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1、山东省烟台二中2018-2019学年高二英语上学期期中试题(扫描版)20182019学年度第一学期期中自主练习高二英语参考答案201811听力: 15 BCACB 610 AACBB 1115 CBABC 1620 CBCAA阅读理解:2123 DCA 2426 ABD 2730 DBCC 3135 GFABD完形填空:3640 BADCA 4145 DBCAB 4650 DACBD 5155 CBACD语法填空:56. argument 57. their 58. have done 59. is recognized 60. to develop 61. correctly 62. to

2、63. whose 64. helpful 65. But应用文写作:Dear Sir/Madam, Im very glad to learn that our school basketball team needs more members to participate in a big competition and I am eager to be one of them. As a basketball lover, I began to play it since my childhood. I have a good command of basketball skills a

3、nd was captain of the school basketball team back in China. Thanks to our rich experience and good teamwork, our team won quite a few champions. So I think Ill contribute to our basketball team if I can join it. Looking forward to being admitted to the team. Yours, Li Hua 读后续写:The next day, my paren

4、ts and I went to the park. I drove my truck around the park, shouting and laughing excitedly. I felt as if I had never had a happier day before. I had so much fun that it was noon before I knew it. My parents called me for lunch. I ran toward them, leaving the truck where it was. When I finished and

5、 went back to continue driving the truck, I discovered that it had disappeared. I told my parents and we searched the whole park, but in vain. For the next couple of days my parents and I looked around the neighborhood for the truck. We asked everybody we met, but unfortunately the truck was never f

6、ound. How sad and regretful I was! If I hadnt left the truck behind, it wouldnt have been taken away by someone. Later in my life I realized the lesson it had taught me. It was my fault for the loss of my precious birthday present and I needed to be more careful and responsible.附:听力录音材料 Text 1W: Com

7、e here, Tony. I want you to meet someone.M: Sure, Laura. Who is it?W: Its Brian, my sister Megans boyfriend. I think youll like him.Text 2W: Uncle Ed, thanks a lot for letting me stay at your house tonight. M: No problem. I know how convenient it is to get to the airport from here. Text 3W: Hi, Ken.

8、 Do you fly quite often for your job?M: No, I go to work by bus and drive to different business appointments, but sometimes I take the train to go to the business meetings in other cities or things like that. Text 4W: The concert starts at three. Shall we meet at ten to three?M: Well, I dont like th

9、e first band, so Im not planning to get there until four. W: OK, Ill see you then outside the theatre. Text5M: How do you spend your weekend?W: I want to play baseball with Jack but he said he would go to church with his grandparents, and Kate has been on her vacation.Text 6W: San, how are things wi

10、th you?M: Oh, not bad, but Im still not sure what Im going to do after I graduate.W: Yeah, its hard to find a job these days.M: Its not that. I only have a few more months before I graduate, and now Im wondering why I did this. I dont want to be a lawyer. It all seems like a waste of time.W: So what

11、 are you going to do?M: Well, Id like to move to Mexico and open a coffee shop, but I dont think my parents will agree.Text7W: What is your day like, Kevin?M: Well, right now Im in school. Im majoring in computer science, but Im also studying math, physics, English and history. I get up at 6:00 on w

12、eekdays. I have classes from 7:00 to 9:00 in the morning, and then I come here in the gym. I have classes from 3:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon. And I have a part-time job. So Im pretty busy. W: So, where do you work?M: At the Hungry Student Restaurant, near the university. Im a dishwasher. Text 8W: Ye

13、s, sir. You look like a motorbike man to me. M: Haha, well, I have a Harley 200 but its too small. Im looking for something bigger. W: Well, have a look at this Raven over here. This is a great machine, an American classic. M: It looks fast. W: Oh yeah. The Raven is built for speed. Its the fastest

14、bike on the road. M: HmmIt probably eats a lot of gas then. W: It does like gas, but then you have to choose: speed or economy. M: Yeah, and I have to watch my money. Do you have something more economical?W: Sure. How about this Seminole here? Its a bit smaller, but much easier on the gas. M: OK. Ill take it. Text 9M: Did you live with your parents when you were small?W: No, my father died of cancer when I was v


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