声音能吸引全班的注意力吗?又如下面这个广告全部由一般疑问句构成:People with PhDs should have inquiring minds. Consider this a simple test.A) Do

8、you want to work in world-class research laboratories?B) Do you want to apply your research skills to keep a successful business at the cutting edge of world technology?C) Do you want to build your career with a major international company headquartered in Australia?If your answers to these question

9、s are yes, BHP would like to talk to you.Your first challenge is to discover more by calling Theoni Parthimos, our Senior Personnel Officer.3)省略句 在英语广告中,省略句比比皆是,甚至整篇广告都由省略句构成。例 Serviced Greenfield sites aplenty. Ready for development. For sale. For manufacture. For business. For services. For leisur

10、e. A million square feet of ready-to-wear premise. Brand new business parks. Four-star conference facilities. Backed by years success in helping business to relocate, set-up, prosper, expand.4) 比较级 比较级在广告中用得非常多,这是由于英语广告中有大量的形容词和副词做修饰语的缘故。例1 Today in business fast is no longer fast enough, even faste

11、r is still too slow to keep pace with the incredible demands placed on people and the computers they work with. Thats one reason why IBM developed P60/D. 60MHz 64-bit Pentium Chip computers so fast, so powerful, it makes todays conventional computers like they are moving at a snails space.例2 These d

12、ays succeeding in business means getting more competitive and making tougher decisions.例3 The new Minolta Riva Zoom 1EX is the most compact camera in a very prestigious class.例4 In short, the stronger your character, the brighter your future.5) 直接引语 在英语广告中直接引语出现得很多,原因:一是直接引语使得广告显得形式活泼、新颖;二是采用直接引语从心理

13、学的角度看可以增强说服力。例1 Its like were all in the same office. The office just happens to be spread across 7,000 miles of ocean, Tom Hughes MIS Director, Construction.这是IBM公司的一则广告的开头语,通过该公司经理的话,使广告显得生动具体。例2 Through the NVQ initiative we have discovered talents and competencies we would never otherwise have k

14、nown about. Says Ian McDermot of Philips Components in Blackburn.这是用人单位对NVQ职业培训机构的赞扬。例3 I was afraid to drive in the snow. Not great when you live in Alaska. Fortunately, Carol Kineaid, who lives in Anchorage, saw a Suzuki 4-door Sidekick on display and decided to give it a try. From the time I got

15、behind the wheel, it was the one for me. You sit up so high, like you have so much control. With four-wheel drive and 1.6 liter, -value engine, its understandable. And her snow-o-phobia? My Sidekick just goes right through it, I never knew what I was missing. Apparently, husband John knew exactly wh

16、at he was missing. He wanted to drive my Sidekick from the moment I got it, but I just said, no way. There was only one thing left for John to do. You should have seen the neighbors faces when he drove up in his Sidekick, Carol reports. Who knew that after raising two kids, John and Carol would have twins?这是一则汽车广告,通过直接引语生动地表现了汽车的功能。



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