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1、心灵维他命身体健康需要补充维他命,精神健康也要补充“心灵维他命”。你是自己思想的产物!用英语说就是“You are what you feed your mind”或者“You are what you think”。让我们来看看励志作者Brian Tracy怎么说:One of the most important habits in life is to feed your mind with positive mental food. Remember, you are very susceptible to the suggested influences in your enviro

2、nment, whether radio, television, newspapers, magazines, billboards or conversations with other people. Your mind is your most important and precious asset. You must protect it and keep it clean, clear and focused on what you want, rather than allowing it to be polluted by the negative influences ar

3、ound you. 生活中最重要的习惯之一就是要经常为自己补充积极的精神食粮。要记住,你对周围的环境非常敏感,无论是收音机、报纸、电视、杂志、广告或与他人的对话,都会对你产生很大影响。你的心灵是你最重要和珍贵的资产,你必须尽力保护,维持其纯净清明。同时要专注于自己向往的事物,不受消极因素的影响。 Refuse to watch terror or trash on television. Refuse to read about all the murders, robberies, rapes and tragedies in the newspapers. Refuse to listen

4、 to endless hours of mindless radio commentary on all the problems in the modern world. Refuse to engage in endless conversations with people about all the political and social problems in your nation or community. Keep your mind clean, clear, positive and free. 拒绝收看电视渲染的暴力和色情,拒绝阅读报纸上有关谋杀、抢劫、强奸的报道,拒

5、绝收音机里滔滔不绝的无意义时事评论,拒绝参与对于政治和社会的无休止辩论。保持你的心灵纯净、清明、积极且自由自在。 Not only do you become what you think about, but also you become what you feed into your mind on a regular basis. If you want to be positive, optimistic and happy, continually feed your mind with positive books and articles, positive audio learning programs, positive input and information from other experts in your field, and positive conversations with other optimistic goal-oriented people who are going somewhere with their lives. 你是自己思想的产物,也是心灵食粮的产物。如果你希望自己积极、乐观、快乐,必须为自己补充“心灵维他命”,这包括积极的书籍和文章、积极的语音课程节目、专家的专业知识分享,或是经常与乐观的人沟通对话。2



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