2020届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 11 The Media讲练精品学案 北师大版必修4

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1、Module 4Unit 11The Media1demand vt.需要,需求n要求,需要【精讲拓展】demand sth.要求某事demand to do要求做demand of sb.to do要求某人做demand sth.of/from sb.向某人要某物demand that从句的动词用(should)动词原形in demand有需要的,吃香的on demand一经要求【典型例句】I demand his answer.I demand an answer from him.我要求他回答。 朗文当代Firewood is in great demand during winter

2、months.冬季月份对木柴的需求量很大。 美国传统She demanded that they leave immediately.她命令他们马上离开。 美国传统I demand to know whats going on!我要求了解正在发生什么事情。 朗文当代即学即用The machine demands_.Arepair Brepairing Cto repair Drepaired解析:句意为:这机器需要修理。demand后接动词,而该动词与主语存在被动关系时,该动词必须用doing或to be done形式。答案:B2pretend vt.假装,装扮【精讲拓展】pretend st

3、h.假装某事 pretend to be形容词 假装是pretend that从句假装 pretend to be doing假装正在做pretend to have done假装已经 pretend to do假装做【典型例句】We mustnt pretend to know what we dont know.我们一定不要不懂装懂。 朗文当代He pretended a headache.他假装头痛。 朗文当代He pretended to be sleeping when his mother called him.当他的母亲叫他时,他假装在睡觉。 朗文当代The woman pret

4、ended to be an expert.该女士佯称自己是专家。美国传统即学即用He pretended not_about it.Ahearing Bto have heard Chear Dheard解析:句意为:他假装还不知道此事。pretend后接不定式作宾语。答案:B3prepare vi.&vt.准备;配制,调制,制订;布置【精讲拓展】prepare to do准备做prepare for.为作准备prepare.for.使某人为作准备be prepared to do准备做(表状态)be prepared for为做好准备(表状态)make preparations for为作

5、准备【典型例句】The students are preparing for the exam.学生们正在为考试做准备。 朗文当代They were prepared for the worst.他们已准备好应付最坏的情况。 朗文当代The teacher prepared the students for the exams.老师让学生们为考试做准备。 朗文当代Im not prepared to give in.我不想认输。 美国传统翻译句子我们要作好准备,迎接各种挑战。_We must be prepared for all kinds of challenges.4approach v

6、i.&vt.走近,靠近,(在质量,性质等方面)近似 n接近;方式,方法;道路【精讲拓展】approach sb./sth.接近某人/某物approach sb.on /upon sth.为某事与某人打交道make approaches to sb.想与某人打交道approach to sth.的方法【典型例句】As spring approached,we grew happier.随着春天的到来,我们越来越开心。 美国传统The scientists are making a scientific approach to the subject.科学家们正在对这个问题进行科学探讨。 朗文当代

7、The pilot had to be cautious in his approach to the airport.飞行员在靠近机场时必须小心。 美国传统Walk softly as you approach the babys crib.当你走近婴儿的小床时,步子轻一点。 朗文当代即学即用翻译句子那个学生不善于和老师打交道。(make approaches to)_That student is not very good at making approaches to teachers.5conclude vi.vt.结束,推断,断定【精讲拓展】conclude that./sth.断

8、定conclude sth.结束to conclude最后(常用作插入语或状语)in conclusion最后,总之(作结束语时用)come to/arrive at/reach/draw/make a conclusion得出结论【典型例句】In conclusion,Id like to thank you for your coming to the meeting.最后,我对各位出席这次会议表示感谢。 朗文当代The jury concluded from the evidence that the defendant was innocent.陪审团依据证据作出裁决:被告无罪。 剑桥

9、高阶Did you come to/reach/draw any conclusions at the meeting this morning?今天上午的会议上你们有没有作出什么决定? 剑桥高阶即学即用We cant _whether a child is clever or stupid from his(her) points in an examination.Aconduct Bnotice Cunderstand Dconclude解析:句意为:我们不能从一个孩子的一次考试分数中推断他(她)是聪明还是迟钝。conclude.from表“从中推断出”。conduct表“指挥,做”;n

10、otice表“注意”。答案:D6stand vt.&vi.站立;位于;处于特定状态;经受【精讲拓展】cant stand sth./doing sth.无法忍受stand for代表;象征;支持,拥护stand against抵抗,反抗stand aside袖手旁观;让开stand out显眼,出色stand by袖手旁观;站在一边,帮助,支持【典型例句】He cant stand hot weather.他忍受不了炎热的天气。朗文当代How can you stand aside and see the child badly treated?看着孩子受虐待你怎么能无动于衷呢? 朗文当代We

11、 cant stand by while millions of people starve.数百万人在忍饥挨饿,我们不能袖手旁观。 剑桥高阶Which songs from the last year will stand the test of time?去年有哪些歌将经受住时间的考验呢? 剑桥高阶即学即用In the list two names_particularly.Astand out Bstand by Cstand for Dstand up解析:句意为:在名单中两个人的名字特别显眼。stand by表示“袖手旁观”;stand for表“代表”;stand up表示“站起来”。答案:A7.respect n尊敬,敬重;方面vt.尊敬,敬重【精讲拓展】respect sb.for sth.因某事而尊敬某人respect sb.as.尊敬某人为show respect for sb.尊敬某人have respect for sb


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