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1、高一英语错题(一)1, He missed _ when he was in Africa.A. killing B. to be killed C. to kill D. being killed2, The boss _ company I worked two years ago has _ in solving such kind of problem.A. in whose; many experiences B. whose; many experiencesC. which; much experience D. in whose; much experience3, Which

2、 sentence is wrong?A. I still remember the name of the village we visited last year.B. We prefer the students who like challenging themselves.C. Dont enter the house of which roof has been destroyed in the hurricane.D. The professor lives in the room whose windows face south.4, He made another wonde

3、rful discovery, _ of great importance to science.A. which I think it B. which I think it is C. I think which is D. which I think is5, Because she doesnt respect them, they dont think she deserves _ the truth.A. know B. knowing C. known D. to know6, She couldnt keep back her tears at the scene in the

4、 film _ the poor child was brought back to his parents at last.A. why B. how C. of which D. in which7, I wonder if they agree on the project _. A. after all B. above all C. in all D. at all8, _ difficulties we may come across, well help one aother to overcome them.A. Wherever B. Whenever C. However

5、D. Whatever9, There was _ time _ I hated to go to school. A. a; that B. a; when C. the; that D. the; when10, I have bought two ball-pens; _ writes well.A. neither of which B. neither of them C. none of which D. none of them11, Those successful deaf dancers think dancing is an activity _ sight matter

6、s more than hearing.A. which B. while C. where D. why12, - We missed the first part of the play. What a shame!- We _ have started earlier. A. would B. must C. should D. might13, - Would you like something to eat?- No, thanks. I am _ hungry. A. a bit B. a little C. not a bit D. not a little14, - How

7、about going for a walk after supper?- _ wonderful. A. Sound like B. Sound C. Sounds like D. Sounds15, You are supposed to _. Why are you playing computer games?A. work B. have worked C. working D. be working16,_ in Shanghai, they went in search of a restaursant.A. As soon as their arrival B. On they

8、 arrived C. Upon their arrival D. Upon they arrived17, The chairman required the person referred to _ at the meeting.A. would be punished B. be punished C. punished D.was punished18, The young man insisted he _ the law and that he _ free.A. hadnt broken; was set B. didnt break; was set C. hadnt brok

9、en; be set D. hasnt broken; be set19, Janes weak voice suggested that she _ ill, and her parents suggested she _ a doctor.A. be; should see B. was; should see C. should be; saw D. was; saw20, We dont allow_ in the lecture hall, so you arent allowed _ here.A. to smoke; to smoke B. to smoke; smoking C

10、. smoking; smoking D. smoking; to smoke21, Bill is considered _ the best pop singer in our city and he is considering _ his first concert sometime next month. A. being; to give B. being; giving C. to be; giving D. to be; to give22, - I regret _ you John has left office, but he didnt regret _ such a

11、good job.- Perhaps he will find a better one.A. to tell; to lose B. telling; to lose C. to tell; losing D. telling; losing23, He is in touch with many friends to keep himself (inform) of what is going on at home and abroad.24, He told me that the rest of the story was (continue) in the next unit.25,

12、 (一听到这个消息), he cried.26, For the last two years, he (write) a history book of the American Civil War.27, The bush fire is said (bring) under control already.28, With lots of trees and flowers (plant) here and there, the newly-built factory looks very beautiful.29, I joined the club _ ( 主要地) because

13、it has a basketball court.30, I visited several large cities in China like Shanghai, Beijing anf Guangzhou. (句子改写)I several large cities in China Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou.31, It your teacher. (听起来你和你老师在一起很轻松愉快)高一英语错题(二) Nov.1,202032, Maria, _ for help while in trouble, left for New York yeste

14、rday.A. to that I always turn B. to who I always turn C. to whom I always turn D. I always turn to whom33, Tom has got himself into a dangerous situation _ he is likely to lose control over the plane.A. where B. which C. when D. why34, - Id like to take a weeks holiday.- _ . Were too busy.A. Dont worry B. Dont mention it C. Forget it D. I cant follow you35,Is this research center _ you visited the modern equipment last week?A. where B. that C. the one whe


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