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1、职称英语综合C类阅读判断高分点拨(8)阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出了七个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断。如果该句提供的是正确信息,请在答题卡上把A涂黑;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请在答题卡上把B涂黑;如果该句的信息文章中没有提及,请在答题卡上把C涂黑Plants and MankindBotany, the study of plants, occupies a peculiar position in the history of human knowledge. We dont know what our Stone Age ancestors knew about plants

2、, but from what we can observe of preindustrial societies that still exist, a detailed learning of plants and their properties must be extremely ancient. This is logical. Plants are the basis of the food pyramid for all living things, even for other plants. They have always been enormously important

3、 to the welfare of people, not only for food, but also for clothing, weapons, tools, dyes, medicines, shelter, and many other purposes.Tribes living today in the jungle of the Amazon recognize hundreds of plants and know many properties of each. To them botany has no name and is probably not even re

4、cognized as a special branch of knowledge at all.Unfortunately, the more industrialized we become the farther away we move from direct contact with plants, and the less distinct our knowledge of botany grows. Yet everyone comes unconsciously on an amazing amount of botanical knowledge, and few peopl

5、e will fail to recognize a rose, an apple, or an orchid. When our Neolithic ancestors, living in the Middle East about ,000 years ago, discovered that certain grasses could be harvested and their seeds planted for richer yields the next season, the first great step in a new association of plants and

6、 humans was taken. Grains were discovered and from them flowed the marvel of agriculture: cultivated crops. From then on, humans would increasingly take their living from the controlled production of a few plants, rather than getting a little here and a little there from many varieties that grew wil

7、d and the accumulated knowledge of tens of thousands of years of experience and intimacy with plants in the wild would begin to fade away .1. It is logical that a detailed learning of plants and their properties must be extremely ancient.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned2. People can not survive wi

8、thout plants.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned3. Tribes living today in the jungle of the Amazon teach botany to their children at school.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned4. Our direct contact with plants grows with the process of industrialization.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned5. Today people

9、 usually acquire a large amount of botanical knowledge from textbooks.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned6. People living in the Middle East first learned to grow plants for food about ,000 years ago.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned7. Once mankind began farming, they no longer had to get food from

10、many varieties that grew wild.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentionedPlants and Mankind1. A。 该问题句说“对植物和它们的特征进行详细地研究一定是从远古开始的,这种说法是合理的。” 答案查找的线索词:a detailed learning(详细地研究)和properties(特征) 。从第一段开始查找,不难在第一段的第四行找到含有该线索词的相关句。对照原文和问题句,不难发现原文的说法与问题句的主句相符,且在原句后有“this is logical”,而this作为代词回指前句(相关句),所以答案正确。2. A。 该

11、问题句说“人们离开了植物不能生存。”,这句话依据常识判断应是正确的。但为了安全起见,也可用上述的方法确认答案。答案查找的线索词:survive(生存)或其近义词。不难在第一段的第五行找到相关句。对照原文和问题句,不难发现原文的说法与问题句的主句相符:原句说“植物是所有生物,甚至是其它植物的的食物金字塔的基础”,所以答案正确。3. B。该问题句说“生活在亚马逊河丛林里的部落给他们的孩子在学校里教授植物学。”。答案查找的线索词:tribes(部落) 和Amazon(亚马逊河)(地名是典型的答案线索词) 。不难从第一段的倒数第四行找到相关句群。对照原文和问题句,不难发现原文的说法与问题句的主句不相符

12、:原句说“他们的词汇中还没有植物学这个词,甚至可能不承认植物学是门专门的知识”,所以答案不正确。4. B。该问题句说“我们直接与植物的接触随着工业革命的进程而加深。”。这句话依据常识判断应是不正确的。但为了安全起见,也可用上述的方法确认答案。答案查找的线索词:the process of industrialization(工业革命的进程)(专有名词是典型的答案线索词) 。不难在第二段的首句找到含有相关线索词(industrialized)的相关句。对照原文和问题句,不难发现原文的说法与问题句的主句不相符:原句说“工业话的程度越高,我们与植物的直接接触就越少”,所以答案不正确。5. B。该问题

13、句说“现在人们大部分的植物知识通常是从书本上获得。”。答案查找的线索词:Botanical knowledge (植物学知识)。不难在第二段的第三行找到含有相关句。对照原文和问题句,不难发现原文的说法与问题句的主句不相符:原句说 “人们是无意识地获取了大量的植物学知识。”,所以答案不正确。6.A。该问题句说“大约在,000年以前,生活在中东的人最先学会了种植农作物。”。答案查找的线索词:,000 (数字是典型的答案线索词)。不难在第二段的第五行找到含有相关句。对照原文和问题句,不难发现原文的说法与问题句的主句相符:原句中虽然并没有使用learn to grow (学会种植) 而是用discover(发现),但在随后的一句中说 “从他们开始谷物被发现了,而且出现了农业的奇迹 -种植农业。”,所以答案正确。7. B。该问题句说“人们一旦开始耕种就不在需要依靠野生植物来获取食物。”。这句话依据常识判断应是不正确的。但为了安全起见,也可用上述的方法确认答案。可以推测这道题的相关句应在第六题的先关句之后,原文中只是说“他们不断地从少数的弄耕作物中获取食物。”,而少数的弄耕作物据推测应并不能满足那时人们的需要,所以答案不正确。



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