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1、河北省张家口一中高二英语 必修5 Unit 5 学科作业(4)完形填空专项练习AThe first time I remember noticing the crossing guard was when he waved to me as I drove my son to school. He 16 me with a puzzle - all because he waved to me like someone does 17 seeing a close friend. A big, 18 smile accompanied his wave. For the next few da

2、ys I tried to 19 his face to see if I knew him. I didnt. Perhaps he had 20 me for someone else. By the time I contented myself with the 21 that he and I were strangers, we were greeting each other warmly every morning like old friends. Then one day the 22 was solved. As I 23 the school he was standi

3、ng in the middle of the road 24 his stop sign. I was in live behind four cars. 25 the kids had reached the safety of the sidewalk, he lowered his sign and let the cars 26 . To the first he waved and 27 in just the same way he had done to me over the last few days. The kids already had the window dow

4、n and were happily waving their reply. The second car got the same 28 from the crossing guard, and the driver, a stiff-looking(表情刻板的) businessman, gave a brief, almost 29 wave back. Each following car of kids on their way to school 30 more heartily. Every morning I continued to watch the man with 31

5、 . So far I havent seen anyone 32 to wave back. I find it interesting that one person can make such a(n) 33 to so many peoples lives by doing one simple thing like waving and smiling warmly. His 34 armed the start of my day. With a friendly wave and smiling face he had changed the 35 of the whole ne

6、ighborhood.16. A. hit B. disappointedC. presentedD. bored17. A. on B. from C. during D. about18. A. false B. shy C. apologeticD. bright19. A. research B. study C. recognizeD. explore20. A. praised B. blamedC. mistaken D. respected21. A. conclusion B. description C. evaluation D. introduction22. A. a

7、rgument B. disagreementC. mystery D. task23. A. visited B. approached C. passed D. left24. A. drawing backB. putting onC. handing in D. holding out25. A. Once B. Before C. Unless D. While26. A. in B. through C. out D. down27. A. cried B. cheered C. smiled D. gestured28. A. idea B. reply C. notice D.

8、 greeting29. A. awkward B. angry C. elegant D. patient30. A. came B. responded C. hurried D. appeared31. A. surprise B. frustration C. interest D. doubt32. A. fail B. try C. wish D. bother33. A. offer B. sacrifice C. promise D. difference34. A. effectiveness B. Cheerfulness C. carefulness D. serious

9、ness35. A. trends B. observations C. regulations D. feelingsBAfter graduation from Harvard Medical School, Dr. William Thomas never thought hed work in a nursing home. Then, 1 , he became a medical director of a nursing home in New York, and his ideas began to 2 . “For the first time in my career, I

10、 was 3 for the answer to the question, What does it mean to 4 another person?” 5 that the biggest trouble facing nursing-home residents are helplessness, 6 and boredom, he arranged laughter, usefulness and love as 7 .8 Thomas calls it, he began the “”Edenization” of the nursing home in 1992. At last

11、 he founded the Eden Alternative. Lazy moments and loud television programmes were 9 with lovely children, playful pets, 10 plants and music in the lobby. These living things are 11 into life. Residents are 12 to tend the animals, water the plants, weed outdoor gardens and do craft with the children

12、. The Eden Alternative changed the 13 of the residents at this 80-bed nursing home. In a three-day study, the nursing home was 14 with a nursing home of equal size. The Eden Alternative had 15 percent 15 resident deaths and 3 percent lower medication costs. In 1995 Dr. Thomas 16 his full time to the

13、 promotion of the Eden Alternative. More than 200 nursing homes throughout the country have 17 the Edenization process. Thomas receives queries from as 18 away as Turkey, Japan, Brazil and the Netherlands. He hopes that his idea of filling “ 19 ”into nursing homes and inviting the community in will

14、help to “break conventional practice in long term 20 .”1AunexpectedlyBsurprisingly CunhappilyDsuddenly2AwonderBstruggle CshakeDchange3AaskingBanswering CcaringDsearching4AmakeBvisit CtendDcare5ARecognizingBHoping CRegardingDIncluding6AlonelinessBpoverty CtimelessnessDexcitement7AfoodBreference CtreatmentDintroduction8AWhenBAs CUnlessDsince9AwentBreplaced CbeganDmet10Aman-madeBplastic CaliveDlive11AchangedBmixed CdividedDmade12A


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