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1、Starter Unit 3 What color is it?(1a1c)教学设计Teaching aims (教学目标) 能够用英语询问颜色,并能够做出相应的问答Teaching importance(教学重点):1.掌握描述颜色的词汇 blue, green, red, yellow,black, white, purple, orange, brown.2.句型:-Whats this/that? -Its. -What color is it? -Its .Teaching difficulties(教学难点):1.教学字母SZ 2.熟练运用所学句型描述物体的颜色。Teaching

2、steps (教学步骤)1. Warm-up and revision (课堂热身和复习,课件展示)(1)T: Good morning !(2)T: How are you? S: Im fine thanks. How are you? T: Im OK.(3)T: Whats this / that in English? (Teacher shows PPT to students) S: Its a pen / an orange. . T: Spell it, please. S: 【教学设计说明】 课件展示来复习巩固已学知识,让学生在真实的交际中掌握知识,并为下一步学习颜色作准备

3、。2. Presentation (呈现新知识) 1) Show a picture to lead in different colors. T: 复习生活中常见物品时就已经呈现出了这些物品的颜色,那我们一起来学习这些表示颜色的词)2) Show these new words: red, yellow, green, blue, black, white, purple, brown3)Teach new words”(呈现带有音标的新单词,同时教读新单词4)Guessing and saying (通过观看快速闪过的有颜色的图片,来巩固刚刚学习的新词)3. Work on 1a (完成1

4、a)(1)T: Please open your books at Page 9. What colors can you see on the left? S: Red, yellow, green,blue,black, white,purple and brown.(2)What letters can you see in the picture? S: S, T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z.(3)Look at the picture and write the letter for each color. (Keys: V, S, Y, W, U, X, T )【教学设计说明】在本环节

5、中,除了让学生完成1a的任务外,还要熟练掌握字母及其对应的颜色。4. Work on 1b (完成1b)T: Close your books and listen to the recording.(1) Play the recording for the first time, Students only listen.T: Ill play the recording for you. You must listen to it carefully.(2) Play the recording for the second time. Students listen and repea

6、t.T: This time, you can read after the recording.(3)T: Now please open your books at Page 9. Look at the conversations in the picture. Lets listen and repeat.Explain: 指近处用“this”,指远处用“that”。【教学设计说明】此步骤的设计是让学生接触到地道的英语,先听后说,练习正确的语音语调,养成学习英语的良好习惯。强调this和that两个指示代词的用法。5. Work on 1c (完成1c)(1)Students prac

7、tice the conversations in the picture in pairs.T: Look at the conversation in the picture. You can practice in pairs.(2)Students practice their own conversations in pairs. While they are practicing, the teacher moves around to listen to their pronunciation and intonation.(3)Ask some pairs to present

8、 their conversations.【教学设计说明】 学生两人一组进行对话,从模仿到操练,再编出新的对话,符合学生的认知规律。同时教师可以了解学生的语音语调,了解学生是否能正确地进行对话。6. pairworkT: What is this? S:Its.T:What color is it?S:Its.(呈现ST的彩色字母,然后像上面这样来练习本节课的重点句型,同时也学习了本节课要求掌握的字母,并且为下一步的默契大考验游戏作准备,让学生能够容易的完成,以激发他们学习英语的兴趣) 7.Do some exercises1)、-Whats this? - _ a pen. A. Its B

9、. It C. Is D. Is 2)、- Good morning ! - _. A. Good morning! B. Good C. Good evening D. morning3)、Good evening ! _. A. Good morning B. Good evening C. am D. / 4)、- Your jacket is very good. - _ A. Thats OK. B. OK. C. Thanks. D. Good.5)、- What color is it? - Its _. A. a red B. green C. a black D. an or

10、ange6)、- How are you? - _ A. Thanks. B. I am fine. C. OK. D. Hes good. 8. Summaries字母SZ;有关颜色的词汇;询问颜色的重点句型9.Homework看图(课件展示)并用本节课的目标语言编两组对话版 权 所 有,侵 权 必 究 联 系Q Q68843242 本页为自动生成页,如不需要请删除!谢谢!如有侵权,请联系68843242删除!1,侵权必究 联系QQ68843242 1,版 权 所 有,侵 权 必 究 联 系Q Q68843242 本页为自动生成页,如不需要请删除!谢谢!如有侵权,请联系68843242删除!版 权 所 有,侵 权 必 究 联 系Q Q68843242 本页为自动生成页,如不需要请删除!谢谢!如有侵权,请联系68843242删除!侵权必究 联系QQ68843242 1



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