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1、2016届高考英语词汇综合练系列08(二模前) 一、单项填空1-5代词、连词和名词1.(浙江省慈溪市2015届高三上学期期中测试英语试卷)After three months of hard work, I wish to travel in a nice small town, especially _ with an ocean view.A. oneB. thatC. itD. this【答案】A2.(2015年福建省厦门市高中毕业班适应性考试)The passwords containing a mixture of letters, figures and symbols are m

2、ore secure than _ with letters or figures only. A. that B. one C. those D. ones【答案】C【解析】句意:包含字母、数字和符号的混合的密码比仅仅含有数字或字母的密码更安全。题干中对比的是the passwords,对比项应用those代替。one代指前文的a + 名词单数,如:A coat made from cotton is thicker than one made from feathers一件棉花做成的棉衣比用羽毛制作的棉衣厚。故选C。3.(浙江省嘉兴市第一中学2016届高三上学期能力测试)_ she beg

3、an reading and saw what fun it was, there was no stopping her.A. Unless B. Once C. Until D. Though【答案】B【解析】句意:一旦她开始阅读并发现阅读的乐趣,就再也没有什么能够阻挡她继续下去了。unless除非,once一旦;until直到;though尽管。4.(2015届湖北天门市高三4月调研考试)During the nineteen years of his career, France Batiste has won the _ of a wide audience outside Ital

4、y.A. comprehension B. recognitionC. evaluation D. reputation【答案】B【解析】句意:在他十九年的职业生涯中,弗朗斯巴蒂斯特赢得了意大利以外听众的广泛认可。recognition 认可。comprehension(阅读)理解,理解力;evaluation 评价(抽象的人或事);reputation名声,声望。故选B。5.(2015届湖北天门市高三4月调研考试)Parents have a legal _ to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education

5、 suitable to their age.A. impact B. commitment C. influence D. motivation【答案】B【解析】句意:父母在法律上要承诺保证他们的孩子在他们适合的年龄接受教育。impact影响;commitment 承诺;influence 影响;motivation动机。根据句意可知选B。6-10介词和介词短语6.(浙江省慈溪中学2016届高三上学期期中)His red clothes stood out clearly _ the snow, so I recognized him at first sight.A. in B. on C

6、. against D. above【答案】C【解析】in在里面;on在上面;against在的映衬下,反对;above在上方。句意:她穿着红颜色的衣服在白雪的映衬下非常显眼,所以我一眼就认出了她。against the snow在白雪的映衬下,故选C。7.(浙江省宁波市效实中学2016届高三上学期期中考试)I have done everything possible to prevent him from running the risk but _. A. in timeB. in caseC. in vainD. in need【答案】C8.(浙江省宁波市效实中学2016届高三上学期期

7、中考试)Sara, my colleague, has been _ the run all week preparing for her sons wedding. A. inB. toC. onD. at【答案】C【解析】on the run逃跑,忙碌,奔波。句意:我的同事萨拉,整个一周都在忙碌着为儿子的婚礼做准备。故选C。9.(浙江建人高复学校2016届高三上学期第一次月考)Check carrots, potatoes, onions and any other vegetables _ and immediately use or throw away any which show

8、signs of rotting.A. in demand B. in store C. on loan D. on sale【答案】B 【解析】in demand需要的;in store储存的;on loan 出借的;on sale正在出售的。句意:检查一下我们存储的胡萝卜、土豆、洋葱和其他蔬菜,立刻把那些有腐烂迹象的用掉或者扔掉。根据句意可知选B项。10.(江苏省苏州四市五区2016届高三上学期期中调研)Tu Youyou and the other two scientists jointly won the 2015 Nobel Prize for medicine for their

9、 work against parasitic diseases. They deserve it. The consequences _ improved human health and reduced suffering are immeasurable.A. in honor of B. in terms of C. in defense of D. in hopes of 【答案】B 【解析】句意:屠呦呦和其他两名科学家因研发对抗寄生虫病的药材共同获得2015年诺贝尔医学奖。他们值得获此殊荣。这些成果在改善人类健康和减少痛苦方面所带来的价值是无法估量的。in honor of为了向表

10、示敬意;in terms of在方面;in defense of为辩护, 为保护; in hopes of怀着的希望。故选B。11-16副词和形容词11.(2015年福建省厦门市高中毕业班适应性考试)The interview was _ important for his future career so he spared no effort to prepare for it. A. severely B. universally C. originally D. extremely【答案】D【解析】句意:面试对他未来的职业来说极其重要,因此他不遗余力地为此而准备。severely严重地

11、;universally普遍地;originally原始地;extremely极其。根据题意选D。12.(浙江省慈溪市2015届高三上学期期中测试英语试卷)I am _ of his ability. Im sure hell get work for himself. A. concernedB. doubtfulC. confidentD. accustomed【答案】C13.(2015届湖北天门市高三4月调研考试)Tom is so creative a person that he always has lots of _ ideas in his mind, and sometime

12、s we dont even know what he is thinking about.A. novel B. complex C. messy D. absurd【答案】A【解析】句意:汤姆是那样一个有创造力的人,以致他头脑中总司有很多新奇的想法;有时我们甚至布知道他在想什么。novel新奇的;complex复杂的;messy大量的;absurd荒谬的。根据句意可知选A。14.(2015届湖北天门市高三4月调研考试)The IOC Evaluation Commission has come to a _ conclusion that Beijing is capable of hos

13、ting a successful 2022 winter Olympics.A. tentative B. virtualC. definite D. subtle【答案】C【解析】句意:国际奥委会评估委员得出一个肯定的结论,北京能够成功举办2022年冬奥会。tentative初步的;virtual虚拟的;definite 肯定的,明确的;subtle微妙的。根据句意可知选C。15.(2015届湖北天门市高三4月调研考试)With the city _ clouded by dirty smog, the government has planned to shut down the fou

14、r major coal-fired power plants.A. abruptly B. frequentlyC. occasionally D. regularly【答案】B【解析】随着城市频繁的被肮脏的烟雾所笼罩,政府计划关闭四个燃煤发电厂。abruptly突然地;frequently频繁地;occasionally偶然地;regularly习惯地。根据句意可知选B。16.(湖北省八市2015届高三3月联考)I dont agree with canceling all large celebrations or events just because of one accident. “Once bitten, twice shy” is not a(n) _ response. What we need to do is learn the lessons.A. spiritual B. considerateC. efficientD. appropriate 【答案】D【解析】spiritual精神的,心灵的;considerate体贴的,体谅的;efficient效率高的,有能力的;appropriate恰当的,适当的。句意:我不同意仅仅因为一次事故就取消所有大型庆祝活动。“一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳”是一种不恰当的反映。我们需要做的是吸取教训。17-30动词


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