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1、M8U2 Reading 知识点1. end n/v 结束 ending n. 结局 endless adj. 无止尽的 endlessly adv.in the end 最后come to an end 结束put an end to sth.: 使结束 to this end 带着这个目的make sbs hair stand on end 使极度恐惧end up 结束2. witnessed vt. 当场见到 目击 n. 目击者, 见证者 The police are looking for those who have witnessed the fight that took pla

2、ce last week.Will you act as (a) witness to the agreement between us? witness sbdoing sth. 目击某人正在做 witness sb/sthbeing done 目击正在被 witness to sth. 某事的目击者3. cast vt. (cast, cast)1) 分配角色;选派角色 The young director is casting his first film. He wants to cast Pan Changjiang as the role of a beggar.2投射(光、影子等

3、)The setting sun cast an orange glow over the mountains.3)向.投以(视线、笑容等)She cast a welcoming smile in his direction.4)扔,掷,抛The priceless treasures had been cast into the Nile. cast a stone 扔石头 cast the net 撒网cast a long shadow 投下长长的影子 cast sb. as sb./ cast sb. for the part of sb. 选派某人演、角色 cast a glanc

4、e 看一眼 cast sb./sth. aside 把、丢到一边,对、置之不理 cast sth. from ones mind 忘却;把、抛诸脑后 cast sb. down 使某人沮丧4. condemn vt .判刑;处刑;声讨;谴责 Most people are willing to condemn violence of any sort as evil.大部分人都愿意把暴力行为视为恶行加以谴责。 be condemned to death 被判死刑 sb. be condemned for因被判刑/谴责The judge condemned him to death for mu

5、rder.He was condemned to death for murder. 5. dare 的用法 用作情态动词,表示“敢于”,主要用于疑问句、否定句及条件句中。She dare not say what she thinks. How dare you say such a thing? If you dare call me that name again, you will be sorry. 要是你再敢叫我那个名字,你会后悔的。 用作及物动词,后接带to的不定式,可以用于各种结构。用于否定句时,其后的to可以略去。The girl did not dare (to) go h

6、ome to face her stepmother. I dont know how she dares to wear that dress. Ive never dared to go back to look. 6. demand v. 要求 请求; 后接名词性从句时,用虚拟语气。n. 要求,需要 They demanded that their needs (should) be satisfied.demand sth. from/ of sb. 向某人要求某物 demand to do 要求干、 in demand 非常需要 satisfy/ meet ones demands

7、满足某人的要求7. evident 明显的;明白的 be evident(to sb) (that) 明显的,明白的,清楚的It has now become evident to us that a mistake has been made.evidence n. 证据 evidently adv. 明显地,显然8. scold v. 训斥,责骂(孩子) L35scold sb.训斥,责骂某人scold sb for sth /scold sb for doing sth. 因、而责骂某人Dont scold the child without reason.He scolded them

8、 for arriving late.9. deadline n. 最后期限,截止日期 meet a deadline 如期,按期 miss a deadline 超过期限If you cant meet the deadline, we shall stop cooperating with you.10. transform sth/sb (from sth) (into sth)1)使改变形态The freezing cold transformed water into ice.2)使改变外观(或性质);使改观 The old railway will soon be transfor

9、med into a railway museum.11. decline vt./ vi. 拒绝;谢绝;变小/弱/少n. (力量、权力、数量的) 消减 I invited her to join us, but she declined.His health is declining. decline to do sth.拒绝做 on the decline 在消减;在衰退The spokesman declined to comment on this issue. The population of this city is on the decline. = The populatio

10、n of this city is decling.= There is a decline in the population of this city. 12. seek vt. 征求,寻求,探索,探寻seek to do sth. 试图(设法)做某事seek after 追求,企图得到seek for 寻求,寻找seek out 找出,找到seek ones fortune 寻找致富/成功之道14. break up 解散;解体;分手Their marriage broke up ten years ago.She told me she had broken up with her boyfriend.break away from break down break into break in break out break off break through3


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