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1、Reunion with Old Friends 老友重逢dialogue 1Steve: Matthew? Hi!马修?嗨!Matthew: Steve! Havent seen you in ages! How longs it been?史蒂夫!好长时间不见了,有多久了呢?Steve: its got to be almost a year now.到现在差不多有一年了啊.M: how have you been?你怎么样?S: Im pretty good. Ive been looking for a place to live recently. My lease runs out

2、 next month and I dont want to renew it.我很好.我最近一直在找住的地方,下个月我租的房子就到期了,可是我不想继续在那住下去了.M: yeah, I remember the neighborhood. Have you found a place yet?是啊,我还记得你那个社区.那你找到住的地方了吗?S: not yet. I am still looking through the classifieds. Wish me luck.还没有.还在看报纸上的专栏广告,祝我好运吧!M: well, maybe I can help. Remember m

3、y neighbor?或者我能帮上忙.你还记得我的邻居吗?S: Mrs. Zhou?周太太吗?M: yes, her daughters having a baby, so shes moving in with her to help out. I think if you are interested, you can come over and have a look.是啊,她女儿不久之后要生小孩了,她要搬过去帮忙.我觉得你要是有兴趣,可以过来看看她的房子.S: great. Its a lovely neighborhood. And it would be nice to be ne

4、ighbors again. It would be just like the old days!那太好了,那周围的环境不错,和你做邻居也再好不过了,我们就会像以前那样.M: Ill ask Mrs. Zhou when shes available to show the apartment and let you know. Has your number changed?那我问问周太太,看她什么时候有时间带你去看看,定下来我再告诉你.你换电话号码了吗?dialogue 2Alex: hi, Bob, I am so glad that you came.嘿,鲍勃,我很高兴你能来.Bob

5、: of course Id come. I couldnt think of a better chance to see all my old friends.当然要来啦.我觉得没有比这更好的机会了,可以见到所有的老朋友.A: yeah. Its hard to believe that its been ten years since graduation. It feels just yesterday we collected our diplomas.是啊.真难以相信,转眼间我们已经毕业十年了,感觉发学位证就在昨天一样.B: how time flies. But hey, how

6、 are things going with you?时光如梭啊.你过得怎么样?A: oh, where to start? There have been ups and downs. Im still trying to find my place in this world. Its only recently that Ive been ablt to start settling down. How about you? You still with Jenny?从哪里说起呢? 生活有起有伏,我现在还是试着去找自己的位置,最近才开始逐渐安定下来.你呢?还和詹妮在一起吗?B: yeah

7、, Jenny and I got married right after graduation. It was tough the first years trying to make ends meet. I was supporting us both while she continued her studies. But now things are getting better. I work as senior manager in a trading company and shes working at a law firm. Its all started to come

8、together and were finally able to make a life for ourselves. Even starting to think about kids!当然啦,詹妮和我一毕业就结婚了.刚结婚那几年很苦,维持生计都很困难.我要养活两个人,因为詹妮要继续她的学业.但是现在好多了,我在一家贸易公司做高级经理,她也在一家律师事务所有了工作.现在一切都开始好转,我们终于有像样的生活了,我们俩现在都考虑要孩子了!A: oh, that sounds wonderful. I have always known you two would make it. I hope

9、 I can keep in better contact with you huys. I dont want us to drift apart again.那太棒了.我就知道你们俩个肯定会过的很好.我希望能和你们更好地保持联系,不想再变得疏远.B: definitely! Actually, we just moved into a new place. Theres a house-warming party this Saturday, if you are free? I know Jenny would love to see you again and it should be a good party.那是一定的啊!我们刚搬家,这周六打算办个聚会,庆祝乔迁之喜,到时候你有时间吗?詹妮看到你来,一定会很高兴的,聚会也会很有意思的.A: sounds great! Ill be there.听起来不错,我会去的.



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