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1、Unit4 EarthquakesRevision审核人_ 审批人_班级_ 姓名_ 组号_ 组评_ 师评_一、学习目标 Revise the vocabulary and the grammar二学习重点 Memorize the vocabulary and use the grammar properly三、学习方法 1. Spell the words and phrases out and memorize them 2. Group work to finish part2 &part3 四、学习过程Part1.自主学习 Translate the following into En

2、glish1. Words地震_ 管子_ 爆裂_ 大事件_ 损失_ 民族_ 蒸汽_ 废墟_ 苦难_ 极度的_ 损害_ 破坏_ 无用的_ 使震惊_ 援救_ 灾难_ 埋葬_ 避身处_ 标题_ 记者_ 祝贺_ 法官_ 真诚地_ 表达_ 骑自行车的人_ 2. Phrases立刻_ 仿佛_ 结束_破败不堪_ 掘出_ 许多_Part2.合作探究1. The work must be done_. A. right away B. right now C. at once D. all the above 2. The death of his wife was a terrible _ to him. A

3、. knock B. shock C. surprising D. Experience3. They tried to prevent their cows from _. A. injury B. injuring C. being injured D. hurting 4. _of people who came to the meeting are from all over the country. A. Many B. A great number C. The number D. A plenty of 5. _ were sent to hospital and the _ w

4、ere buried. A. The injury, the death B. The injuring, the dying C. The injured, the dead D. The injured, the died6. About _ of the workers in that steel works _ young people. A. third fifths, are B. three fifths, are C. three fifths, is D. three fifth, are7. Nowadays, many young people like _ sports

5、, such as bungee jumping.A. extreme B. funny C. pleasant D. Ancient8. From the distance the buildings look _ they touched the clouds.A. as if B. what if C. even though D. even then 9. It is reported that the number of the people who _ killed in the earthquake_ more than 60,000.A. was; are B. was; is

6、 C. were; are D. were; is10. A man put his hand over the boys mouth. The _ boy was afraid of the_scene. A. frightening; frightening B. frightened; frightened C. frightening; frightened D. frightened; frightening11. 11. Yesterday I met the teacher in the street _ had taught me Chinese before. A. wher

7、e B. who C. which D. Whom12. This is the woman scientist _ name is known all over the country. A. whose B. which C. that D. WhoPart3.课堂检测 选用适当的短语补全下列句子(as if at an end in ruins a great number of right away)1.When I arrived, the meeting was _. 2.Soon after the earthquake, soldiers were sent there_. 3._students are doing experiments in the lab. 4.Many buildings lay _after the earthquake. 5.You look _ you have a cold. Part4.课堂小结 我的收获 _我的疑问_ 2


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