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1、重庆市兼善中学蔡家校区2014届高考英语 Book1 句子翻译复习学案1.我绝不会放弃生命的。(account)On no account will I give up my life.on account of take into account open an account2. 你应该尽快适应现在的处境,只有这样你才能进步。You should adjust/adapt to the current situation as soon as possible, only in this way can you make progress.adjust oneself to adapt f

2、rom4.我们不遗余力地完成了这次任务,却发现根本没有必要。We spared no effort to accomplish this task, only to find it not necessary.5.青少年锻炼的时间越来越少,他们在健康方面越来越弱。there be 结构的使用 越来越的表达There being less and less time for them to do exercise, the teenagers get weaker and weaker in health.6. 是时候提高环保意识了。Its high time that sb. should d

3、o/ sb. did. awarenessIts high time that we should raise the awareness of protecting the environment.7.好的环境使我们获益,环保是我们的责任。it is ones duty to do Good environment benefits us, and its our duty to protect it.8.没有支持,我们不得不自己做所有事。 with +宾语+ 宾补 With no support given, we have to do everything on our own.没有指导

4、,我们就像在黑暗里行走。With no guidance given, we seem to be walking in the dark.9. 读书有助于拓宽我们的眼界。-ing做主语 有助于Reading books helps to broaden our horizons.10.药虽然有可能苦,但可有效地减轻痛苦。as 倒装用法 有效地 减轻痛苦Bitter as the pills may be, they can ease the pain effectively.过程有可能很困难,但可以让我们的分数迅速提高。 Hard as the process may be, it can

5、get our scores improved rapidly.11. 我想简单介绍我的观点.I want to introduce my opinion briefly.12.英语也可能很有趣,如果你下决心努力学的话。 can表示客观可能性 English can be interesting, if you set your mind to study hard. 13. 虽然我们会遇到挑战,可没有什么能阻碍我们通往成功的道路。as 倒装用法 block作动词 Challenges as we may meet, nothing can block our way to success.1

6、4.我们绝不会放弃学习的。 Under no circumstance/ In no way/ In no case will we give up learning.随着气候改变,我们应该更加重视全球变暖。 with ought to attach importance to With climate changing, we ought to attach more importance to global warming. 15. 有句老话说:“每个硬币都有两面”。 在文章中如何引用(标点符号) As an old saying goes, “Every coin has two sid

7、es.”16.你要做的就是集中注意力。(表语从句) Concentrating your mind is what you have to do.17. 让我非常惊讶的是,我们中国人消耗非常多的食物。 Much to my surprise, we Chinese consume a large amount of food.(As far as I am concerned, +主句As can be obviously concluded from the material, +主句)18. 公众普遍地关注这个问题。 There is widespread public concern a

8、bout this matter.(on the contrary 相反 in conclusion 综上所述contribute to doing lead to doingI am writing to complain that there is something wrong with your product.)19.我确信成功属于有准备的人。 I am convinced that success belongs to the people who are well prepared.20.我们要做的就是让每一秒都有价值。(主/表从) What we have to do is t

9、o make every second count. Making every second count is what we have to do.21.你可以相信,努力最终会得到回报。depend You can depend on it that hard work will pay off in time.22. 让我非常高兴的是,因为我的努力学习,我的英语分数提高地很迅速。 Much to my delight, my English scores got improved rapidly due to my hard work.23这本书花了我500元。 cost/spend/pa

10、yThis book cost me 500 yuan.I spent 500 yuan on this book./in buying this book.I paid (the shopkeeper) 500 yuan for this book.( The material conveys a fact that the number of smokers in China is increasing rapidly/wildly.)24. 随着科技的发展, With the development of science and technology, 随着经济的发展, With the

11、 development of economy,25.有规律地锻炼对于我们每个人来讲都有必要。 It is essential for everyone of us to do exercise regularly.26.我们不遗余力地完成了这次任务,却发现根本没有必要。 We spared no effort to accomplish this task, only to find it not necessary.27.晚上单独外出是极度危险的。Going out alone at night is extremely dangerous.28.这个现象对于我们来讲很熟悉。 This p

12、henomenon is familiar to us.29.随着竞争越来越激烈,随着时间的流逝我们或许会感到很有压力。 With competition getting fiercer and fiercer, we may feel stressed as time goes by.30.赠人玫瑰手有余香。 The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose. 31.有时候我们跨过代沟好像不可能。 Sometimes it seems impossible for us to cross the generation gap

13、.32.逐渐地我们形成了漠不关心的习惯。Gradually we form/ develop / get in to the habit of being indifferent.33.我们在高三频繁地熬夜,这最终导致我们身体不健康。 We frequently stay up very late in senior 3, which leads to us being unhealthy at last.34.还剩一个月我们就毕业了。 Its only one month left before we graduate. 35.努力学习是高分的保证。 Studying hard is a g

14、uarantee for high scores.36.过程有可能很困难,但可以让我们的分数迅速提高。 Hard as the process may be, it can get our scores improved rapidly.37.只有通过共同努力我们才能生活在一个和谐的社会。 Only by working together can we live in a harmonious society.38. 行动起来,从小事做起. Act now, and act from trifles.39. 千里之行始于足下。 A thousand-li journey is started

15、by taking the first step.40.我希望我们能够共同努力让环境受到保护。I hope we can work together to keep the environment protected. 41.尽管如此,不同的人有不同的看法。 However, opinions vary from person to person. However, different people have different ideas.42.是时候立即采取措施保护身体健康了。 Its high time that we should take immediate action to protect our health.43. 这对于我们所有学生来讲都很重要。 This is of great importance for us all students.44.独立是我们每个人都应该学习的课



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