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1、河北省秦皇岛市第五中学高中英语 unit1 Cultural relicslanguage point练习 新人教版必修2in order to / so as to/ in order that/ so that In order to catch the train, he hurried through his work.He hurried through his work in order to/so as to catch the train.He hurried through his work in order that/so that he could catch the t

2、rain.归纳:练一练:_ get a better score, she has been studying hard all day.A. so has to B. in order to C. so that D. in order that 2too much / much too Hurry up! Youve wasted too much time. You talk too much. She speaks English much too fluently. He borrowed too many books from the library.归纳:用too much, m

3、uch too 填空(1)The price of the computers is _ high.(2)The lady spent _ money on new clothes.(3) The trip is _ for the old man.(4)You shouldnt talk _ in the class.(much too; too much; too much; too much) 3.clamadj.平静的;镇静的;沉静的Youshouldkeepclamintimeofdanger.区别:silent不说话,不出声;quiet安静的;宁静的;still不动的;强调“静止状

4、态”;clam指人“沉着,镇定”;指自然“无风无浪”。(1)Theoldmanstoodquite_,exceptthathislipsmovedslightly.(2)Onemanshoutedattheboy,“be_,boy!Whatsthematterwithyou?”(3)Heis_abouttheaccident.(4)Heremained_inthefaceofthecruelenemy. 4join / join (sb.) in / take part in / attend join参加某个组织,使其成为其中的一员。一般跟army, the league, the part

5、y, club, sb.作宾语;join (sb.) in sth.参加活动;take part in 参加某个活动,并在其中起积极的作用,一般等于join in;attend 参加或出席正式的活动或场合,如婚礼,葬礼等填空(1)We are glad to _ all the activities.(2)Mike _ Lilys wedding.(3)Will you please _ us _ the discussion?(4)He _ the army three years ago.句型及重难点句详解1While walking the dog, you were careless

6、and it got loose and was hit by a car.=While you were walking the dog,While living in England, he picked up some English.= While he was living in England,.When asked about the secret of his success, he said that he owed it to his wife.= when he was asked about the secret of his success,.归纳:练一练:While

7、 _ through the park, we saw a fine flower show.A. walked B. walking C. walks D. being walkingWhen _ from the hill,the buses look small.A. seen B. seeing C. see D. to see2. I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. so that/suchthat区别:练一练

8、:Mary is _ clever _ she understands everything.A. such a ; that B. such an ; that C. so ; that D. so ; as3it was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face .句式:it / this / that +is(was) +the first /the second /.time that “某人第一次/二次/次做某事。注意从句的谓语动词常用_。eg: It is the second t

9、ime that john has held an art exhibition.It was the third time that she had come to this mountain village to see the children.拓展:Its (high) time that表示“(早)该了”that从句要用_.eg:Its time that we left.练一练:(1). - Do you know our town at all?- No, this is the first time I _ here.A. had come B. am coming C. ca

10、me D. have come(2). This was the second time that I _ (去北京)。4She found it difficult to settle and calm down in the hiding place .句中it 做_,代替后面的不定式to settle and calm down in the hiding place.用法拓展:当复合宾语中的宾语是不定式、动名词、宾语从句时,往往把宾语放在它的补足语的后面,而it 作_,放在宾语补足语之前。I found it very interesting to study English.I th

11、ink it no use arguing with him.He made it clear that he was not interested in this subject.练一练:(1). I dont think _ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.A. this B. that C. its D. it (2). I like _ when the weather is warm and sunshine.A. it B. that C. this D. one综合练习(能力提升)改正每

12、小题中划线部分的错误。So as to catch the bus, he got up early this morning.He got up early this morning in order to he could catch the bus.He has wasted much too time , so he had to work harder.The trip to Beijing is much too for the old lady.He remained silent in the face of danger.My brother joined in the ar

13、my last year.Mary will take part in her friends wedding next week.While lived in England ,he picked up some English.When seeing from the top of the mountain, the village looks beautiful. Betty is such clever that she understands everything. Tom is so a hardworking boy that he is good at all subjects

14、.It is the first time that he visited this city.It was the first time that he has visited this city.It is high time that we go home now.I found that very interesting to play basketball with my friends.I think it useless to argue with him.He made this clear that he was not interested in playing computer games.3


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