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1、Unit4 Reading课前预习案1 Later you can cover a story and _( 提交,呈递 ) the article yourself.2 You will find your colleagues very eager to_( 帮助,协助 ) you,so you may be able to _( 全神贯注于) photography later if youre interested. 3 Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an _(业余) course at university t

2、o update my skills.4 Only if you ask many different questions will you _(取得,获得) all the information you need to know.5 That means you must be able to _(评定,评估) when people are not telling the whole truth and then try to discover it.6 They must use research to _(告知,通知) themselves of the missing parts

3、of the story.7 Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question _(依靠,依赖) what the person says.8.Have you ever had a case where someone _(谴责,控告) your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?9.A footballer was accused of taking money for _(故意地) not scoring goals so as to let the other team wi

4、n.10.He denied taking money but we were _(怀疑的).11.So we wrote an article suggesting he was _(犯罪的,内疚的)12.He tried to stop us _(出版,发行) it but later we were proved right. 课内探究案I 课文理解1. The purpose of writing the passage is to _.A. show us the skills necessary to become a good reporter.B. tell us how Zh

5、ou Yang became a journalist.C. show how to have a good interview.D. tell us how to make a good photographer.2. Which is the false about “What a reporter needs to remember when going out to cover a story?”A. He needs to be curious. B. A good reporter must have a camera.C. He has to listen to the deta

6、iled facts.D. If necessary he can use a recorder.3. “A good reporter must have a nose for a story.” Probably means a reporter _.A. has a sense about what is going to happen.B. is able to hide a story that may reflect badly on him.C. is able to ask the truth from the one who is interviewed.D. covers

7、a whole story from the interviewee4. According to HX, which statement doesnt belong to the list of donts?A. Dont miss the deadline.B. Dont talk too much.C. Dont be rude.D. Dont take any notes while listening.5. Why can not Zhou go out on a story at once?A. Because he is not experienced yet.B. Becaus

8、e he cant get a scoop.C. Because he is not curious enough.D. Because he doesnt know the list of dos and donts.课文语法填空:It is Zhou Yangs first day at the office of China Daily. He is excited and _ to go out _ a story on his own, but he cant because he isnt _(experience) enough. His new boss, Hu Xin, is

9、 sharing with him how to be a good reporter. To be a good reporter, one needs to be curious, which _(able) one to ask many different questions and acquire all the information he needs to know. Besides, its important for a reporter to have a nose _ a story, _(know) if someone is telling the truth. An

10、d while interviewing people, a reporter has to listen to the answers carefully because he has to listen to the _(detail) facts and prepare the next question _(depend) on what people say. If possible, a reporter can _(recorder) the interview in case he _(accuse) of printing lies. 课后巩固案一、根据汉语和首字母提示写出下

11、列单词的正确形式:1. The teacher told us to _(注意) on her words.2. Which optional _(课程)will you take in the next term?3. Please write down your name, age and _(职业) on the form.4. Sarah works in the same office as me. So she is my c_.5. Every young man is _(渴望)for success.6.He _(获得) a knowledge of computer by

12、careful study.7.I went to college. _(同时) my friends got jobs.8.He was a_ of murder by the police.9.She said it _(故意的) to make me angry.10.Did you feel _(内疚的)about hurting Tom badly?二:选词填空:defend against concentrate on accuse of so as (not) to depend on be eager to do sth/for sth approve of be suppos

13、ed to look forward to 1. The young _ knowledge.2. She _ her husband _ having broken his words.3. I _ your earning some money, but dont give up studying.4. Stop talking and _ your work.5. I _ get that job.6. Go in quietly_ wake the baby.7. They are _ seeing you again soon.8. Here we are well _ a surprise attack.9. They werent _ enter the building by the back door; however, the front door was locked.10. Children _ their parents for food and clothing.三:单项填空:( ) 1. -Would you come to see me tomorrow? -_.A. It depends B. That depends on


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