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1、Period 5 Vocabulary and Listening & Writing学习目标:1. 识别所学词语和结构,听懂它们所在句子和段落的意思并获取信息。1. 提高学生的听力能力。2. 提高学生写作能力学习重点:听懂听力材料,提高听力和写作技能。学习难点:在听力训练中,学会记下关键词来获取更多信息课前预习:(Finish activities 12 in Vocabulary)使用说明与学法指导:通过完成课前预习练习题复习与有关的词汇,完成时间20分钟。课内探究&检测:Step I Vocabulary and Listening I Vocabulary and Listening1

2、. Listen to the first part and finish activity 2. Listen to the tape for the second time and try to finish activity 3. Listen to the tape for the second time and try to finish activity While listening, pay attention to the following sentences and translate them into Chinese. 1. How are you getting o

3、n? _. 2. I didnt get what people were saying for a couple of days. _ 3. But then you got used to it._.4. In fact, in some ways the accent here reminds me of American English. _.5. What has been the most positive thing about the exchange so far?_.6. I reckon it was the climate; it was hot and humid f

4、or a long of the time._.7. I didnt really have any problems with the accent._. 8. But did they understand you ?That is a good point _.9. they made a fuss of me . The girls all said my accent was cute._.10. When I came to my home my mum said I had picked up an American accent, but its worn off now I

5、think._Step II Writing写作:汉语是世界上的主要语言之一,请根据以下问题写一篇120词左右的介绍汉语的短文:1. 汉语中约有50,000个汉字,其中大约20,000 个是多数人所知晓的。2. 世界上讲汉语的人最多,大约有十几亿,其中大部分在中国3. 汉语也是联合国官方语言。4. 随着中国的强大,汉语在国际交流中越来越重要。5. 现在有越来越多的外国人对汉语感兴趣,在开始学习汉语。审题谋篇:1. 时态:一般现在时为主2. 人称:第三人称3. 结构:本文介绍汉语,主要分为三段,第一段描写汉语的基本情况,第二段介绍汉语的国际地位和作用,第三段号召人们学习汉语。4. 写作要点:1.

6、 世界上讲汉语的人最多,其中大部分在中国。Chinese is spoken by the largest number of people in the world, _.2. 汉语有8种主要变体,它们在发音方面有很大的差异。There are 8 main varieties of Chinese, _.3. 现在汉语在世界交际中起着重要的作用。Chinese _ in communication in the world now.课后训练:连句成篇. 课后反思: 课后训练:下一课时的课前预习练习题Period 5 Vocabulary and Listening & WritingSte

7、p I Vocabulary and Listening1. 你最近怎么样?2. 我有好几天都没听懂人们在说什么?3. 但是很快你就习惯它了。4. 事实上,这里的口音在有些方面让我想起了美式英语。5. 到目前为止关于这次交换最好的事是什么?6. 我以为是气候;很长一段时间,这里又热又潮湿。7. 在口音方面我真的没问题。8. 但是他们听懂了你的意思吗?-说得好!9. 他们对我大惊小怪。女生们总是说我的口音很可爱。10. 当我回到家时我妈妈对我说我学会了美国口音,但是现在我觉得的美国口音已经没有了。Step II WritingThelanguageofChineseChineseisoneoft

8、hemostancientlanguagesintheworld.It isspokenbythelargestnumberofpeopleintheworld,morethanabillion,mostofwhomliveinChina. Thereareabout50,000Chinesecharacters,ofwhichabout20,000areknowntomostpeople.ChineseisalsooneoftheofficiallanguagesoftheUnitedNations.NowthatChinaisbecomingstronger,Chinesewillcertainlyplayamoreimportantpartininternational communication.MoreandmorepeopleintheworldarebeginningtolearnChineseandmanyfamousuniversitieshavesetChinesecourse. ImsurethatitisagoodideaforpeoplefromothercountriestolearnChinese.3


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