江苏省宜兴市和桥高级中学2020届高考英语一轮复习 专题18《演讲与发言样文》

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《江苏省宜兴市和桥高级中学2020届高考英语一轮复习 专题18《演讲与发言样文》》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省宜兴市和桥高级中学2020届高考英语一轮复习 专题18《演讲与发言样文》(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、小专题18:演讲与发言样文1. 演讲最喜爱运动员最近,在NBA的赛场上,刮起了一场“林旋风”。你班本周英语演讲的一个话题是“Famous athlete”. 请根据下表内容,写一篇演讲稿,介绍首位在NBA打球的华裔球员林书豪。姓名林书豪(Jeremy Lin)生日1988年8月23日出生地美国加州身高191厘米体重91公斤主要事迹1. 上高中时,带领校队获得州冠军。2. 哈弗大学毕业后,2020年开始在NBA打球。3. 2020年12月先后被金州勇士队、休斯顿火箭队裁掉,之后签约纽约尼克斯队。影响2020年2月,他在NBA赛场上神奇表现引起全世界的关注,并登上时代周刊杂志的封面。注意:1. 词

2、数120左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 参考词汇:金州勇士队the Golden State Warriors、休斯顿火箭队the Houston Rockets 、纽约尼克斯the New York Knicks。Hello, everyone! Jeremy Lin is my favorite athlete. He is the first Chinese American basketballer to play in the NBA. Born in California on Aug. 23rd, 1988, he is 1.91meters high and

3、weighs 91 kilograms.Actually, as a senior high school student, Lin led his school team to win the state championship. After graduating from Harvard University, he began to work for the NBA in 2020. Unfortunately, he was fired by the Golden State Warriors and the Houston Rockets. In Dec., 2020, he wa

4、s depressed. Since he signed with the New York Knicks, he has been working hard.To his credit, he made a focus on the NBA all over the world in Feb., 2020. As a result, he was promoted on the cover of the magazine named Times. Thats all. Thank you. (Words: 133)_Notes1. How to develop the writing?Jer

5、emy Lin is my favorite athlete. (The topic is introduced. )Actually, as a senior high student, After graduating from .Unfortunately,In Dec., 2020, .Since .To his credit, .(Return to the topic. )2. Keep in mind these chunks.the first to do sth.graduate fromsign withmake a focus2发言稿拼写问题如今,很多中学生不重视背诵和默

6、写英语单词,英语作文中出现很多拼写错误的单词,影响意思表达。最近,你的英语老师给同学们提供了一个讨论的话题 “How to avoid spelling mistakes?”,请围绕这个话题,写一篇英语发言稿。注意:1. 词数120左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Hello, everyone! Nowadays, some of us dont like memorizing new words. Thus, spelling mistakes are unavoidable, which affects what they express.How to handle the p

7、henomenon? Firstly, we should accumulate the knowledge about English pronunciation. As is known, English pronunciation is closely related to English spelling. Secondly, whether in our listening, speaking, reading or writing practice, its necessary to apply new words as much as possible. Only by maki

8、ng use of new words frequently can we spell them accurately. Thirdly, its a good idea to memorize new words in word groups. For example, when we learn the word “victim”, some other words ought to be presented such as “suspect”, “witness”, “lawyer” and “judge”.Ok! How do you like my suggestions? Mayb

9、e they will make a difference to your avoiding spelling mistakes. Thats all. (Words: 133)_Notes1. How to develop the writing?Hello, everyone! Nowadays, Thus, (The topic is introduced. )How to handle the phenomenon?Firstly, ( . As is known, .)Secondly, . ( . Only by doing sth. .)Thirdly, . ( . For ex

10、ample, .)Ok! How do you like my suggestions? (Return to the topic. )2. Keep in mind these chunks.like doing sth.be unavoidablebe related towhether or it is necessary to do sth.as much as possiblehow do you like sth. ?avoid doing sth.3. 演讲如何与朋友相处假如你校要主办一次主题为的英语演讲比赛。请用英语写一篇演讲稿,要点如下:1. 你对朋友的理解;2. 尊重并信任

11、朋友;3. 常与朋友聊天。注意:1. 词数120左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Hello, everyone! All of us have friends. My topic is how to get along well with friends.As for this topic, I have three tips. To start with, friends play an important role in our life. We friends share our happiness and sorrow. Without friends, we would

12、have no sense of safety. Next, respect and trust our friends. Never offend them on purpose. If misunderstandings arose, we would try to remove them. Finally, its necessary to chat with friends often. By doing so, not only do we get useful information but also we strengthen our friendship.Ok! What is

13、 above mentioned is my answer to the question how we should get along well with friends. Thats all. Thank you! (119)_Notes1. How to develop the writing?All of us have friends. . (The topic is introduced.)As for this topic, .To start with, .Next, .Finally, .Ok! What is above-mentioned . (Return to th

14、e topic.)2. Keep in mind these chunks.get along well withplay a role inhave no sense of never do sth.on purposeremove misunderstandingschat with sb.strengthen ones friendshipmy answer to the question4. 演讲择友请你根据这句英语名言 “Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends whom we

15、choose”并结合自己的经历写一篇演讲稿,参加学校组织的英语演讲比赛,谈谈应该如何择友。注意:1. 词数120左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Hello, everyone! How do you like the belief that life is partly what you make it and partly what it is made by the friends whom you choose?Here is my story. In primary school, I had a friend. He was intelligent and excellent. However, later, he became addicted to online


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