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1、用心爱心专心 1 2012 届高考英语一轮复习顶尖学案 必修 5 Unit 13 People 人 北 师大版 核心词汇 1 He had g himself a reputation for unfairness 2 I remember you mentioned the same thing on a 以前的 occasion 3 They 应受 该得 to be punished 4 He 指责 his boss of having broken his word 5 The umbrella is a poor 躲避处 from heavy rain 6 I have no 欲望 渴

2、望 to discuss the question 7 The latest developments c me in my belief 8 I am g to have you help me repair the house 9 He gave a d 描写 叙述 of what he had seen 10 You can t apply for the job until you have 满足 certain conditions 11 My elder sisters and brothers have moved away from home and are now 自立的 1

3、2 The fund is for r distress among the flood victims 13 We appreciated his 奉献 of time and money to the project 14 We must 集中 our attention on efficiency 专心 专 注 is essential if you want to do a good job 15 I didn t want to be 使有联系 with it at all because the 联系 had no good to me 1 gained 2 previous 3

4、deserved 4 accused 5 shelter 6 desire 7 confirmed 8 grateful 9 description 10 satisfied 11 independent12 relieving13 devotion14 concentrate concentration 15 associated association 高频短语 1 劝服某人做某事 2 起草 3 集中于 专心于 4 结果为 以 结束 5 就某事来说 从某个角度上看 6 愿意做某事 来源 Z xx k Com 7 处理 应付 8 耐心对待某人 9 斥责或责备某人 10 怒视 11 突然想到

5、猛然想到 12 说实话 13 禁不住要做某事 14 把 比作 1 talk sb into doing sth 2 draw up 3 concentrate on 4 end up 5 in terms 用心爱心专心 2 of 6 be willing to do sth 7 deal with 8 be patient with sb 9 tell sb off 10 glare at e spring to mind 12 to be honest 13 can t help doing sth pare to 重点句式 1 you are a group leader 假设你是组长 2

6、 look them up in a dictionary 如果有必要的话 就在词典中查一下它们 3 At work gets you hired but gets you promoted 在工作中 正是智商使你得到雇用但是情商使你被提升 4 people with low EQs often have problems getting on with other people and dealing with difficult situations 毫无疑问情商低的人在与人相处 处理困难局面方面常有困难 5 upset I got I was able to concentrate 我越

7、不安 就越不能集中精力 1 Suppose 2 If necessary 3 it is IQ that it is EQ that 4 there is little doubt that 5 the more the less 知识详解 1 gain vt doubt 怀疑 A C D三项均不符合句意 故选B 10 shelter n 居所 住处 遮蔽 避难处 vi 掩蔽 躲避 回归课本P12 They might be sheltering in a cave 他们可能栖身在一个山洞里 归纳拓展 take shelter from the rain wind bad weather 躲避

8、雨 风 恶劣的天气 shelter from 保护 不受 的破坏 protect from 保护 免于 shelter from sth 躲避某事 例句探源 Trees shelter the house from the wind 树给房子挡风 来源 学 科 网 牛津 P1838 People were desperately seeking shelter from the gunfire 人们拼命地找地方躲避炮火 10 The mosque 清真寺 provided for hundreds of families whose homes had been flooded A shelt

9、er B place C religion D thought 解析 选 A 考查名词词义辨析 句意 清真寺为家园被洪水淹没的成百上千的家庭提供庇护 的地方 shelter庇护 religion宗教 thought想法 plac e地方 应用复数形式 11 judge vt 判断 评价 判决 评判 回归课本P16 It s difficult to judge but we thought they might be in the same class 很难判断但我们认为他们可能在同一个班里 归纳拓展 judging by from根据 作出判断 从 来看 judge sb sth 评判某人

10、某物 judge sb sth to be n adj 认为某人 某物是 judge that 判断 估计 用心爱心专心 7 例句探源 Teachers tend to be judged by their students exam grades 人们常以学生的考试分数来评判教师的优劣 In this fog we can t judge how far it is to the other side of the river 在这样的大雾天气下 我们无法判断到河对岸有多远 11 完成句子 从他的外貌判断 he lives a happy life 答案 Judging from by hi

11、s appearance 12 devote vt 献身 投入 专心 热爱 回归课本P17 She devotes a lot of her time to caring the neighbours 她把许多时间用于关心邻居们 例句探源 On Teachers Day Wen Jiabao called on teachers to be devoted to their educational career 在教师节那天 温家宝号召教师们献身于教育事业 牛津 P548 She devoted herself to her career 她全力倾注于自己的事业 2010 年高考四川卷 If

12、you have a job do devote yourself to it and finally you ll succeed 如果你有了一份工作 付出努力去做它 最后你定能成功 12 The time he has devoted in the past ten years the disabled is now considered of great value A to help being B to helping to be C to help to be D helping being 解析 选 B devote to doing sth 把 奉献于 be considere

13、d to be 被认为 其中 he has devoted in the past ten years to helping the disabled为定语从句 修饰 the time 故选 B 13accountant n 会计师 回归课本P15 As an experienced accountant my father has gained the respect of his colleagues 作为一名有经验的会计 我的父亲赢得了他同事的尊敬 归纳拓展 account v 认为 说明 总计有 n 银行 账户 说明 理由 帐目 报道 open an account开一个账户 acco

14、unt for说明 原因等 作出解释 on account of由于 因为 on no account决不 置于句首时 句子用部分倒装 on any account无论如何 take account of take into consideration考虑到 keep an account of记录 记载 例句探源 He could not account for his foolish mistake 他无法解释他所犯的愚蠢的错误 用心爱心专心 8 The company takes account of environmental issues 这家公司考虑到了环境问题 牛津 P13 Sh

15、e retired early on account of ill health 由于体弱多病 她提前退休了 朗文 P14 There needn t be any more worries on that account 没有必要再为那事担忧了 13 his knowledge of the mountainous country John Smith was appointed as our guide A In spite of B On account of C Regardless of D Instead of 解析 选 B 句意 由于约翰 史密斯有丰富的山区知识 因此他被任命为我

16、们的向导 on account of 由于 因为 14 talk sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事 回归课本P8 Go and see your teacher and try to talk him or her into giving you a better grade 去见你的老师并努力去说服他 她给你更高的分 归纳拓展 例句探源 It took me a long time to talk him into joining us 说服他加入到我们中来花了我很长时间 朗文 P1704 I finally managed to persuade her to go out for a drink with me 我终于想办法说服了她和我出去喝一杯 14 I tried millions of times but I can never him smoking A ask for B persuade into C talk into D talk out of 解析 选 D 考查动词短语辨析 句意 我试了很多次 但我从来不能说服他不吸烟 ask sb for s



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