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1、 Section Reading () (Lesson 4 &Communication Workshop)新生词汇初识.匹配下列单词的词性及汉语意思1tourismAn.指南;导游,向导2guideBvi. 定居3locate Cvt.坐落于;位于4settleDn.观光,游览5view Eadj.平均的 n平均数6average Fn.材料,原料7regular Gn.景色,风景8material Hadj.定期的;规则的9scenery In.烹饪10cuisine Jn.风景,景色【答案】15DACBG610EHFJI.选择下列句中相应词组的汉语意思A反对,抗议B追溯到C位于,坐落于D

2、被认为是;作为而闻名E也,又1A new factory is to be located on/in this site. 2Students took to the streets to protest against the decision. 3Edison is known as a great inventor. 4He is a friend in word as well as in deed. 5The history of the church goes back to the twelfth century. 【答案】15CADEB 教材语篇细研第一步速读了解文章主题和段

3、落大意速读P14教材课文,匹配段落大意1Para.1AThe history of the city2Para.2BTravel links3Para.3 CSights to see in Auckland4Para.4DFor water lovers5Para.5 ENew Zealands largest city【答案】15EACDB第二步细读把控文章关键信息细读P14教材课文,选择最佳答案1The author wrote the passage mainly to Aamuse readersBattract visitorsCtell people about the city

4、Dtell people about the country2It was who first built Auckland.Athe EuropeansBthe BritishCthe MaorisDthe Asians3. What might a traveller not see in Auckland? AVolcanoes.BNuclear weapons.CThe Auckland Harbour Bridge.DThe Sky Tower.4The capital of New Zealand moved from Auckland to Wellington mainly b

5、ecause of Aucklands .AhistoryBpopulation CclimateDlocation【答案】14CCBD第三步精读能力升华接轨高考根据P14教材课文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Auckland is the 1.largest(large) city in New Zealand. It has a population of just under a million people and is 2.located(locate) on North Island. It is a seaside city which is an impo

6、rtant centre 3.for business and industry. And it is also the 4.most(much) exciting city with people of many different cultures,the history of 5.which goes back 650 years when the Maoris 6.settled(settle) in this area. In 1985,the New Zealand government made the whole country a nuclearfree zone and s

7、ince 7.then Auckland has been a centre for protest against nuclear testing. It has many famous 8.sights(sight) such as Mt Eden and the Auckland Harbour Bridge. Whats more,it is called “the city of sails” because of the most boats and it has 9.a warm climate. In a word,it is an important and 10.exciting(excite) city in New Zealand.3


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