江苏省新沂市第二中学高三英语 专题复习 Unit 2 The environment(第3课时)教案 牛津译林版必修5

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江苏省新沂市第二中学高三英语 专题复习 Unit 2 The environment(第3课时)教案 牛津译林版必修5_第1页
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江苏省新沂市第二中学高三英语 专题复习 Unit 2 The environment(第3课时)教案 牛津译林版必修5_第2页
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江苏省新沂市第二中学高三英语 专题复习 Unit 2 The environment(第3课时)教案 牛津译林版必修5_第3页
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《江苏省新沂市第二中学高三英语 专题复习 Unit 2 The environment(第3课时)教案 牛津译林版必修5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省新沂市第二中学高三英语 专题复习 Unit 2 The environment(第3课时)教案 牛津译林版必修5(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 The environment课题Unit 2 The environment课型复习课教学目标阅读能力训练,限时练习重点限时阅读2,4,6难点阅读策略教法讲授法、讨论法、探究法教学过程教 学 内 容 个案调整教师主导活动学生主体活动 Third period Reading strategies: Reading a debate In a debate, one side gets the chance to present their points, the first. The other side follows theirs. In an actual debate

2、there is often a discussion after both sides have presented their views.Speakers in a debate will represent opposite views on the subject being discussed. While reading or listening to a debate, remember that each speakers speech is meant to convince you. If the speakers are good, you will find your

3、self agreeing with both of them. Just keep in mind that you should not make a final decision until you have read or listened to both sides and understood all of the arguments made by each side.2020年安徽卷E篇George Prochnik would like the world to put a sock in it. He makes his case in a new book, Listen

4、ing for Meaning in a World of Noise. Here he explains himself (using his indoor voice):“Weve become so accustomed to noise, theres about almost a deep prejudice against the idea that silence might be beneficial. If you tell someone to be quiet, you sound like an old man. But its never been more impo

5、rtant to find continuing quiet. Silence focuses us, improves our health, and is a key to lasting peace and satisfaction.”“We need to excite people about the sounds you start to hear if you merely quiet things down a little. During a Japanese tea ceremony, the smallest sounds becomes a kind of artthe

6、 spoons making a light ringing sound on a bowl, the edges of a kimono(和服)brushing against the floor.”“Deaf people are very attentive(专注的)in almost every aspect of life. If two deaf people are walking together, using sign language, they constantly watch out for each other and protect each other by pa

7、ying steady attention to the other. They are connected yet also fully aware of their surroundings. Even deaf teenagers! We in the hearing world can learn from them. If we remove the powerful blasts(一阵阵)of noise, we become aware of an extraordinarily rich world around usof little soft sounds and the

8、sound of footsteps, of bird songs and ice cracking (开裂声). Its astonishing how beautiful things sound when you can really listen.”文章介绍了George Prochnik的新著Listening for Meaning in a World of Noise 和他的观点:在喧嚣的世界中创造一方不太纷扰的环境,这个世界会更美好。A) 72. What does the phrase “to put a sock in it” in Paragraph 1 probabl

9、y mean?A. to be quiet B. to be colorful C. to be full of love D. to be attentive to someone词义理解题。根据第二段作者的观点Silence focuses us, improves our health, and is a key to lasting peace and satisfaction.可知,作者是推崇的silence, 故选A项。C) 73. What does Prochnik say about us?A. We are used to quietness.B. We have to p

10、ut up with noise.C. We do not think silence to be beneficial.D. We do not believe lasting peace to be available.推理判断题。根据第二段Weve become so accustomed to noise, theres almost a deep prejudice against the idea that silence might be beneficial和its never been more important to find continuing quiet及第三段Du

11、ring a Japanese tea ceremony, the smallest sounds become a kind of art等句可以判断得出,我们生活在一个喧闹的世界,寂静才是我们的追求,故选择C项。C) 74. Which of the following is true according to Prochnik?A. We need more sounds in our livesB. There is nothing to be learned from the deafC. We are not aware how rich the world around us i

12、sD. There is too much noise at a Japanese tea ceremony推理判断题。根据文章末段If we remove the powerful blasts(一阵阵)of noise, we become aware of an extraordinarily rich world around us. Its astonishing how beautiful things sound when you can really listen.可知C项正确。A项和作者的观点相反;根据We in the hearing world can learn fro

13、m them (deaf people)可知B项错误;根据During a Japanese tea ceremony, the smallest sounds become a kind of art可知作者赞赏the smallest sounds,故D项错误。D) 75. It can be inferred from the text that _.A. we can benefit a lot from old peopleB. it is a good idea to use sign languageC. there is no escape from the world of

14、sound D. it is possible to find how beautiful things sound推理判断题。通读全文可知,尽管我们生活在一个喧闹的世界,作者提倡我们创造一个不太纷扰的环境,果真如此,这个世界是很美好的,据此D项正确。2020年天津卷D篇Blind imitation (模仿)is self-destruction. To those who do not recognize their unique worth, imitation appears attractive. To those who know their strength, imitation

15、 is unacceptable.In the early stages of skill or character development, imitation is helpful. When I first learned to cook, I used recipes (菜谱) and turned out some tasty dishes. But soon I grew bored. Why follow someone elses way of cooking when I could create my own? Imitating role models is like using training wheels on a childs bicycle; they help you get going, but once you find your own balance, you fly faster and farther without relying on them.In daily life, imitation can hurt us if we subconsciously (下意识地) hold poor role models. If, as a child, you observed people whose lives w



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